by James Corbett
December 12, 2020
Since books are so central to the work that I do here at The Corbett Report, it should be no surprise that one of the most frequent requests I get is for a recommended reading list. In response to those requests, I compiled a New World Order Reading List back in 2015.
But that obviously wasn't enough so in 2017 I gave people a tour of my bookshelf.
But that obviously wasn't enough so in 2019 I got together with Liberty Weekly to compile a list of another couple dozen books to have in any respectable research library.
But that obviously wasn't enough so I followed up my WWI documentary with a recommended reading list of a dozen books on the First World War.
But that obviously wasn't enough so I just had a conversation with Richard Grove on the Grand Theft World podcast where we recommended another dozen books to read on finance, geopolitics and the New World Order.
But that obviously wasn't enough because the very first response to that conversation was a request for a definitive list of 25 books that "comprehensively explain the geopolitical and societal history as it actually is."
And you know what I say to that? Sure! . . . Well, kind of. You see, of course there is no definitive list of 25 books that will comprehensively explain the world. But I can keep recommending books as long as people keep requesting me to. (Wanna try me? I could easily whip up another list after this one!)
So, without further ado, here in no particular order is another list of 25 books that people who are interested in The Corbett Report should probably read.
Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology by Neil Postman (more info)
Although better known for his equally indispensable 1985 treatise on Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman was a prophet of the cyber age whose 1993 book on Technopoly might as well have been written yesterday. I was reading this book last winter and was very excited to begin an in-depth exploration of its insights through a series of podcasts on technology and society that I hoped to release in 2020 . . . and then 2020 hit, so that plan got completely derailed. But for those who are at all interested in the way media and technology are shaping society in profoundly worrying ways, this book is absolutely essential reading. Postman was far ahead of his time, and essentially foresaw the advent of the world wide web before it was even a twinkle in Al Gore's eye.
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose (Text / Audio)
My audience will already have heard me implore them to read this book 100 times by now, so here's the 101st appeal! I defy any statist to read this book and not have a significantly different conception of government and its moral worth than when they started.
Yes, the Bible. It is incredible to think that there are those who live or have grown up in a Western country that have not read the Bible. As Tom Holland has emphatically argued, it is nearly impossible for a Westerner (or, to some extent, a human being) not to have been influenced by some of the ideas set forth in this book—even a self-described progressive agnostic like Holland. Anyway, maybe don't read it all in one sitting, but a familiarity with the text is essential to basic cultural and philosophical literacy.
COVID-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret (PDF)
Well, you knew this one was going to pop up on this list somewhere. (But right after the Bible? Really?) Yes, as unpalatable as it may be, we do owe it to ourselves to familiarize ourselves with the openly stated intentions of the Great Resetters and Fourth Industrial Revolutionists. Luckily for us, since this is (as I've been at pains to point out) an "open conspiracy," it is relatively straightforward to become familiar with these plans. Here in black and white are Schwab and the gang's plans for how to transition us into the Brave New Normal of our transhuman future. And speaking of authoritarian sociopaths . . .
Authoritarian Sociopathy by Davi Barker (More info)
This slender volume from Davi Barker sets out to accomplish a simple task: design a psychological experiment that could actually be performed in real life "to show the world beyond a shadow of a doubt, that power corrupts absolutely, and corrupt authority deserves no obedience." Along the way, the reader learns about some of the previous psychological research that has demonstrated the public's propensity to aid and abet tyrants and how those impulses can be subverted. A fascinating, informative and quick read.
Hidden History by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor (website)
As I lamented in my recent conversation about books with Richard Grove, viewers of The WWI Conspiracy only have the very thinnest layer of the surface details of the incredibly detailed story that Docherty and MacGregor present in Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War. Unless you've ever tried to condense a copiously footnoted, intricate 500-page story into a two hour documentary, you have no idea how painful such an experience is or how much valuable information has to be left out of such a presentation. If you are at all interested in the story of the WWI conspiracy, you need to read this book.
