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Civil War

BluehandMay 28, 2019, 3:40:20 PM

I have always maintained that the ‘Marxist open door policy’ has one intention in mind, more votes for the Marxists, but now its backfiring.

When New Labour were in power they constantly eroded this countries rights passing ‘3000 new laws’ on our freedoms , not one has been repealed by our current Tory government, most of these new section laws were concerned with nothing more than stifling freedom, and they have done an excellent job since.

We have ourselves to blame by electing a set of 'Career politicians' communists and Leninists no doubt many now feel as I do that there is little future for people of ‘family line’ in this country or anywhere in Europe, as the migrants swamp in the old stock of indigenous nationalities leave in droves, leaving migrant and migrant descendents to create more rules to destroy our culture and political system, Sharia law courts now are in treble figures mosques number more than 3000, incredible to say there were only a handful in the 1970's.

It matters not one jot to these daft hippies my family laid down their lives in two world wars, not one jot, it matters not that my family has paid taxes for 100's of years and that their blood sweat and tears formed the civilisation of gentle altruism we have to day, well my friends this good nature has been taken advantage of, we have people not paying in to support it, yet extracting huge amounts many will never work in their lives yes use our NHS to the limit and school , social services to much greater use than the average indigenous family, imagine a drug resistant TB sufferer arriving from Africa, no checks no quarantine straight into a system which will cost half a million to treat him, an Aids sufferer even more, is this right? Mores the point can our system cope and why should it?

They have constantly eroded our traditions and culture by removing our systems and laws, ‘Now’ they promote Islam and its system of law (Sharia) as an inescapable destiny, even our current PM has said Britain can benefit greatly from Sharia Law, WHY? We already have a law system in place just as old in fact the basis for most civilised countries in this world, why replace that with Sharia?

When men and women like us leave they call this the ‘white flight’ or the ‘brain drain’, What it is simply a result of Marxist policies, when people who can think are not here any more it is a time to rejoice for Marxism and Islam, you will have no critical thinkers, you will have no engineers, no contributors, no science , no fun, no creation except subservience to a socialist and Sharia law base where dissenters have their lips sewn up and hands nailed to the table if they complain and police will trawl the country for people who have too much to think.

My question is this, Who will create the wealth and who will pay for it all? These people being imported en-mass are not wealth creators, they are not smart most come from countries where the average IQ is less than 70, they are and will always be a burden.

We all know (those with a brain that is) the result will be anarchy and civil war, we all know that our system can not cope, our NHS can not cope, our schools, our police, our services, our law courts, our mental health facilities, drug suppliers, put simply there is not enough money in the whole country to support these migrants and 300 thousand a year come, its possibly not a civil war as you might think it will be, but sooner or later we will run out of everything to give them. They will do what they do in the countries they come from, turn everything to ashes.

I fear for our country, and I fear for those I love, thank you for reading.
