It's not yet the end

Dreams Years ago, someone told me that some dreams are meant to always remain dreams. I forget their reasoning now, but I do remember I protested the concept. I want all my dreams to come true. I think we all do. Everyone wants happiness, to be loved, to love, to do something worthwhile, to create something out of - well - dreams. No matter our age, we all need our dreams to help us move forward in life. But, humans seem drawn to dreaming huge, impossible, moon-sized dreams, ones that often stay in the 'sky' of our minds rather than become reality. It's the earth-sized dreams we end up using to lay out the life line we walk. Does that mean we should give up dreaming the moon-sized dreams? No. I think we need those to light the path as we walk along, building our lives, making plans, living and loving - making those earth-sized dreams come true. (RW...dorigal 2017) Refugee from the site that shall remain un-named, still working my way around this land...egads, where did the day go? Not much to say yet...but give me time to get my techno-what-are-these-token-thingees-and-how-do-they-work shoes on and then we shall see what we shall see. (Off to go find interesting stuff to post...) And, yes, I do live in Cali, hence the straws....technically a Texan-NM native so that translates into....Don't Mess With My Straws
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Dreams Years ago, someone told me that some dreams are meant to always remain dreams. I forget their reasoning now, but I do remember I protested the concept. I want all my dreams to come true. I think we all do. Everyone wants happiness, to be loved, to love, to do something worthwhile, to create something out of - well - dreams. No matter our age, we all need our dreams to help us move forward in life. But, humans seem drawn to dreaming huge, impossible, moon-sized dreams, ones that often stay in the 'sky' of our minds rather than become reality. It's the earth-sized dreams we end up using to lay out the life line we walk. Does that mean we should give up dreaming the moon-sized dreams? No. I think we need those to light the path as we walk along, building our lives, making plans, living and loving - making those earth-sized dreams come true. (RW...dorigal 2017) Refugee from the site that shall remain un-named, still working my way around this land...egads, where did the day go? Not much to say yet...but give me time to get my techno-what-are-these-token-thingees-and-how-do-they-work shoes on and then we shall see what we shall see. (Off to go find interesting stuff to post...) And, yes, I do live in Cali, hence the straws....technically a Texan-NM native so that translates into....Don't Mess With My Straws