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the Willowsbrook Chronicles - Chapter 4: Stowaways

Animeman73Nov 27, 2019, 12:30:00 AM

Hello, everyone. Greetings and salutations once again from the Pacific Northwest. It’s time for another chapter of the Willowsbrook Chronicles.

For Gunther Willowsbrook and his friends much has changed. First, the tavern they worked in was visited by Bloodmaster gang members. T

hen one of them, a man named Brogan, revealed that he wasn’t what he seemed. He warned Gunther and his friends they were in a trap set by Rier Kethwelt, their employer. 

The situation wormseed when a fight erupted between the Bloodmasters rivals showed up.

Ambushed at the gate leading out of their district, Gunther and his friends got arrested. All because the three because each had dared defy Rier Kethwelt.

All hope seemed lost, until a mysterious King’s Officer showed up, and demanded their release. The skilled Officer freed them after a fierce struggle with the Constables. Before the man freed Gunther and the others, he revealed himself to be none other than Brogan.

Next they defeated the Constable Lieutenant. 

The four fled to the now ruined city district of Faith Lane, Gunther’s former home.

There, they ran into some friendly faces from Gunther’s past, among the Green Gremlin gang members. 

Also, Brogan, or whoever their savior is, has a great deal of influence with the Gremlins. 

Gunther and the others discovered a horrible truth. Earl Helfgin has been funding both The Bloodmasters and Sapphire Knights.

But why is he doing this? What’s Rier’s involvement? And what intrigue and treachery is afoot? Find out, as The Willowsbrook Chronicles continues.


On the third level, the small group looked over a map with many red x’s marking some city districts. “Note on this map that the gang fights have happened in these spots." Viera explained.

 The redhead Half-Elf  asked the important question. “Now, what do they have in common?”

Naomi answered the question. “Hang on, I know those districts of Ansolar. The gang fights have been taking place in the working-class neighborhoods. At least if this map reads true.”

Traask’s face darkened. “Exactly, Miss Kline. Now, where do you think the gang fights haven’t been taking place? Also, where have the Constabulary been concentrating their efforts?”

“The upper class and nobles’ neighborhoods,” Naomi surmised.

She then explained, “I have a friend who does messenger work. He mentioned the Constabulary patrols have actually been increasing in the wealthier districts.”

Gunther’s face paled in comprehension. “Are you saying that Rier, Helfgin, and others are trying to drive the working people out?”

Traask added, “You have to admit tis the only thing that makes sense.”



Something is rotten in Ansolar


The cook’s face furrowed. “But…why haven’t they gone after places such as Faith Lane?” he wondered.

Viera and Traask snorted . “Not that many people here since the Orphanage closed. Most people moved to the other neighborhoods.” Viera noted.

“It would also explain why the Bloodmasters and the Sapphire Knights haven’t come after us.” Traask pointed out.

“Hang on a minute,” Quigsley interjected. “If the nobility are conspiring to get rid of the working folks, who’s going to take their place? The Gods know, most of the nobles I’ve seen here ain’t exactly for getting their hands dirty, foppish snobs!”

“An Excellent question Mr. Starshatter,” Traask told the wizard with a nod of respect.

Viera’s face scowled in frustration. “A question that neither I, nor anyone else have been able to discover, and we’re not about to ask the nobility of this city.”

Quigsley, Gunther understood, had a point, what was the goal? If the nobles did intend to get rid of every regular citizen of this city, who would take their place?

At that moment, Brogan cleared his throat. “On that count, you’re in luck,” he explained.

 “I have some informants who work the Docks District. They’ve been telling me that there’s been a mass upswing in the amount of Barga meat coming into port.”

The big man’s face wrinkled in disgust. “Bargas, ugh, I know those ugly herbivores, but aren’t they used as meat and pack animals by…”

“The Goblins and Orcs of Ramgam down beyond Velstand’s Southern border.” Brogan confirmed.

Gunther shivered. “I’ve heard of that country, it's fertile and dangerous. Lots of nasty magical beasts, and the Orc and Goblin Tribes clashing. At least when they’re not trying to chip away at the Southern Border wall.”

Quigsley added, “Read up on Ramgam I did, when the Ansolar Library was still open. According to the stories it was once the epicenter of a lost Kingdom. Then some kind of catastrophe destroyed it and turned it into the death pit it is now.”



The Ansolar Library before it closed. Quigsley spent a lot of time here.


The big man grimaced as a single frightening idea chose to pop into his head. Naomi grimaced. “Please don’t tell me we’re going to have to..” she pleaded leaving the thought unfinished.

Brogan answered. “If Gunther is thinking we stow away on one of these ships, he’s on to something. There’s another shipment of that meat coming in tonight at pier Forty-seven. If we could sneak on to that ship we could take it to the source of whatever is behind this.”

“Bloody hell,” Quigsley moaned, “isn’t there another way?”

