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Are you under a spell?

AmphluxFeb 25, 2019, 12:32:13 AM

Suppose you encounter an unfamiliar person.

Their age, gender, race, etc are unimportant. They are unassuming. I'm going to present a few ideas and questions. I'm not looking for the answer, all I would like is for you to honestly answer them for yourself.

You learn that they do not think we went to the moon. -do you feel anger?

You learn that they think the Earth is flat. -does someone thinking this way make you angry?

You learn someone thinks the official story for 9/11 is the truth. -or- You learn someone thinks the official story for 9/11 is bullshit. -does either of these illicit some sort of internal emotional or maybe even physical response inside of you?

You learn that they just don't like Trump at all. -does this bother you emotionally? Do you get mad, heart rate increase, physical reaction?

You learn that they absolutely adore Trump. -does this bother you emotionally?

Where am I going with this...basically, I think our emotions have been hijacked.

Basically, I think our emotions have been hijacked, for a myriad of reasons. I notice conversations on #garbageFacebook that tend towards aggression almost all stem from world view disagreements. My estimation is the userbase agerange seems to predicate this. I do recall a period of time viewing social media in a younger age era. Looking through a lense of 'social media aggression'  I saw real world fights cascading into online pissing contests, males calling eachother pussies and threats of violence. It was pretty typical behavior for adolescent homo-sapien behavior. 

my paint skills are unmatched

But as we aged and social media aged with us, it seems that the aggression with social media was less and less about being physically confrontational and more and more emotionally driven. Conflicting world views clashing to the point where people reportedly would lose sleep over disagreeing with someone's text. People losing friends, losing contact with family members, a building growing sense of generational unease...I don't think we as a species realize how powerful the concept of logos really is. 

I mean, I don't fucking trust corporations, do you?

So now we have corporate driven platforms which feed off of emotional conflict. We've been emotionally hijacked for profit and propaganda. What's worse is mass adoption of said platforms have taken hold and seem to be difficult to shake the grasp. A move to bring a mass adoption of users to more open sourced, more liberated platforms is stymied even more by censorship on aforementioned controlled platforms.

If you are affected by the logos of others to the point of having physical reactions, if any of the questions posted above actually affect you in an visceral manner, I find it helps to recognize the mass hypnosis that we've all been subject too. I have been and I still am very affected by the logos of others. Understanding that we've been placed under an emotional hijacking and external forces seek to manipulate you helps to combat the forces exerted on you.

Wizards are weaving mass spells of hypnosis. Words are magic, they have power when we both individually and collectively let them. 

#blog #magic #socialmedia #life #propaganda