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The Willowsbrook Chronicles - Chapter 5: Into the Viper's nest

Animeman73Dec 1, 2019, 9:56:53 PM


Greetings and salutations from the Pacific Northwestern U.S. everyone, Animeman73 here. It’s time for another chapter of The Willowsbrook Chronicles

In the last chapter Gunther and his friends made a shocking discovery. Earl Helfgin, ruler of Ansolar, has been funding rival gangs. T

hey also learned from their savior's name Nate. 

It also appears there's a big plot involving the nobility of Ansolar, Rier, and Helfgin. Gunther and the others then snuck aboard a frigate that had been carrying Barga meat to the city.

Now hiding aboard a ship, Gunther and the others are about to uncover what’s going on, and answers to their own plight. Get ready as The Willowsbrook Chronicles continues.


Gunther wasn’t sure how long he was in that barrel. For a while, there was silence. Then he heard people climbing the gangplank while others shouted instructions. 

He tried to stifle the panic he felt, as well as deal with the cramps he felt from sitting in that hot barrel for so long.

Then he felt the ship creek as it began to move. Gunther did everything he could to keep from throwing up. Oh, I hate boat travel, he mentally moaned.

Not for the first time, the man thought how was it, that once he was a cook at the Foamy Mug. Now he was going on an dangerous mission to prove his own innocence. 

Gunther’s only good fortune, was the barrel had secured to the ship’s deck. That made sure there was no chance of it falling over, unless the ship hit something and sank.

He shivered at the thought of that since swimming was not something he knew. Gunther stared out the one hole in the barrel at the lower deck before him.



Stowing away on an enemy ship heading to who knows where. Isn't this fun?


Someone from the crew would come down to the deck and look around from time to time. The big man did everything he could to stay quiet. Gunther knew that one careless noise and they were all in trouble.

Finally Gunther felt the creak that announced the ship was coming to the end of its journey, much to his relief. He heard someone come towards his barrel, and braced himself. Then the barrel lid came off and Nate stood over him. “Time to go friend,” he whispered.

Relieved, he got up and stifled his groans as he stretched his cramped and protesting muscles. Naomi and Quigsley approached looking as relieved.

Gunther got out of the barrel. “Now what?” he whispered to Nate.

“Follow me,” Nate answered.

The foursome scampered over to a hatch. Nate unfurled some hemp rope and tied it to an arrow. The former Foamy Mug employees noticed the short bow the man carried. Nate pulled some hooks from his belt, and tied them to the arrow. 

“I did a little scrounging," Nate explained flashing an enigmatic smile.. "And came across these items,”

He fights with that Kemper style and can sneak around the ship on his own like a phantom. No ordinary man can do that, who is this fellow? Gunther wondered.

The blonde male opened the hatch and they gazed out on a dock area. The blonde looked around before spying a sturdy looking dock beam.

He took careful aim and fired the bow. The hooked arrow caught the beam and stuck. With the remaining coiled part of the rope Nate tied it to a beam on the ship. Nate then handed them some ropes with hooks attached and pointed at the line to the dock below. 

“Get to the other side, then find some cover. I’ll meet you shortly.”

Gunther wanted to protest, but remembering where they were, decided now was not the time to argue. He wrapped his rope around the line and pushed himself off. The cook kept from panicking as he slid down the rope, and to the docks, Quigsley and Naomi following. 



Where does this cave lead to, perhaps more danger?


As soon as they were down, they scampered into a nearby cave. They found another set of crates to hide behind. Peeking over the crates, they saw an animal pen, but what surprised them was what was within. 

“I know the dress of those Orcs and Goblins, they’re from the tribes in RamGam!” Quigsley whispered.

“How did some of those horrible creatures get beyond the Southern Border wall?” Naomi asked.

“Methinks we have traitors in Velstand,” Gunther muttered under his breath.


What are orcs doing here?



 And then the trio saw a group of soldiers approach the pen. The soldiers wore black plate armor with a red dragon holding a ruby red wand in one hand on it. 

Gunther recognized the symbol immediately. Those are soldiers from Yatusk! But we’re at war with them and their leaders the Warlock Masters. What are they doing here? The big man wondered.

A big burly warrior in the armor of Yatusk and carrying a two-handed sword stepped forward. Naomi looked over the large, onyx-bearded warrior. “That big man gives me chills," she whispered.

“Oh shit mates we’re in trouble!" Quigsley swore.

