Brothers and sisters and fellow Irish men, women and children, there are WAR CRIMES and CRIMES OF UNSPEAKABLE CALIBERS AGAINST HUMANITY being committed here on our little green Isle at this very moment in time. ALL political parties and corresponding classes seem to be involved in some way shape or form and nobody is being held accountable thus far.
Our healthcare systems are being intentionally attacked !
It turns out the libtards running our country value "Animals" and "gambling" more so than human life itself !
Speaks volumes on how the current political classes value "LIFE"
These war crimes are being heavily influenced by the heads of states of the United Nations to help them further their maniacal agendas of a totalitarian future European Union under the guise of "Sustainability Plans"
These corporate fascism and totalitarian socialism "Plans" are called "UN Agenda 21" and "UN Agenda 2030" (Agenda 21 is Agenda 2030 beefed up on steroids) and will pave the way for a Nazi Superstate owned and controlled by the Zionists Jews and globalists, what they are trying to achieve on how are blatant "WAR CRIMES" The people Of Ireland need to rise before it is too late !
Read more on:
United Nations Agenda 2021 here
United Nations Agenda 2030 here
As a small esoteric minority of you are already aware, the entire nation of Ireland is being intentionally infiltrated and attacked from the inside out by the insane 'Zionist Jews' (Dare I say those words !) individuals and 'Globalists' over at the "United Nations" for totalitarian "fascist" and "Nazi" type maniacal ends. Our little "Emerald Isle" is about to implode at the hands of some very dangerous individuals over in Brussels and our citizens seem to be helpless.
Leo Varadkar, the current Taoiseach of Ireland took office on 14 June 2017 he is the leader of 'Fine Gael' who are strongly in favour of the 'European Union' AKA "United Nations" and is a founding member of the 'European People's Party'. Leo Varadkar is known to sympathize with Isreal, to have close ties to zionists and is in the back pockets of some powerful globalists. It is no secret to the general public that LEO VARADKAR IS NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE AND DOES NOT HAVE THE IRISH PEOPLES BEST INTERESTS AT HEART.
IRELAND has agreed to accept more migrants as part of a new "burden-sharing" deal with its EU partners.
All 28 EU member states vowed to take shared responsibility for the migrant crisis following eight hours of contentious deliberations in Brussels last night.
Contrary to the beliefs Ireland is a vassal state owned and controlled by imperialism namely to the United Nations.
2011 - Our EU masters will make us a vassal state
To escape the clutches of the Troika and maintain our sovereignty, we must urgently reduce our budget deficit, says Jody Corcoran
Former Nazi Selected as Secretary General of the United Nations, Later Elected President of Austria !
He said: Napoleon and Hitler tried to dominate the continent. ‘The EU is an attempt to do this by different methods.’
Boris Johnson has mentioned before that the European Union is becoming a superstate, infringing on Britain's autonomy. On Sunday, the Brexit campaigner has compared the EU's aims to unify the continent to Hitler's efforts to dominate Europe.
Speaking in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Johnson said the past 2,000 years of European history had been marked by doomed attempts to unify the continent and recreate the “golden age” of the Romans.
“Napoleon, Hitler, various people tried this out, and it ends tragically. The EU is an attempt to do this by different methods," Johnson said.
Johnston also said that Europe lacks "underlying loyalty to the idea of Europe" and that "there is no single authority that anybody respects or understands."
These comments came as UKIP leader Nigel Farage backed Johnson to succeed David Cameron as Conservative leader if Britons vote to leave the EU in the June 23 referendum.
Read More Here:
Boris Johnson: The EU wants a superstate, just as Hitler did
Dangerous United Nations frontman and money man George Soros is secretly funding and caravans of migrants "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS" whom over 50% are not even fleeing war torn countries or seeking asylum at all and instead are just here for "Economical purposes" hence UN Agenda 2021 and whilst doing so is intentionally leaving our own indigenous Irish to perish.
