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Sonic the Hedgehog review

Animeman73Mar 16, 2020, 9:30:05 PM

Hello out there Internet wanderers. Greetings and salutations from the Pacific Northwest. It’s time for another Animeman73 movie review.

This time we’ll be looking at the movie Sonic the Hedgehog. Based on the legendary SEGA character.

I hope you'll enjoy my thoughts on this movie. All pictures in this are valid under the terms of the fair use agreement of 1976. Also note there will be spoilers for this.

Fair warning given and now let us begin!


After my last review I needed something positive to see. Watching and writing Joker was a hard thing to do because the movie was so depressing and dark. So I needed something light-hearted to counterbalance Joker's darkness.

Enter into this equation Sonic the Hedgehog. Based on the Sonic franchise created by SEGA. This movie has seen some interesting times.

I’m bringing this up because this isn’t some actor or cast drama. This has to do with the product itself. When the first trailer came out Sonic looked like absolute nightmare fuel!

And the rage from the Sonic fans was so powerful it shook the Internet like a 10 on the Richter scale earthquake. When you botch up with passionate fans, they'll let you know in a hurry.




Now that looks a lot better!


But here's where the surprise change happened. This move was unlike a lot of directors. Many would dismiss the completely valid fan fury and proceed to call them all sort of isms and phobes.

But instead, director Jeff Fowler got on Twitter and sent a message to the fans. One that went something like this,

“Thank you for the support and the criticism. The message is loud and clear. You aren’t happy with the design & you want changes.

"It’s going to happen. Everyone at Paramount and Sega are fully committed to making this character the best he can be.”

And then added in hashtags sonic movie and gottafixit fast. Granted this did cause some delays but it’s out now. Kudos should go where they’re due. 

Jeff Fowler listened to the fans so kudos to him. Also, kudos to the Sonic the Hedgehog community for being so vocal about what they wanted. So, to Jeff Fowler and the Sonic fans this heartfelt God bless you goes out to you!

The movie opens in an action-packed fashion. Sonic voiced by Ben Schwartz is on the run in the city of San Francisco. Dr. Robotnik played by Jim Carrey is chasing the blue-haired hedgehog.

Cue the scene freeze as Sonic narrates how things got to this point. He takes the audience back to the beginning of his adventure on his home world. From the time he was very young he got raised by a sentient owl named Long Claw.

She was like a mother to him since he never knew his real parents. Since he was young Sonic has always been an overconfident showoff. This despite his Guardian’s warnings about hiding.


This is Long Claw, Sonic's guardian.


One day after running around the island where he lives, he comes home. And gets a stern lecture right before some of the local hostiles come looking for Sonic. All because they want his power.

The owl takes him and their treasure trove of rings that can open doorways to other worlds. But she gets struck in one wing by a spear and she and Sonic crash to the ground. She tells him to flee from their enemies. 

The world Sonic escapes to ends up being none other than Earth. To be precise the area near a fictional town in Montana called Green Hills.

Ten years after Sonic’s arrival the movie picks up. We get introduced to Tom Warbowski played by James Marsden. A native of Green Hills who comes from several generations of cops.


Meet Tom Warbowski as portrayed by James Narsden


Currently he’s stuck with helping out the local wildlife and farm animals. As well as dealing with his goofy deputy Wade and looking for speeders on the nearby highway. Sonic calls him Doughnut Lord because of his penchant for talking to doughnuts.

During one of their cat and mouse games Tom finds one of Sonic’s hairs. The blue troublemaker also likes to tease the town’s local eccentric Crazy Carl. Played by actor Frank J. Turner.

Carl calls Sonic the blue devil, a local legend. Well Sonic is a little devil but an actual devil, nope.

After a day of teasing Tom's radar gun and him Tom gets a note from the San Francisco police.

It indicates that they're interested in hiring Tom onto their force fulfilling a dream of his. Sonic goes over to Tom's home and watches him and his wife. Veterinarian Maddie Warbowski, played by Tika Sumpler.


Meet Maggie Warbowski as portrayed by Tika Sumpler.


Sonic calls her pretzel lady because of her yoga workouts. The couple settle in to watch the Keanu Reeves movie Speed. At this not for the first time Sonic realizes he’s lonely.

This becomes clear the next day. He watches a Little League baseball game at the local field. In frustration he runs around the field at such speed that it generates an electrical wave.

One that causes the town and the entire region of the country to black out. In desperation Sonic pretends it didn’t happen. Um, yeah sorry facts don’t care about feelings.


To think it all starts with Sonic doing this and being lonely. Poor little guy.


A session of the joint Chiefs of staff gets called in the nation's capital. They decide to use Ivo Robotnik, AKA our favorite evil scientist Dr. Robotnik. Though they're hesitant because the man's tactics are very dangerous.

A day later the military cordons off the baseball field. Then a very sinister looking big rig arrives containing said antagonist. With him as always are his crew.

Including his assistant Agent Stone played by Lee Majdoub.


Meet Ivo Robotnik as poratrayed by Jim Carrey. Destined to be the antagonist of Sonic.


