Hello, my friends.
In this video, I want to show you how I made raised beds and how I dig a ditch for raspberries also what I put in to it. When I was digging, I found various things in the ground such as bottles, pieces of pottery, pieces of glass, pieces of bricks and fragments of clothes or rags. Most of it is rubbish. At first I was worried that I didn't have enough compost, so I dug the paths lower to make patches higher, which turned out to be a waste of time and energy. I put a cardboard into the ditch where the raspberries will be, soak it with water and then cover it with compost. On the compost I sprinkled zeolite with basalt flour with a torn cardboard, at the end I added chicken manure and covered with soil. I plan to plant rye to keep nitrogen in the ground**.
**I am not an expert, what works for me might not work for you.
As always it was a funny day.
Thanks for watching 👍
📣I recommend the channel📣
☑No-Till Growers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLhu5JoRWPgEGDoUFfQHTPQ
✔Especially this video https://youtu.be/wm4cM6ZOe-w
☑The Weedy Garden https://www.youtube.com/c/TheWeedyGarden
☑The Dutch Farmer https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDutchFarmer
✔See also✔
☑ Starting a garden from scratch: Breaking ground https://www.minds.com/AndrzejDomanski/blog/starting-a-garden-from-scratch-breaking-ground-1411423027215732743
☑ Removing stumps only with a shovel and an ax https://www.minds.com/AndrzejDomanski/blog/removing-the-stumps-with-a-shovel-and-an-ax-1405887958363410452
☑ So many stumps to remove... https://www.minds.com/AndrzejDomanski/blog/so-many-stumps-to-remove-1403479459402616849
☑ Cutting firewood https://www.minds.com/AndrzejDomanski/blog/cutting-firewood-1402208678924259341
☑ Barrel https://www.minds.com/AndrzejDomanski/blog/barrel-1003684082495336448
☑ Barrel's first baby https://www.minds.com/AndrzejDomanski/blog/barrel-daughter-1142432923340668928
☑ Removing the stump from the garden https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1087424502846496768?referrer=AndrzejDomanski
☑ Collecting eggs https://www.minds.com/AndrzejDomanski/blog/collecting-eggs-1004764674432192512
☑ Pruning trees in the garden https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1081944779591602176?referrer=AndrzejDomanski
☑ Removing big broken branch https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1010429191918284800?referrer=AndrzejDomanski
☑ https://www.minds.com/AndrzejDomanski/blog/removing-big-broken-branch-1007003270969450496