George Soros, Mastercard to partner to aid migrants, refugees
Our homeless situation has just escalated rapidly since 2016. The main reason for the migrants and their "Economical purposes" is that to successfully roll out and implement their NEW ORWELLIAN DYSTOPIAN EUROPEAN UNION AND NAZI SUPERSTATE the perpetrators must first destroy a nations sovereignty, then eradicate all forms of nationalism, strip the "Irish" of their identification and force the original populous into a minority, "they" will achieve this by FLOODING COUNTRIES WITH MILLIONS OF MIGRANTS all under the guise of "Multiculturalism" and "Diversity" and George Soros and hes minions will defend hes ludicrous motives with tactics such as "Hate Speech", "Racism" and "Anti-Facism" rallies. Hes paid protestors, online agent provocateurs and foor soldiers will do all of hes "Dirty Work" while the Nazi wannabe sits on hes 8 billion euro fortune and hes 32 billion "Open Society Foundation".
Watch The Video Here:
On housing crisis in 2017, Varadkar..
"We have a plan, the plan is working and we won't stop until we succeed".
In 2017
🔹️ 5,524 Adults
🔹️1,530 Families
🔹️3,333 Children
🔹️6524 Adults
🔹️3873 Children
🔹️*10,397 reclassified
1,600 people were removed from official figures last year. A move that has widely been condemned.
Our current homeless record numbers of well in excess of 10,000+ in Ireland will rise to 30,00 when at least 20,000 more people will be on the street when banks start repossessing homes, a campaigner told a rally on Saturday.
Homeless champion Fr Peter McVerry warned the country will move from “crisis” to “catastrophe” when lenders and vulture funds move in on indebted homeowners.
Addressing up to 20,000 protesters at the Raise The Roof march through Dublin he said the Government have failed the people. Fr McVerry said: “This Government’s strategy is not working. Any 12-year-old kid could tell this Government their strategy is not working.
“And yet every month when the homelessness figures come out, the Government keeps insisting their strategy is working.
“The Emperor has no clothes. And until they realise they have no clothes, nothing is going to change
“This government is on the side of the banks, the international funds and the property owners. They are not on the side of tenants and people with mortgages who are struggling to pay and keep a roof over their head.
“Today we have a crisis, tomorrow we are going to have a catastrophe. There are 40,000 mortgages in arrears of more than two years - some of you here are probably in that situation - and the Central Bank estimates that at least half of those are going to be repossessed.
“That will create, not a crisis, that will create a catastrophe which this country will not be able to cope with.” Sinn Fein, Labour, People Before Profit, the Social Democrats, Solidarity, the Workers Party, Independents 4 Change and the Greens were among the political parties present.
The current record numbers of homelessness reported by the Department of Housing are just scratching the surface, according to charities in the sector, who have warned that the reality is far worse.
In its latest report, the Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government reported that 10,397 people were in emergency accommodation in Ireland in September. This included 6,524 adults and 3,873 children.
Homeless groups such as "Protest against Homelessness in Ireland, Less Talk More Action !" are doing a great job of raising awareness of these blatant War Crimes, Corruption and other crimes against humanity here in Ireland but needs as much support as possible and needs more coverage, LOTS MORE OF IT !
So PLEASE Join and Share this group to all Irish friends, families, relatives and acquaintance to help create MASS AWARENESS ON A GLOBAL SCALE !
Group URL:
"Protest against Homelessness in Ireland, Less Talk More Action !"
Number of people homeless in Ireland rises again
August figures show 10,338 people are homeless, 3,848 of whom are children
Mon, Sep 30, 2019, 10:29 Updated: Mon, Sep 30, 2019, 15:30
'The Good People' of Ireland that are "aware" and "Informed" seem to be helpless to do anything about it and those that are oblivious seem to be blindsided as a direct result of mainstream media indoctrination (helping the leftards and libtards to further their depraved agendas ), brainwashing (through their sophisticated dis-Information tactics) or intentional news 'black outs' and censorship by the 'mouths of the establishment' because it goes against their "government narratives".
*Deciphered: So in other words, The government and their minions don't want the general public discussing the "TRUTH" because it goes against their LIES, DECEIT AND CORRUPTION so instead they will have "THE TRUTH" labelled "HATE SPEECH" and therefore CENSORED. Here is an "Anti - Hate Speech" event taking place on the 16th of November of this year that could also do with your support.