Meet Agent Stone as portrayed by Lee Majdoub


From the beginning Carrey’s character comes off as an arrogant prick. One with a streak of sadism and a genius intelligence. In short Jim Carrey fits Ivo Robotnik like a velvet glove.

The villain’s instruments and machines pick up Sonic's trail. The Hedgehog flees the cave he’s spent the last ten years in. Leaving behind all his things save the bag of rings.


SOnic meet Tom...Tom meet Sonic> First time meeting goes as wellas one could guess.


All so he can protect himself as his guardian taught him. In an ironic twist he ends up breaking into Tom’s house. Against the advice of his wife Tom takes Maggie’s tranquilizer gun to go investigate.

Racoons have broken into his house and trash can before. 

Maggie meanwhile is staying in San Francisco with her sister and niece. All while she looks for an apartment for them. And it's clear Maggie’s sister Rachel played by Natasha Rothwell doesn’t like her marriage to Tom.

Geez, talk about sour grapes!

Instead of finding raccoons Tom finds a certain blue Hedgehog and freaks out. Before shooting the spiky hero with the gun. Before Sonic blacks out he notes Tom’s shirt which reads San Francisco on it.

He opens a portal and drops his bag of transport rings. They land by accident on top of the TransAmerica Pyramid building in said city. Oops, awkward! 

As soon as Sonic comes to Tom gets the story on why the cerulean creature is here. At this point Dr. Robotnik tracks down his quarry. Tom tries to use his police savvy to send the scientist on a wild goose chase.

The villain proves relentless in his pursuit. He then hears a sound coming from the kitchen. The men discover it's a raccoon getting into the celebration cake Maggie had baked for Tom.

Tom's trying to use police savvy. But Ivo Robotnik is not so easily fooled.


The scientist’s robots still manage to flush out Sonic. At first the hedgehog freaks the doctor out. This allows the officer to punch Robotnik and grab Sonic.

This shows that Sonic cares about those hes with.


the two flee in Tom's truck. During the escape Robotnik's robots blast holes in the house with their laser weapons. Worse still Dr. Robotnik finds the piece of Sonic's fur that Tom found.

The significance of this will come into play later.

Tom with some reluctance takes Sonic on a journey to San Francisco. Things get crazy that night when they stop off at a local biker bar and gas station. Tom tries to make a call to his deputy and discovers that Robotnik is at his police station.

After some trash talking the rogue cop from Montana hangs up on the diabolical scientist. The cop then finds Sonic has gotten himself into the bar. He has to do some fast talking to get the waitress to not see the person in front of her is a blue Hedgehog or a kid.

Yeah Tom's going to have to do some serious fast talking here.

That proved an absolute hoot to watch. Sonic and Tom then talk about the idea of a bucket list. Sonic then proceeds to do things on his list.

Including riding a mechanical bull and line dancing with hilarious results.

Things take an ugly turn when some local toughs come up to Tom looking to start some trouble. In typical police fashion he wants to deescalate the situation. Sonic having watched one too many action movies nails the lead tough on the head with a glass bottle. 

The hit is not very hard only a love tap. And the lead biker has a hard head to begin with. The tough then tries to hit Sonic and ends up hitting Tom instead.

The blue hedgehog using his power then slows down time. Then he proceeds to run around the bar setting up all sorts of sneaky tricks. Again, hilarity ensues as time returns to normal.

The end results of Sonic's shenanigans go into effect. The two scamper out of the bar to Tom’s truck and flee. Leaving an irate group of bikers behind.

An angry mob of muscle-bound bikers after you? Yeah, it’s time to run!

That night at a motel Sonic does all sorts of crazy things in the hotel room before he goes to sleep. Tom takes a look at the Hedgehog’s bucket list. He sees all but one item got crossed off...make a best friend. 

He tucks the blue creature in. Aw, there’s a friendship forming here. It’s a beautiful thing.

The moment gets shattered when Tom sees the news. He got framed as a terrorist by Dr. Robotnik who threatened to do as much.

The next day Dr. Robotnik interviews the people at the biker bar. And uses his intelligence, surprising strength, and personality to intimidate them. That includes sending the tough that attacked Tom and Sonic through a window for the second time. 

Meanwhile Tom and Sonic get into a bit of an argument. Tom wants to leave Green Hills and join the San Francisco P.D. because he thinks he can help more there. Including fulfill something on his bucket list, saving a life.

Meanwhile Dr. Robotnik calculates where the two are heading. He sends one of his machines after them. A short time later Sonic and Tom cross over the Oregon border into California.

That's when the mad scientist's unstoppable machine finds them. Sonic manages to trash the big tank-like vehicle by slamming into it at breakneck speed. And he survives the collision.

The witty banter from Tom and Sonic that follows is an absolute joy to watch. Robotnik's reaction is priceless! The amusement is short-lived as a smaller vehicle pops out.

It gets destroyed only for a smaller one to come out. Tom actually uses a baton to destroy the thing. Then a tiny machine comes out and cuts off the top of the policeman’s truck.