 That guy right there is Bruno Vladivostov, he’s the Warlock Masters’ top man. That bloke is the world’s greatest swordsman!”




Behold, Bruno Vladivostov, one of the most dangerous men in the world.


They watched as Vladivostov barked out some orders to the men in an unknown language. One of the men saluted the large one, then went over to the Orcs and Goblins. The Yatuskian soldier began speaking in a series of grunts and snarls. 

The Orcs and Goblins listened to them.

Gunther spotted another cave passage a short distance away from them. He waved at the others, before they fled for the passage. Once in the cavern, and far enough away from the hostile groups, they sighed in relief. 

“Quigsley, do you have any idea what they were saying?” Naomi asked.

The illusionist shook his head. “The Goblin and Orcish tongues are beyond me, as is Yatuskian.”

“Great,” the big man muttered.

Gunther then noticed Naomi looking around. “What’s in there?” She asked as she pointed to a door nearby

They crept over to the portal. The former cook turned the knob-and found that it locked. “Hold on,” Naomi told them in an assuring tone.

Naomi fished some picks from a pocket and worked at the lock. Gunther knew Naomi had an understanding of simple locks and could pick them when the need arose. It didn’t take long for the door to open and the three to slip in. 

“From the look of things, this cavern looks like it’s a storage cellar of some kind.” The Tavern cook noted.



Safe for now!

Quigsley then sniffed the air, putting up a hand. “Hang on, I smell something! Something I never thought I’d smell again.”

The spellcaster’s nose led them to a keg that had a cork in it and was on an X-shaped stand of some kind. Gunther recognized it as the kind of keg used for serving drinks. “You still got that sipping cup of yours?” The illusionist asked.

The cook nodded and pulled out the small clay item. Quigsley found the wood spigot for the barrel and put it on. Gunther then filled the sipping cup for each of them. The three took sips of frothy liquid from the barrel.

The big man’s eyes widened as his taste buds sampled a very sharp-tasting alcoholic beverage. Gunther noted Naomi handing back the cup as her face wrinkled. “Gah,” she sputtered out in disgust. “What is this swill?!”

Gunther let out a soft cough as he felt the strong pungent scent clear his sinuses. “This isn’t swill, Naomi, this is Yatuskian rum.”

“Correction,” Quigsley added. 

“This ain’t no ordinary Yatuskian rum, this ere’ is the grade A stuff. A half mug of this will knock out an ox, I’ve had this stuff, so I know what I’m talking about.”

“How can you stand this stuff?” Naomi asked dismayed. “Elven Honey Wine tastes better, this stuff tastes like liquid tar to me.”

“It’s an acquired taste" Gunther whispered and chuckled. "I had glasses of this, before the murder of the Czar and much of his family”

A thoughtful looked crossed Gunther’s face. “As I recall, all the producers of Grade A Yatuskian Rum got arrested after the coup. So how did this stuff get here, and why is one of the Warlock Masters’ top people here?”

These questions kept nagging at Gunther’s mind as the three stayed put. Then they heard the sounds of footsteps approaching the room. The three concealed themselves behind various sets of crates in the room. 

 Nate entered the room dressed in black leather armor. “You can come out now, it’s me,” he called.



Wow Nate, that's some spiffy black leather.


They poked their heads out from where they were hiding. “A change of garb Nate?” Gunther asked.

Their guide nodded in confirmation. “I had to get out of that uniform and into more appropriate attire. So, have you found out anything interesting while I’ve been busy?”

Gunther and his friends related what they’d seen. Nate listened, his face darkening. 

“Bruno Vladivostov, if that bastard is here that can’t be good. You’re lucky he didn’t see you or you'd be dead for sure. Come on, lads, time for us to do some investigation into what’s going on.”

The four crept out of the room, being careful to close the door and leave no sign that they had ever been there.

Time passed as Gunther and the others snuck, as best they could, through the torchlit caverns. Their little journey brought them to another cavern exit. There they felt the welcome brush of wind, and saw moonlight shining in

Outside, they found a rocky outcropping to hide behind. They looked over the lit dock area which seemed to be much more elaborate than the one where their ship had come in. The four saw a small ship sail into the dock. 

Once in port, the gangplank extended. Gunther saw two people descend with a large guard detachment.

One was Rier Kethwelt, and he looked displeased. The other wore very lavish blue and gold clothing. He wore a simple crown on his head with a red ruby at the center. 