Naomi added, “I’m not too keen on getting that Barga stench on my clothes, myself.”

Gunther had figured they would say this. “With all due respect, both of you, we have to. The Constabulary, Earl Helfgin and Rier want us dead! 

"Brogan, or whoever this guy is, seems our best option. We all know, there’s no other way out of the city other than the main gates.”

Naomi and Quigsley groaned in frustration and reluctant acquiescence of Gunther’s point. “By the way,” The former cook inquired. “if we’re going to be working together, what do we call you?”

The man flashed another enigmatic smirk. “You can call me, Nate.”

“Fair enough Nate.” Gunther answered. “So, when do we get started?”

“According to my informants, the next shipment will be in two hours, so we’re going to have to move fast.”

Gunther and the others sighed in resignation. There would be no rest for the weary. “Sometimes, the coin of Orthon, the Lord of Luck, is not kind.” Nate noted.

Traask added, “We have some travel rations for Gunther and your friends. We also have some mirage cloaks so  you can go in public without the Constabulary spotting you.”

Nate nodded in gratitude. “Thank you, both of you for getting me this information. It’s time to find out the full extent of what is happening, and put a stop to it!”



The Ansolar docks. Not the safest place especially at night.


“Quigsley,” Gunther warned as they crept through the Docks District half an hour later. “Calm down, looking that nervous is more likely to attract attention to us.”

“Excuse me, Mr. Pacifist, when did you become the great hero?” Quigsley hissed.

Naomi rolled her eyes but did not speak. “Both of you, quiet down!” Nate warned. “We must stay on our toes.”

All the closed warehouses and empty streets gave this place an eerie look. 

Gunther kept looking over his shoulders and every which way when a noise sounded. The Docks District could be especially dangerous at night. 

Several times, they had to freeze when they saw Sapphire Knights or Bloodmasters pass by. Each time, Gunther hoped they wouldn’t see them.

The stealth magic of the cloaks was powerful enough only an Arch-wizard could see it. Gunther hoped and prayed they never encountered anyone like that or they were as good as dead.

He kept his eyes on his surroundings, as well as the man who was guiding them towards whatever was about to happen.

The big man yelped as he heard a loud yowl from nearby as the rest froze too. Then they saw one of the Docks’ stray cats saunter by as it caterwauled. The little thing was on the prowl for something, either prey or a mate. 

Cats had a knack for breeding when there were lots of insects and rodents around. This area of Ansolar had plenty. 

Everyone sighed in relief before continuing their trek.

After what seemed a small eternity, the man raised a hand, bringing Gunther and the rest to a sudden halt. The man pointed towards a nearby set of crates, and motioned his companions behind them. They did as told, while their guide scampered away from the crates. 

They crouched there, doing their best to stay warm in the brisk weather of early to mid-fall season.

A short time later, Nate returned and whispered two words, “Follow me.”

The man led them over to Pier Forty-seven. There, they saw a large frigate that had dockhands helping to remove the last of the boxes from it. 

From within, Gunther smelled the foul odor of Barga meat, and his nose rankled at the scent.

Nonetheless, they followed Nate to some nearby crates. They ducked behind them until the last of the dockhands had left the ship. Gunther noted the crew had gone for a short visit to one of the unsavory taverns that decorated the district.

The blonde man waved them up the gangplank and onto the ship. 

Nate picked the lock to the vessel’s lower levels and opened it. and raced in. Soon the door was made to look like no one had been there. 

The four stumbled through the darkened passages and down a stairway. Finally, they reached a lit area with many open crates and barrels. Gunther noted from the look on their guide’s face what was needed. 

He pointed to the barrels and pantomimed them jumping in.

Gunther hoped that his barrel would fit him and he wasn’t buried underneath a whole bunch of other cargo. Thinking about that, terrified the big cook.

When he got in, he found the barrel was much bigger than he thought. Nate gave him an assuring nod. Then he closed the barrel, sealing him in darkness save for a little peep hole in the barrel. The stench of Barga meat was strong but Gunther grimaced and bore it.

Now they would get to the bottom of whatever crazy conspiracy was going on that had caused this mess. And based on everything that I've learned so far, I have a funny feeling this is only going to get bigger. Gunther noted, having a feeling they hadn’t reached the bottom of the proverbial barrel yet.




The barrel lloks something like this


Well out of the ghetto and into a stinky barrel. Poor, Gunther, he and his friends aren’t catching any breaks. 

What will Gunther and the others discover? Can they end this plan? And are there more players in this? Come back next time for the next chapter of The Willowsbrook Chronicles.

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Thank you for reading. Until next time, I’m Animeman73 saying stay true to yourselves, stay classy, and God bless you all.



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Previous: The Willowsbrook Chronicles - Chapter 3: Faith Lane: Call of the Green Gremlins

Next: The Willowsbrook Chronicles – Chapter 5: Into the Viper’s nest!