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Canadian Prairie and World News : OPINION 08/07/2018; The Absolute Monarchy of Saudi Arabia, and Absolute Incompetence and Cowardice of Canada.

BulrockAug 7, 2018, 1:12:30 PM

By now it is safe to assume every keen Canadian has been observing this decay in Canadian/Saudi Arabian relations.  It is easy to take pot shots at Saudi Arabia's totalitarian Monarchy, but I have a bit of a deeper analysis of this, and it is rooted in the disgusting PR image both Freeland and Trudeau have painted for themselves, and by proxy, Canada itself along with Wynne, Couillard and other corrupt provincial leaders. You can also correctly lay blame on our elections officials, Supreme Court, and top police supervisors in the RCMP, and other places such as Mississauga and Calgary. All have betrayed Canada and Canadians for an international, globalist and Revisionist scheme to keep the lid on their crooked and perverted ole boys club.  Our courts have embraced a de facto, multi-tier justice system which favours the elite above all, then migrants, minorities, and naturalised Canadians last.  The amount of judicial complications this creates makes our justice system a laughingstock to the rest of the world.

Justin Trudeau for one was a terrible choice to be selected for Canada. Trudeau has embarrassed himself publicly numerous times, and this will passively provoke some of the world's top leaders and dangerous despots. He has also selected one of the most crooked and incompetent federal cabinets I have seen likely in my lifetime. It tops anything I have seen from both the Mulroney and Chretien times by far. He has literally appointed a tinhat cabinet just for the sake of 'diversity', and embraced political favouritism with equally corrupt provinces like Ontario and Quebec.  Over the years, their own provincial tinhat bureaucracies also redefined Canadian corruption into something which I would expect to come only from the third world. This dispute with the radical and authoritarian Saudi government is one example of likely many more to come until we correct our government, education system, and economy.  Canada is simply not being taken seriously due to the poor optics given to us by our leaders at nearly every bureaucratic level fairly recently.

Foreign investment is declining, trading partners view us as volatile, our dollar is tanking, and Millennials can't afford houses, get decent and affordable secondary and post-secondary education, and can't secure meaningful employment. Even some of our public sectors are exploiting foreign labour loopholes to get around this. Too many Millennials have been formed into a bunch of ignorant radicals without any integrity or moral compass, and that here has become a stereotype by which all of them are now measured. Gen X Canadians had it bad enough. Until I saw the outlook of how both our education system and economy has failed millennials, I did not think it could have become worse since I graduated 2 years after Ontario's public sector temper tantrum against Mike Harris. Our establishment wasted no time proving me wrong with Canadian Millennials.

In summary, it is foolish to assume the world, including governments such as Saudi Arabia's absolute Sharia monarchy, is overlooking such an analysis. We are viewed as both weak and corrupt, and this will provoke other governments into either dismissing our government and anything they say at best, or at worst exploiting Canada, and Canadian tourists and activists. It is easy to superficially cast judgment on Saudi for this, because they are an easy target. It is no secret they are one of the worst governments for human rights and barbarism, but that has been known for decades. We need to factor in how they see us legally favouring Islamists and selling out our own in our courts, both Aboriginal and otherwise, and understand the type of national cowardice this displays to the world. A nation like Canada behaving like it is will be stomped on by any ableist nation whom thinks they can get away with it.