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The Great Game

Gerry GeronimoMar 5, 2017, 1:31:54 PM

And making sense of the world.

If you've never heard of The Great Game, don't worry about it. Understanding and knowing how to play the game of Risk is basically the same thing. The objective of the game is to conquer and rule the world.

Conquering and ruling the world require alliances. Forming alliances protects you from being conquered by others and also gives you time to build up strength. Dissolving alliances ruthlessly gives you the advantage. Knowing when, who. and how to form and dissolve alliances is the key to winning it all. A little bit of luck also helps.

Why is it important to understand this?

It is the key to understanding what makes the world go around and what drives the elites. Conquering and ruling the world has been going on throughout the history of mankind. Alexander the Great is probably a good example, but he only conquered and ruled the known world.

Not the entire world. Nobody yet has been able to conquer and rule the entire world. Not for lack of attempts to do so. The villains in James Bond books & movies are much closer to the truth than most people realize.

The difficulty is identifying and knowing all the "real" players in this game, their proxies, and the alliances. Most are hidden from the general public.

The objective remains the same: conquer and rule the world.

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