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Chadwicks Social Distance, China Virus Experience

ChadwickEismanApr 9, 2020, 4:00:10 PM

     Hi. Chadwick Eisman here 4/9/2020 this is going to basically recap yesterdayses podcast which can be found here Link for Podcast Yes in my podcast i said 2019 instead of 2020 by accident. At this point i have not contracted the virus, have been doing my best to practice Team Trumps health guild lines in order to skip having this one hopefully. I'm 100% sure that if gotten my body can handle, get through it, its just not something anyone should want to deal with having if they can make possible. 

     Basically to keep this straight to the point. Gaming, photography, Tiktok, social media are the main things, not all things that i have been doing, these are good topics to talk on which is why i chose them. 

     Lets start with Gaming, what games/ game has Chadwick been playing? 0.A.D yup you may have guessed it having talked in past about my "passion" for this chess, strategy civilization warfare type multi player program which is surprisingly both open source, Free...Same as this platform minds.com that i am currently writing this blog on. Having been on 0.A.D for months now there is still much to learn about which pieces can do what moves, strengths vs weaknesses of buildings, units being used together properly + map types. 0 A.D is A. O. E on steroids.... if you have played AOE (Age of Empires) then this game will look recognizable, have less of a learning curve for you to understand basic concepts. Briefly the goal of the game is to build up a empire, units, use resources wisely, to destroy all enemy buildings, units before they destroy yours.. with the average standard mainland online multiplayer game lasting around a hour per from start to finish... show respect to users by having enough time set aside to complete a full game rather then starting one, leaving mid game which is not nice. Anyone can host a game or join one on a existing server if you have decent internet, most players choose to go by anon names including myself (my gamer name is not Chadwick Eisman) so to end this paragraph here go check out 0.A.D if this all interests you. 

     Photography has always been put on the back of my mind compared to video which can tell a story to such a greater extent, however, with my new (old) used lumix fz1000 (made in 2013) i just purchased recently wanted to test the camera's limits for photo's, can say my previous camera the fz300 is actually a better camera then this newer fz 1000 one for most things... What do i like about this fz 1000 that i do not about the fz300? 2 major things, one is that there are no scratches on lens, two it just has a different feel when things come to focus, setup... it was easy to transfer knowledge from one to the other due to them both being same brand, just different models. 

     With this Self Isolation for many of us have more time available then we used to, start new creative projects as artists we are, myself has started some photo's of things such as trees, flowers, animals, here is a example photo i took yesterday of some flowers on a tree with my fz1000, then modified in adobe lightroom cause i like to make many my photo's have a bit of extra color to them rather then bland rawness which also looks nice. 

     Next topic is Tiktok. What is Chadwick Eisman a (later 20 something year old) doing on tiktok with a bunch of teens, youngsters, 16 year old girls shaking their butts in bikinis to songs such as "did you wash your pussy today, fuck this pussy boy" Chadwick is there because he wants to reach some of the people that use tiktok (more people then instagram, snapchat combined)... Chadwick grew up as a 90's child, knows all the platforms from aol messanger to myspace, to insta, snapchat, fb.. now this is the new snapchat, insta for youngyins owned by China.... its really bad how much data China is taking from us, throwing their narrative of content at us on Tiktok however Chadwick is more aware of this happening then most people as a tech advanced person whom understand arbitrage of information, what a (free platform) really means for your privacy, chooses to use the platform as a way to advertise himmself in order for people to click his profile, go off of tiktok to find his trueths on places such as minds, gab, bitchute which provide real freedom to creators, put creators first, are not doing shady things behind scenes with algorithms shadow banninng.. infact Chadwick Eisman believes he is currently shadow banned on Tiktok, his content is not being shared equally as others content... Some of Chadwicks colleagues have had their accounts banned for no reason other then fighting the narrative on Tiktok, tiktoks ai finding them, deleting them.. the Ai is very powerful on Tiktok, will find you if you are speaking freely, destroy you as would China dictators kill their own people to keep information hidden from public... people are waking up to this reality finally that China is evil now that China virus is going around, media cant hide corruptions that Trump points out during his daily live streaming... infact the fake news has come up with the idea of not showing his live streams due to being scared of trueth, knowledge being shared that their communist China dictators that own these USA msm channels dont want them showing our people, thankfully Fox news is still sharing his full speeches to my knowledge. Back to Tiktok.. Chadwick actually enjoys the platorm for making content put aside the bad, its a fun platform,easy to use, create with. Chadwick creates Tiktoks like no other American by lip syncing to asain music rather then the standard ugh boots, yoga pants bitch doing lame USA songs that every other group thinker has done. 

 Last topic is social media.. during this self isolation period Chadwick has been consistantly updating his Gab content most as his focus.. he has been lacking on bitchute video's having not posted one in over a month which is bad (bitchute has grown this month in users greatly, Chadwick needs to get new content up on there asap) Chad has also posted some on minds, is writing this blog on minds right now which he will distribute else where once finished. He finally got to making that new podcast as mentioned above which was over due along with this blog, Chadwick has been lacking on creating new content due to how much gaming he has done up to this point... he plans to stop gaming as much, start focusing on content again now that he feels over played his video game amount, wants a break.