Conjuring Hitler by Guido Preparata (website / text)
In the same way that someone who is not familiar with the thesis of Dochety and MacGregor's work on WWI can't be said to really understand the origins of the First World War, so, too, can someone who is not familiar with Preparata's work on WWII not truly claim to understand the origins of the Second World War. Read this book.
War Against the Weak by Edwin Black (Text / Website)
You may have noticed that eugenics is one of those topics that I keep going back to as a bedrock of the modern elitists' worldview. It is, in a very real sense, their religion. So if you want to know your enemy, it is extremely important to understand this idea, its origins and development, and I know of no better single volume exploration of the development of the American branch of this pernicious ideology than this book by Edwin Black.
No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner (Text / Audio)
Another essential work of anarchist thought, Spooner's The Constitution of No Authority is the perfect stocking stuffer for the dyed-in-the-wool American constitutionalist who believes a document signed a couple of hundred years ago by a bunch of men who are centuries in the grave somehow binds everyone born within an arbitrarily defined (and changing) geographical area. If that sounds inflammatory, it is; but Spooner writes it in a perfectly logical way that makes the argument seem like obvious common sense. And speaking of Common Sense . . .
Common Sense by Thomas Paine (Text / Audio)
Readers of my recent editorial on How To Save The World will already know that Thomas Paine's Common Sense was the absolute smash hit blockbuster must-read pamphlet of its day. But, unlike a Harry Potter book or some Dan Grisham yarn, this treatise changed the course of world history. While some will dismiss the work based on the biography of its author, it is impossible to dismiss the power of Paine's argument, or how instrumental that argument was in reframing the battle against the British as a War for Independence. As an added bonus, reading the language of popular 18th century political tracts and contrasting that to what passes for "learned writing" today is enough to make anyone appreciate just how far we've fallen in our post-literate society.
The Plot to Kill King by William Pepper (website)
You may have heard my initial interview with Dr. Pepper and you may have seen my MLK documentary, but as I was at pains to stress, merely knowing the name of the person who actually pulled the trigger (hint: it wasn't James Earl Ray) tells you nothing of substance about the actual plot to kill MLK or its historical significance. The fruit of decades of painstaking research, Pepper's tour de force not only answers the question of who killed MLK, but how and why, thus indicting the agents of the state and the military-industrial complex who benefited from that assassination.
Tower of Basel by Adam Lebor (website)
What do you know about the Bank for International Settlements? If you're like the majority of the population, the answer is: absolutely nothing! The banksters who control the lifeblood of the world monetary order would prefer it to stay that way, obviously, which is why this well written book by Adam Lebor is the easiest introduction for the average non-monetary historian to start learning about the world's most secretive (and most powerful) banking institution. Lebor has one foot planted firmly in the mainstream, but there is plenty of solid documentation and well-researched evidence for true conspiracy researchers to sink their teeth into here.
The New World Order by H. G. Wells (text)
Perhaps you are under the impression that H. G. Wells was just a writer of sci-fi yarns like The War of the Worlds and The Time Machine. If so, then shame on you; as I've pointed out many times over the years, Wells was an influential eugenicist and proto-technocrat who was very much in the inner circle of the British Fabians and New World Order co-conspirators of the early 20th century. In case you need any evidence for that fact, I present to you The New World Order by H. G. Wells, in which he lays our his vision of a global socialist revolution to impose a technocratic order upon the world. Seriously.
The 2001 Anthrax Deception by Graeme MacQueen (website)
If you have seen, read or watched COVID-911 or False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism by now, you'll already know that the antrax false flag of 2001 is the foundational event of the Age of Biosecurity which we are currently sleepwalking into. So if you don't know about those events (or you just need a refresher), you are highly encouraged to pick up this slender, well-documented and logically clear book by Dr. Graeme Macqueen. And after reading the book you can listen to my interview with the author and our follow-up conversation on the enduring importance of this American conspiracy.
