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Blog Entry #6: More dubs not less!

Animeman73Sep 10, 2024, 8:03:24 PM

It’s no big secret I’ve been watching anime since the early 1980’s. I’ve watched as it’s grown from a back of the video store phenomenon into a million-dollar industry. I enjoy the complex storytelling and the unique characters. I enjoy the imaginative situations the characters end up in. And I enjoy the raw power and emotion that anime creates.

I love the enrgy and the craftsmanship of anime.


But in recent years a big problem has developed in the anime industry. At least the industry here in the United States. This essay will discuss some of the issues I have about anime especially dubbed anime. I’ll also explain solutions to the problems dubbed anime has here in the States. While I will be critical, I will also be fair in my assessments.

Now first off, something needs to get clarified here. Anime is not a genre it is an art form. And to those who say it promotes pedophilia my response is this. To be fair there is some anime that is way out there with the sexual stuff but that’s hentai. I tried to watch that once, I didn’t like it!

The material was way too much for me! I changed to something else in less than 10 seconds as a matter of fact. There’s a lot of anime out there which is very wholesome. 

Not all anime is sexualized. There's a lot out there which is very wholesome.


Some people have complained about the attire the female anime characters wear. That's seems more like a petty surface level complaint. And there's so much more to anime than that.

So let me get this straight. You're worried about what the female aniem charcters are wearing? Isn't that kind of petty when you think about it?


Now for this second issue I want to make something clear. This goes out to Yellow Flash. What I’m about to say is not meant to attack you or disrespect you, only to make you think. I take issue with the assumption all American anime voice actors are arrogant jerks. To be fair there are some who are that way.

I have never forgotten the dirty deeds that Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi have pulled. Some would say, “Oh for God’s sake that was years ago, move on already.”

I may have moved on Monica Rial.


But I havent' forgotten about what you and Jamie Marchi did. I love on I don't forget!


Oh, but I have moved on, the thing is I haven’t forgotten the bad faith actions done. I never forget those who do others dirty, the thing is I don't obsess over it. I can't afford to obsess over it, I've got too much writing to do!

Another issue is voice actor Damon Mills. Let me make this clear, I have no problem with gay men. They have as much right to work, prosper, and succeed as anyone else. Also, I heard all about the incident with that 16-yearold. Now for this situation let me offer up some context here.

The Damon Mills situation was a very ugly affair indeed. And brings up issues of ethics and morals with American Dub voice actors.


On the one hand what he did was not illegal!  This is some of that uncomfortable grey area in the laws of this country. The fact of matters is age of consent laws in such matters tend to vary from state to state. So, what Damon Mills did was not illegal by the standards of the state that boy was in. Now that said, that doesn’t make what Damon Mills did any less unprofessional or creepy.


In all professions including voice acting there needs to be one set of standards for all people. No exceptions for any reason.


With our voice actors there must be a rigorous set of standards enforced. This should get done regardless of race, gender, romantic preference, or political affiliation. We need that set of standards to make sure our voice actors don’t get themselves into any trouble. A good set of standards will make them think twice before doing something…unwise.


Now that said I get angry when people throw statements saying all voice actors are jerks. As someone who’s attended anime conventions since 2006, I can say this. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many great voice actors. Some were jerks or at least standoffish. But not all voice actors are that way.

Over the years I've met some great voice actors at Sakura-Con and Kumoricon.


Chuck Huber is one voice actor who is a real nice guy!


Back in my impressionable 20’s my mother got me a book from the Oregon Talking Books Library. How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere by Larry Zeiger was the book's name. The author has a name known by many people…Larry King. While I admit to not being a master of that book, I’ve learned the lessons of it well.


This is why when I go to a convention, I leave the politics out when I go talk to voice actors. As I’ve wrote in a previous essay conventions are an inappropriate place for modern politics. And I’ve talked to some great voice actors and not so great.

Sean Schmeel and Chris Sabat were kind of standoffish. Bryce Papenbrook and Alijandro Saab AKA Reppy T.V. are very nice people. Erica Schroeder and Lauren Lamda are fantastic. Vic Mignogna is a good man, not perfect but a good man. And I’d give him a bro hug without a second’s hesitation.

Contrary to what some think, Vic Mignogna is a decent man!


Alijandro Saab AKA Reppy T.V. is really cool dude. I can see how he got his milions of followers.


Amanda Miller is a very down to earth person, and I have nothing but respect for her. 

Amanda C. Miller is one of the most down-to-earth people I've met.


I will admit that I am a card-carrying Brittany Karbowski fan. I’ve met her three times over the years, and I can say she is a very lovely person. Also, I am a big fan of Austin Tindle. I’ve met him twice over the years.

I've met Brittany Jarbowski three times over the years. I cna say she is one of the sweetest people I've ever met.

The first time was during a panel on public speaking at Kumoricon. I volunteered myself for it as an effort to get over my Asperger’s. And the results were very inspiring. The second time I met him was at an autograph session at Sakura-Con 2024. I explained what I was doing, and he gave me some advice which has stuck with me.

“Everyone runs their own race,” he said to me.

Meaning I should stop comparing myself to others, which I sometimes unfortunately do. Instead, I should run this race that is my life at my pace. Again, wise words which have stuck with me. Which is why Austin Tindle is an inspiration to me. I look forward to seeing him again in the future.

Austin Tindle is a true inspiration to me. And I look forward to our next meeting.

I can also say I am a huge fan of Richard Epcar, his wife Ellen Stern Epcar, as well as Steve Blum. It's true we're on differing sides of the political spectrum. But to me I respect their work and keep the modern politics out, as it should be.

