I am an inventor, author, blogger, Dream interpreter, researcher, teacher and most of all student of all things. I am a proud introvert, and often too edgy. I've been accused of being stupid, but never being closed minded; I always try to learn something new every day and like a true explorer I always share the most fascinating things I discover, everything I post will likely make you do a double-take if it doesn't just blow your mind, I focus my research on the subconscious mind to explore the deeper components to life.... click subscribe and let's go on an adventure together. I focus my posts on the most interesting and fascinating facts and misconceptions we have in society. My goal is to learn and share something new and interesting every day.
„Aber es ist nicht derselbe Begriff „gut“: vielmehr frage man sich doch, wer eigentlich „böse“ ist, im Sinne der Moral des Ressentiment. In aller Strenge geantwortet: eben der „Gute“ der andren Moral, eben der Vornehme, der Mächtige, der Herrschende, nur umgefärbt, nur umgedeutet, nur umgesehn durch das Giftauge des Ressentiment. Hier wollen wir Eins am wenigsten leugnen: wer jene „Guten“ nur als Feinde kennen lernte, lernte auch nichts als böse Feinde kennen, und dieselben Menschen, welche so streng durch Sitte, Verehrung, Brauch, Dankbarkeit, noch mehr durch gegenseitige Bewachung, durch Eifersucht inter pares in Schranken gehalten sind, die andrerseits im Verhalten zu einander so erfinderisch in Rücksicht, Selbstbeherrschung, Zartsinn, Treue, Stolz und Freundschaft sich beweisen, - die sind nach Außen hin, dort wo das Fremde, die Fremde beginnt, nicht viel besser als losgelassne Raubtiere. Sie genießen da die Freiheit von allem sozialen Zwang, sie halten sich in der Wildnis schadlos für die Spannung, welche eine lange Einschließung und Einfriedigung in den Frieden der Gemeinschaft gibt, sie treten in die Unschuld des Raubtier-Gewissens zurück, als frohlockende Ungeheuer, welche vielleicht von einer scheußlichen Abfolge von Mord, Niederbrennung, Schändung, Folterung mit einem Übermute und seelischen Gleichgewichte davongehen, wie als ob nur ein Studentenstreich vollbracht sei, überzeugt davon, dass die Dichter für lange nun wieder Etwas zu singen und zu rühmen haben. Auf dem Grunde aller dieser vornehmen Rassen ist das Raubtier, die prachtvolle nach Beute und Sieg lüstern schweifende blonde Bestie nicht zu verkennen; es bedarf für diesen verborgenen Grund von Zeit zu Zeit der Entladung, das Tier muss wieder heraus, muss wieder in die Wildnis zurück: - römischer, arabischer, germanischer, japanischer Adel, homerische Helden, skandinavische Wikinger - in diesem Bedürfnis sind sie sich alle gleich.“
(Nietzsche, „Zur Genealogie der Moral“)
Other than being censored and shadow banned, I'm still not going ANYWHERE! ...................................................................................
Note: I do not harbor hatred towards any race. I only seek to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Please bear in mind, I oppose anything that is not in accordance to God's natural law, so calling me a racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, anti-Semitic Nazi has absolutely no stronghold over me. Needless to say, I identify with all of the above and appreciate the compliment wholeheartedly.
Basic Info about me: I'm a wife and mother. I reject conservatives and liberals alike, both are the enemies of America; however, one pretends to be your ally, while the other is more honest about being your enemy; therefore I have adopted Third Position. I do not care what religion you are; whether you are Christian, Pagan, Anti-theist or Agnostic. We, as brother and sisters, must unite in solidarity and push aside our differences. We are losing precious time when we fight amongst each other and chastise one another for opposing beliefs.
Just like you I used to buy into this essentially media-driven Jewish victimization, until I began researching for myself. What I found was astounding. Throughout history there are records of Jews being expelled from over a hundred countries, many times due to accusations (and corroborating evidence) of blood rituals performed by Jews on stolen children. The practice was so widespread that world Jewry came up with a legal term to defend themselves against such accusations: Blood Libel. Of course, one can simply ignore all the evidence and dismiss this as some sort of conspiracy. If such was the case, then one lingering cause for such expulsions would still be the fact that Jews tend to segregate other, non-Jewish peoples and live only amongst themselves, usually for supremacist reasons. Then, there is the question of the "Holocaust", which, despite evidence to the contrary and in spite of the absence of proof to support it, still remains a subject that cannot be questioned in over a 100 European countries. Truth does not fear investigation, and that in itself is enough for me to suspect foul play in this story.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear " ~Marcus Tullius Cicero Telegram :https://t.me/SSHelferin Discord: SShelferin#0278