The four immediately recognized the pampered, curly brown-haired man. It was Earl Karlos Helfgin, the man who was the protector and ruler of the city. The look on the noble’s face, spoke of a superiority complex. 

Ugh, nobles, Gunther thought to himself.

They watched the Yatuskians, along with a goblin and Orc Chieftain approach.

Gunther and the others listened in. “Ah, there you are Vladivostov,” the Earl greeted in his deep-set condescending voice. “How goes the efforts?”



An Orc Chieftain of RamGam ! Ugly isn't he?




And a Goblin Cheiftain of RamGam too? What's going on?


The swordsman answered in a deep voice Gunther found frightening. “It has been taking much effort, but we have managed to bring Orcs and Goblins from RamGam here as you are asking.”

“Excellent, excellent,” The Earl chimed before looking at the Goblin and Orc. 

“Ah, Chief Vrakas and Chief Broghtan, pleasure to see you again. I hope those you’ve brought up are hard-working, they’ll need to be to live in my city.”

Live in your city? Gunther mentally asked having a bad feeling.

“Oh yes, Great Earl,” The Goblin grunted, “They work very hard, make you and friends very happy.”

The Orc Chieftain added, “Orcs and Goblins not ask much, you make much gold from them!”

Rier sighed in relief. “Good, I’ll need that kind of attitude for my new Tavern on the East End.”

Gunther’s eyes widened in outrage. New Tavern on the East End, and you never said anything to us, you conniving backstabbing horse’s arse! He thought in outrage.

Now he understood why Rier hadn’t been paying much attention to them recently. “A new and cowed citizenry for the city will be a welcome change, once we drive the old annoying populace out.” Helfgin noted as if what he was doing didn’t seem the least bit wrong.

“You sons of whores!” Quigsley whispered in anger..

“In turn you will help bring down the anti-magic barrier which protects this land from Yatusk’s magic. The Warlock Masters will need capable Commissars for when this land is being quelled.” Vladivostov reminded the two.

“As long as we get what we want, that’s all that matters. Velstand, Brekkin, and their supporters have become so dull.” Helfgin complained, rolling his eyes, his tone mocking. 

“Always talking about that responsibility of nobility nonsense! As long as we get our desires fulfilled, who cares who the populace of the city is. If a few peasants suffer because of it, so be it.”

“You callous and traitorous bastards!” Nate whispered.

“There is one problem though,” Rier admitted with some reluctance.

“What is that?” Bruno Vladivostov asked.

“Willowsbrook, and his friends, somehow escaped from my constabulary!” Helfgin growled in frustration.

What?!” the Yatuskian warrior roared.

Me, Gunther thought in stunned disbelief. Why would the Warlock Masters take an interest in me, I’m not special?

“According to some of the men,” Rier explained. “Someone dressed as one of King Velstand’s men came in and managed to defeat them. The Officer used a fighting style called…” The former tavern owner thought back a moment. “Kempar, that’s it, Kempar.”

The black clad warriors stepped back, their breaths caught in their throats in fear. “Curse it all,” The towering brutish Yatuskian bellowed. Velstand’s pet hound is on to us; the must expedite the plan!"

The Yatuskian soldiers stormed off. 

“Hang on a minute, what are you talking about, Vladivostov?” Helfgin protested as he, Rier, and their men chased after the deadly swordsman.

As soon as they left, The cook felt the eyes of everyone staring at him. “What is everyone looking at me like that for?” He protested. 

“I’m a tavern cook, not a hero! Other than Rier, I’ve never drawn anyone’s wrath. As far as I know, I’ve never even met any of the Warlock Masters’ people.”

“Well, for some reason, they seem to view you as a threat.” Nate noted.

Gunther felt the weight of the world fall on to his shoulders. Why me, why? Gunther thought trembling in terror.



Uh-oh, and like that, poor Gunther’s life takes another twist in an unimagined way. 

Why is Gunther such a threat to the Warlock Masters? How can he and the others stop the plans of the conspirators? Will Gunther and his friends make it out knowing one of the Warlock Masters’ top people is there? 

You'll just have to come back next time to read more.

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Until next time, I’m Animeman73 saying stay true to yourselves, stay classy, and God bless you all.


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Previous: The Willowsbrook Chronicles - Chapter 4: Stowaways

Next: The Willowsbrook Chronicles – Chapter 6: Victory by…inebriation?