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Features Of OOOBTC Exchange Explained (II)

Jude07May 9, 2019, 8:05:09 PM

Hello dear reader and welcome back to my page once again, in my previous article on OOOBTC exchange I discussed only two of the unique features of the exchange which are actually four in number but I had to discuss only two due to limited information. So, if it's your first time here kindly click *here* (embed link) to read.

The last two unique features of OOOBTC exchange are;

1. High Performance Function: The phrase "performance" simply put means "accomplishing a great deal of work in shorter time" and while making use of the OOOBTC exchange I noticed that the team in developing this exchange had this same definition in mind.

The trading mechanism of this exchange adopts self-developed, high performance core matching engine technology and exploits distributed computing techs such as Google Spanner and BigTable making it capable of supporting concurrent computation and make the order processing speed up to 1 Million transaction per second.

2. Coin Suggestions: In as much as you're a part of OOOBTC exchange ecosystem, you therefore have a say in every matter that concerns the platform including coin suggestions. New or old cryptocurrencies can be submitted by the community users through the website which will be considered by the team also the team assures the community that once a digital asset starts to gain recognition from the community, proper diligent work will be carried out in deciding to list the asset.

This features are really unique and a genius approach taken by the team in ensuring that the exchange is not just for a selected few but for everyone to partake in it and be a part of something bigger, something for the future. With the high performance function mechanism traders would have to say goodbye to slow transaction speed and begin to enjoy a "million dollar" speed trading mechanism.

Hope you enjoyed your read and drop any questions you may have concerning the topic in the comment box, I'll do well to reply as fast as possible. Thank you.

To know more about the project refer to the links below;



Whitepaper: https://www.ooobtc.com/assets/whitepaper/obx.pdf




Bitcointalk username: ezeobulu007

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2388805;sa=summary