
I am free. The state/government has no more power and/or authority over me than any other self-recognized entity (just because one SAYS they are your "boss" DOESN'T make it so!). A voluntary society is clearly superior over having a bunch of socio/psychopathic elitist insiders control everything from A - Z obviously because they will ALWAYS act in the interests of who pays them the most. Voting is slavery. Taxation is theft. #nogov #dontvote #peacefulanarchy #googlevoluntaryism #warismassmurderforprofit
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I am free. The state/government has no more power and/or authority over me than any other self-recognized entity (just because one SAYS they are your "boss" DOESN'T make it so!). A voluntary society is clearly superior over having a bunch of socio/psychopathic elitist insiders control everything from A - Z obviously because they will ALWAYS act in the interests of who pays them the most. Voting is slavery. Taxation is theft. #nogov #dontvote #peacefulanarchy #googlevoluntaryism #warismassmurderforprofit