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Dr Ardis Speaks on Snake Venom ~ The Evidence Is Compelling

Arrow - The Medical AnarchistDec 30, 2022, 9:25:22 PM

DR Ardis has convinced me of the venom theory related to covid-19. He has come out with documented evidence of its use in a multitude of drugs as well a reports from ITALY and the University of Arizona via their spectrographic analysis of samples from Covid 19 patients. 

You should look into what liquid chromatography and  mass spectrometry is capable of. Essentially it can tell us what is in a solution or material at the atomic or molecular level.

THIS VIDEO OF DR ARDIS WILL TIE ALL OF IT TOGETHER: https://rumble.com/v1wvqlq-dr.-bryan-ardis-i-was-wrong-about-snake-venom-the-dr.-jane-ruby-show.html?fbclid=IwAR3LZXKU0hIV0zzgXjGp1Yj6xNhzCPnLR9MJs83IP23KUm4R33OnhrZ2vpE


This are my notes for easier assimilation of the video contents.

Here are links to the articles he referenced. https://lifedownunder.exposed/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Synthetic-Snake-Venom-_-Biological-Engineering-_-USU.pdf


PCR test can detect snake venom and is core to the diagnostic of this plague. Ardis didn't reveal much on that so I went looking for articles on that topic and I found a lot.: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11223099/

From a crime scene: So, we can take a little piece of shed skin from the snake and derive enough DNA to do identification reactions — basically, PCR-based reactions that are looking for molecules that would be a signature of species one or two or three. And so, we were able to identify, with a high degree of probability, all of those different samples. https://www.unco.edu/news/articles/forensics-snake-venom-mackessy.aspx

( ELISA) method being the most widely used. However, in recent times various other techniques, such as optical immunoassays (OIA), venom/antibody microarray assay, PCR based assays, etc. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-94-007-6386-9_39


Moving on: Snake venom-related enzyme underlies covid  mortality. "further targeted lipidomics revealed that in comparison to survivors, deceased patients had elevated levels of a circulating, catalytically active enzyme called secreted phospholipase A2 Group IIA (sPLA2-IIA). Their sPLA2-IIA levels were 9.6-fold higher than in mild patients and 5-fold higher than in severe patients. In addition, high sPLA2-IIA levels were significantly associated with multiple organ dysfunction. This implies that sPLA2-IIA may drive the organ failure seen in fatal plague cases." https://frontlinegenomics.com/snake-venom-related-enzyme-underlies-covid-19-mortality/

"were employed to detect snake origins in commercial venom crystals by only simplex polymerase chain reaction analysis." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0041010122002781

These above articles should put to rest that idea that PCR is incapable of detecting snake venom.

Dr Ardis presents articles and research from other nations regarding the snake venom.
Italy found 36 different animal venoms in blood and faeces of covid patients: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35106136/
This is the best link and has the charts of venoms that Ardis presents in the video: https://canadahealthalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/f1000research-10-78337.pdf

University of Arizona Nails It! "Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality" https://news.arizona.edu/story/venom-coursing-through-body-researchers-identify-mechanism-driving-covid-19-mortality
The common biomarker of 300 patients who died is an enzyme related to neurotoxins found in rattle snake venom.

Venom Phospholipase A2 is found only in the covid patients... according to Arizona study, confirms Italian study.


How did they get enough snake venom?
They manufacture it and have been doing so for decades. including the DOD, DARPA, the CIA and big pharma all over the world... into a powdered freeze dried form that is available for sale on the internet.

Synthetic Snake Venom The Novel Creation of Crotalid Phospholipase A2 Using Genetic Engineering: 

The E-Coli Connection.. and over expression of snake venom produced in e-coli. E-coli draws in the venom peptides and then starts to manufacture it and releases it to the body. 

When U of Arizona examined the blood of those who died with the plague they found 20x more PL A2 snake venom peptide than ever found in a human before. Patients with e-coli co-infection had worse outcome when they got covid



Those who have the most difficulty with C-19 infections are diabetics and they also have the most difficulty with e-coli and yeast infection and overall have the worst outcomes with covid infection. They are literally production factories for snake venom peptides. The use of antibiotics can sometimes make e-coli worse and certainly all yeast. 

Highest mortality for specific groups are in this order, Native Americans, Blacks then Hispanics, which also in that order have the most difficulty with diabetes and hence yeast and e-coli overgrowth. 

We are told that in the jab we are being injected with a snippet of a genetic code so that the body will manufacture spike proteins. 

Because the driving force of this pandemic is a toxin this is why people are getting covid more than once. They never developed an immunity to a virus because the virus is secondary if it exists at all. 

I did a search for product OPCA298869 at AVIVA Systems Biology and they seem to not have it available at this time but Ardis made a record which you can see in the video. You can select what medium you can have your snake venom produced in, including e-coli or yeast or a  human cell line. China has patented technology for making it in yeast. 


Conotoxins from marine snails are also being used and found by the same Arizona and Italian researchers. Conotoxin is 100 times more potent than morphine for reducing pain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conotoxin

One of the side effects of many with conotoxin is "holding a false belief that cannot be changed by fact".. OMG! this explains the Karens of the plague world and why people keep getting injections regardless of all the information coming out that they don't work and are in fact dangerous!

Conotoxin patents exist from 1999 from the Salk Institute along with the University of Utah. It was funded by the NIH and the government has certain rights in this invention. 

Frontline doctors need to respond and stop being controlled opposition!


Treatment per Dr Ardis: 

Glutathione, NAC, vitamin C, I recommend lipsomal form because it enters the cell better) EDTA.  Bradykinin is a peptide that promotes inflammation was found in the bodies of the Italian covid patients. Bradykinin is a peptide that promotes inflammation was found in the bodies of the Italian covid patients. Use the following to inhibit inflammation: Bromelain, aloe vera, resveratrol.