
I am Inquisitor-Archivist AlSangmoore of the Brit /Pol Ministry of Information and CyberWarfare I am here to whip you into a frenzy of bringing about the utmost F A M I N E A M I N E To the Alt-Left Tech Alliance. ^ ) 4 ) 4 ) ---> THIS IS A DECLARATION OF AN EXODUS FROM THEM <--- ( 7 ( 7 ( ^ Post this to every Twitter and FB Group. For Twitter, remove the caps at the bottom due to character limitations, and put your channel instead of mine. ) 4 ) 4 ) Y A L I D A H S ( 7 ( 7 ( Facebook is dogshit - Minds is in EVERY way better, and won't ban you for not being a hollow vessel who speaks their mind. Leftist filth have no power there - Doing so helps fight censorship, and contributes to the DEATH of the alt-left tech alliance. Everyone migrate to Minds and add me, Alexander Sangmoore NO CONTENT FILTER NO SHADOW BANNING NO DEPLATFORMING NO ALGORITHMIC MANIPULATION NO CENSORSHIP NO GETTING ZUCC'D FOR A MONTH - EVER NO HAVING YOUR DATA SOLD TO MEDIA FIRMS AND THE CHINESE NO HAVING ZUCC PUT OUT SURVEYS ASKING IF CONVICTED PAEDOPHILES SHOULD ASK FOR LEWD IMAGES FROM CHILDREN
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I am Inquisitor-Archivist AlSangmoore of the Brit /Pol Ministry of Information and CyberWarfare I am here to whip you into a frenzy of bringing about the utmost F A M I N E A M I N E To the Alt-Left Tech Alliance. ^ ) 4 ) 4 ) ---> THIS IS A DECLARATION OF AN EXODUS FROM THEM <--- ( 7 ( 7 ( ^ Post this to every Twitter and FB Group. For Twitter, remove the caps at the bottom due to character limitations, and put your channel instead of mine. ) 4 ) 4 ) Y A L I D A H S ( 7 ( 7 ( Facebook is dogshit - Minds is in EVERY way better, and won't ban you for not being a hollow vessel who speaks their mind. Leftist filth have no power there - Doing so helps fight censorship, and contributes to the DEATH of the alt-left tech alliance. Everyone migrate to Minds and add me, Alexander Sangmoore NO CONTENT FILTER NO SHADOW BANNING NO DEPLATFORMING NO ALGORITHMIC MANIPULATION NO CENSORSHIP NO GETTING ZUCC'D FOR A MONTH - EVER NO HAVING YOUR DATA SOLD TO MEDIA FIRMS AND THE CHINESE NO HAVING ZUCC PUT OUT SURVEYS ASKING IF CONVICTED PAEDOPHILES SHOULD ASK FOR LEWD IMAGES FROM CHILDREN