I’ve heard of going topless but sheesh! They finally manage to get rid of the machine. But not before a massive explosion from it knocks Sonic out cold.


I've heard of going topless. But this is ridiculous!


Tom races to the house of his sister-in-law. Rachel tries to keep him out. Besides the fact Tom got framed his sister-in-law has always never liked him.

And she's tried to get Maggie to break up with her husband. Wow, real nice…not!

In typical fashion things go awry when Tom’s explanations fall flat. Especially when his dog who’s with Maggie uncovers Sonic. The hedgehog got concealed by blankets thrown on him.

That is until a certain nosy pooch smelled him out. Maggie does her best to keep her cool. They manage to revive Sonic with some smelling salts.

As wife and husband argue the niece brings Sonic a new set of shoes to replace his old. The generous gesture surprises Sonic who's never had this happen in his life.

Husband and wife take Sonic to the Transamerica Pyramid building in San Francisco. Sonic driving...and causing an accident. Tom then proceeds to “Abuse his authority.” 

He explains that there’s a jumper on the roof he’s trying to stop to the secretary at the front desk. I found this amusing because it pokes fun at the whole notion that all police officers abuse their power. Granted some do, most don’t.

So, I find mocking this notion to be delicious.

Anyhow the three make it to the roof and find the bag of golden rings. But Sonic doesn’t want to go to the mushroom world that's supposed to be his escape. He’s become attached to Earth and Tom.

The heartwarming moment gets shattered when Dr. Robotnik shows up. And his new fighter jet's power source is one of Sonic’s hairs. Thus, it has unlimited energy.


In the middle of a heartwarming moment...Robotnik shows up!


Here's the evil genius himself! And he looks like he wants to start some trouble.


The Hedgehog then knocks Maggie and Tom off the building. Before he proceeds to cause the missiles to explode. Unfortunately for the wily little hero he gets a surprise.

Robotnik’s jet speeds up to his level. The blue hedgehog then saves Maggie and Tom by using one of his rings to send them back to Green Hills. And into a pile of hay on a Green Hills farm in time to help one of the farmer’s cows who's gone into labor.

Wow, what a way to say welcome home! And then the couple realize they left Maggie’s sister Rachel tied up and she had to go to the bathroom when they left. Again, awkward.

The hedgehog then leads the evil scientist on a literal worldwide chase. Through Paris, China, and Egypt before they finally end up back in Green Hills at night. And it didn't even take 80 days to do so.

Sonic gets knocked out by one of Robotnik’s weapons. Tom tries to intervene only to get punched out by the evil genius. The vile scientist tries to kill the Warboskis.

And even threatens the townsfolk who rally behind Sonic. When Tom mentions Sonic is his friend something inside the little creature snaps. Sonic uses his power to hit Robotnik’s vehicle.


Do not ever threaten those Sonic cares about!


Then he uses a ring to send his enemy to the Mushroom Planet.

Several days later the Warbowskis receive a visit from a high ranking general. One who didn't like the evil scientist. He thanks them and gives them a gift, an Olive Garden coupon.

    Wow, Uncle Sam is so generous!

Once the General is gone Tom explains Sonic needs to go back to his cave. But it’s not the cave the hedgehog lived in. Sonic’s new cave used to be the attic of Tom’s house. 

Which is currently being rebuilt after Robotnik’s machines trashed it. So Sonic won't be lonely anymore. Aw, that’s swell.

Meanwhile Dr. Robotnik means to find the resources to return to Earth. And with his intelligence and the hair he still has he will.


He may be marooned on the Mushroom planet now. But I suspect he'll be back.


After several seconds of the closing credits another portal opens on Earth.

Out of it comes our favorite flying fox Tails. A sign that Sonic’s adventure has only begun.


ANd here comes Tails. YESSSS!!!!!


As I said after the depressing darkness of Joker this movie was an upbeat treat. This kind of heartwarming adventure story is absolute fun.

We can disagree with Jim Carrey's politics all we want. But he returns to his delightful physical comedy as Ivo Robotnik. This is what helped to make him a star.


Jim Carrey shows the physical comedy skill that amde hima star.,


Ben Schwartz does a good job of voicing the lovable blue hedgehog. This will up his credibility as a voice actor. Well played Mister Schwartz, well played I say.

The first Sonic trailer was nightmare fuel. But the second trailer and the movie itself were good clean fun.


Ben Schwartz voices Sonic to perfection!


James Marsden and Tika Sumpler in their roles have some great chemistry. 


James Marsden turns ina good performance as Tom Warbowski


Granted I did have a few complaints. I was waiting for Jim Carrey to scream, “I hate that hedgehog!”

Also, Dr. Robotnik wasn’t as robust as he was in the game. But still it was a good movie. I recommend this movie for kids as long as their parents are with them.

This movie is a fun time for everyone. Thank you, Jeff Fowler, for listening to the fans. Those who listen to the fans will get rewarded.

And thank you to the Sonic community for being so vocal on this.



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Until next time I'm Animeman73. Stay true to yourselves, stay classy, and God bless you all.



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