I admit I had a disagreement with Todd Haberkorn once. But he handled it in such a respectful and mature fashion that I can never hate him. In fact, I’ve got nothing but the utmost respect for him.

To be fair Yellow Flash has admitted he’s never met any voice actors. And it’s because of that and his blanket statement I must call him out on it. I’ve met my fair share of voice actors, and I enjoy the experience of meeting new people. And I judge everyone based on their content of character, as it should be.


Now here is the third issue I have with dubbed anime. People who say, “If you watch dubbed anime, you’re an SJW.”

    I find that attitude rather insulting to my intelligence. Can we please keep the politics out?! I’m no extremist of any kind. I like dubbed anime because I’d like to know what’s being said as I don’t speak Japanese very well. Also, with my visual impairment I can’t read subtitles very well.

When watching anime I'd like to know what the characters are saying. That transcends politcs to a simple love of anime.


This is especially true when people are speaking fast.

Because I like dubbed anime doesn’t make me any less unworthy of being an anime fan. In fact, getting rid of dubbed anime would exclude a large chunk of the population. From a business angle that’s a recipe for disaster and very exclusionary. Anime is for everyone, at least everyone who loves it the way it is. All we need do is keep the politics and grievances out and we’ll be fine.

Now that said here are some of the major problems facing modern dubbing. Brace yourselves because I’m going to get a little critical on this. But as stated I will be fair.

In recent years many localizers have inserted their politics into anime and manga. Or at least the translation of it where it’s inappropriate. These bad faith actors have irritated many Japanese companies. All they want to do is produce good anime and manga. So, they’ve been revoking deals with localizers.

These comapnies wnat to produce good manga and anime. They don't want their work getting used to lecture people.


And this brings us around to the second problem…that of the A.I. issue. And ho boy where to begin with this can of worms?! Modern technology is wonderful as it’s improved our lives so much. But like so many I am concerned about the growing dependency of corporations on A.I. systems. This has the potential to suck all the life out of art.

And it’s a great truth art requires a human touch, that is a human spirit. A.I. can only do so much to help. Many fear that Japanese companies are doing this to save on money. Greed is a universal vice suffered by even Japanese companies. And to be fair there’s good reason for this.

Between the bad faith actors and the demand/temptation of A.I. it makes for an ugly mix.

No matter what part of the world it is this holds tryue. Corporate greed is a universal vice.


The third issue I have is in this country Crunchyroll is getting way too big for its own good. The company is reaching Disney levels of incompetence. The recent fiasco with transitioning from Funimation to Crunchyroll is a prime example. Bad customer service and localizers inserting their politics. That doesn't make for a good look.

Now that said we come to the solutions for these issues. For starters while human beings are not perfect, I will take them over machines any day of the week. Or a mixture of A.I. and humans could work. Finding that good balance is a great idea. If we do have localizers let them be independent.

I'm thinking that some anti-trust lawsuits might be in order. Crunchyroll is getting a little too big. And the customer service is going downhill fast.


Let them not insert their politics only the mantra of “Story, story, story.”

This is another case of let’s get the modern politics out and get back to entertaining the people. Localizers help make sense of the Japanese language. Concentrate on that and leave the politics at home.

Now on the issue of Crunchyroll this can get resolved in only one way. We need more companies that dub Japanese anime. As it stands Crunchyroll is too big. Viz Media is still around and Sentai Filmworks are hanging in there. But we need a diversity of companies.


Viz Media is still around to which I'm quite pelased with.


Sentai Filmworks is still hanging in there. And I'm pelased with that becasue Food Wars was absolutely brilliant!


I would prefer companies outside of and not controlled by Hollywood. This will help in several ways. First voice actors banned in an unfair way can get work still. It means that fresh talent can get grown at these companies. It will provide opportunities for newcomers wanting to get their feet wet.

It'll give some seasoned pros a chance to test the mettle of their voice acting ability.

A diversity of dubbing companies outside of Hollywood is a good thing. In a Twitch stream he did not so long-ago Vic Mignogna made a very good point. "Mainstream dubbing has become a very dark place," he said.

Vic is a nice guy and all, But I’ll be far blunter about it. Mainstream dubbing like the rest of Hollywood is corrupt beyond belief! Hence why we need alternatives outside of the mainstream.

Between the unprofessionals activists and the greedy bean counters mainstream entertainment has seen better days.


This can only benefit anime here in the States. And even encourage some Americans to work with Japanese companies to create anime. Few know this but one of my dreams is to have my own writings turned into anime and manga. Since I’ve been a fan of it so long, I’ve gotten influenced by anime a lot which is why I know my work could fit in with it.

So, I’ve made my thoughts clear on the issues in dubbed anime. I’ve pointed out the problems and the most relevant solutions. I write this because I want to see dubbed anime around for years and years to come. I want future generations to know the joy that we’ve felt in this stuff.


Well, that concludes this month’s blog entry. Next month I’ll be talking about another nerdy subject, how I would fix Might & Magic. I hope you’ll join me for that blog entry. If you enjoyed this article like and share this across Minds and all social media. Let me know your thoughts on what I wrote.

Do you agree or disagree with what is said. Is there subject matter I missed? Did I do good or does my work need improvement? Constructive criticism is welcome here. Your input helps me become a better writer.

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Thank you for reading this commentary. Until next time this is Animeman73 signing off. Stay true to yourselves, stay classy, and God bless you all.



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Next: Blog Entry #7: Fixing Might and Magic (Coming next month)