Another Nineteen by Kevin Ryan (website)
We're all familiar with the photogarphic line-up of the nineteen alleged hijackers who supposedly perpetrated the events of 9/11 at the bidding of KSM and OBL. But as those who have followed the money trail of 9/11 or looked into the 9/11 war games or the many other anomalies of that day will know, these nineteen patsies were not the perpetrators of that false flag terror event. In Another Nineteen (the inspiration for my own 9/11 Suspects series), Kevin Ryan lays out the case for the involvement of a very different nineteen suspects in the 9/11 terror plot.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein (Text)
This is the book for anyone who has ever wondered what an anarchist revolution might look like or how it might come about. In a riveting piece of science-fiction, Heinlein manages to paint a plausible blueprint for the deconstruction of the state and offers many fascinating insights into the political world we live in along the way. And after you're done reading, you can always go check out my conversation about the book with David D. Friedman for a previous edition of FLNWO.
Technocracy Rising by Patrick Wood (Website)
If you've somehow managed to miss my many previous conversations with Patrick Wood, then you are missing out on one of the missing puzzle pieces that will help you to understand the world that we are living in: Technocracy. In Technocracy Rising, Wood documents the origins of the technocracy movement, its development, and how this ideology is the blueprint for where the would-be rulers of the world are trying to take humanity in the 21st century.
Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet by Yasha Levine (website)
If you were interested in my report on The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know you won't want to miss this book on the not-so-hidden but seldom-mentioned connections between the military and the development of the internet.
All The Presidents' Bankers by Nomi Prins (website)
In my recent podcast on Bretton Woods 2.0 I noted that a lot can be learned by viewing historical events through the lens of monetary history. This is precisely what Prins does in methodical detail as she explains and documents the relationship of each president to the bankster oligarchs from Wilson and the creation of the Fed to Obama and the response to the 2008 crisis. A must-read for anyone interested in monetary history.
Walden Two by B. F. Skinner (Text)
In the spirit of "listening to the enemy," I suggest it is worth your while to read this book by behaviourist B. F. Skinner. A "fictional" account of a perfectly planned experimental community where children are raised from birth to accept their allotted station in the social pecking order. Be sure to follow it up with a listen to my FLNWO podcast on the subject for a thorough dissection of the propaganda embedded therein, though!
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton
Another essential work by the always essential Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler does exactly what its title suggests: meticulously documents the essential role that Wall Street played in aiding, abetting and bankrolling the rise of Hitler, and, ultimately, helping to bring about World War Two.
The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley (text)
Let's face it: most people don't have the time (or inclination) to read Quigley's oft-cited (but intimidatingly weighty) 1,000+ page tome, Tragedy and Hope. If you are in that position, you might want to start with the considerably slimmer (but still very important) The Anglo-American Establishment, in which Quigley lays out the key players in the Rhodes round table and its subsequent offshoots, and talks about some of their major accomplishments in the first half of the 20th century. And, if you're still hankering for some more inside skinny on the Rhodes round table, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations and other such matters, you might want to turn to . . .
Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joe Plummer (website and free text)
If you want to familiarize yourself with the essential passages of Tragedy and Hope without reading every page of the infamously large book, Tragedy and Hope 101 is for you. In this no-nonsense book, Plummer gets straight to the point, quoting important passages of Quigley and then explaining their background, meaning and context in easily digestible, bite-sized chunks. Consider it a Cole's Notes for an educated conspiracy researcher without a lot of time on their hands. (Watch my interview with Plummer about the book if you're still on the fence.)
Against Intellectual Property by Stephan Kinsella (Text and Audio)
I used to be a muddle-headed, blue-pilled normie about IP before I encountered the work of Stephan Kinsella on this issue. Don't be a muddle-headed, blue-pilled normie. Read this book.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (Text / Audio / Muppets)
'Tis the season, after all. I mean, it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom and politics all the time, does it. Besides, "more of gravy than of grave about you"? Come on! Don't be a Scrooge! (Oh, OK, you can read some politics into this text if you really must bring everything back to that.)
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