"Hate speech" = disagree with a liberal
These Censorship crimes are ominous to say the least I have personally lost 20+ accounts in 2 years for creating and distributing "truth material" the censorship teams on mainstream social media networking platforms are ruthless and relentless in deterring "Truth" these days.
The European Public is completely brainwashed and indoctrinated at the moment by lies from "Zionist Run Medias", state broadcasting companies, newspapers, 'Mouths Of The Establishment' and Zionist/Nazi sympathizing rags alike, who use FAKE POLICIES and COMMUNITY STANDARDS such as "Hate Speech", "RACISM", "FAKE NEWS" "Conspiracies Theories" etc to 'Silence The Public' preventing us from discussing such " Economical Agendas" or "Political Topics".
We need your help and this will take a joint effort to stop this "Irish Cartel" aka Current Political Parties and their corresponding political classes from any more murder.
This is exactly what is happening in our country right now, and the ignorant folk who prefer to have their heads buried in the sand are the exact people that enable the the governments to carry out these CRIMES AGAINST IRELAND AND HUMANITY in general.
This is the "elephant in the room" that nobody wants to talk about, This is the plan for a one world order, as detailed by the United Nations, This is how they are trying to kill us.
United Nations Agenda 2030 .part 1
United Nations Agenda 2030 .Part 2.
United Nations Agenda 2030 part 3.
United Nations agenda 2030 part 4
Agenda 21, The Plan To Kill You - David Icke
Agenda 2030 Playlist
Agenda 21? The Plan To Depopulate 95% Of The World By 2030
"Algeria, where are your Jews?" — Hillel Neuer silences the U.N.
It's a most evil disease of the mind, body, and soul.
And it's called--Jewphobia!
And it's taken many forms throughout history...
- Hateful Anti-Israel Resolutions
- Terrorism
- Wars
- Boycotts, Divestitures, and Sanctions
- Genocidal Holocaust
- Death Camps
- Crematoria
- Gas Chambers
- Forced Labor
- Human Medical Experiments
- Kristillnacht
- Iron Curtains
- Persecutions
- Pogroms
- Discrimination
- Blood Libels
- Torture Chambers
- Inquisition
- Expulsions
- Occupations
- Destruction of the Temple (2x)
- Plundering
- Masacres
- Sieges
- Infanticide
- Slavery
Someone has to stop them.
27 of these men have enough wealth to supply 3.8 Billion people on this planet for a lifetime !
Think about that for a few seconds and then join and support your local YELLOW VEST MOVEMENT !
~ Stay Safe Dan
After careful consideration, I have made an executive and conscious decision as a loving father to the potential leaders of our future and husband to be, that my years of digging deep, researching, rooting out the truth content that is hidden in plain sight but cleverly tucked away from the public eye will not be for nothing. I have decided to finish what I started and devote and dedicate my life to exposing the dark forces that surround us, the corruptions, hoodwinking and smokes & mirrors that come with them. These may be a group of esoteric individuals but they are not without their flaws, they leave holes in their games, cover-ups and inconsistencies, any small amount of "intuition" logic, reasoning, critical thinking can see that. It is imperative that we capitalize on those "Holes" and not allow their futile attempts to put their spin on things to empower us with lies, deceit and more corruption that only serves to encourage and motivate us "Truthers" that little bit more. These 2% are not unbeatable, make no mistakes about that. They just know how to play a good game, a game takes 2 or more players, remove those extra players and the game seizes to exist. Once exposed these 2% will run for the hills and it is already unfolding right before our very eyes.
Each time a new person awakens to the universal truth, The whole of humanity rises a notch. The World is awakening, this is their biggest fear.
"The Awakening" is imminent and is happening all around us.
It is our job to ensure it happens.
The mouths of the establishment such as the mainstream news outlets are also now owned and controlled by these small group of esoteric people that are cleverly creating this "Reality" we live in through their esoteric collective consciousness and their Nazi type tactics, in plain simple terminology they are but parasites, energy parasites, bottom feeders and must be stopped. Their propaganda machines are helping them to drive and steer the masses through divide and conquer techniques, social engineering, indoctrination and brainwashing.
Most countries have been hijacked and held hostage for almost a century by these powerful entities, but their citizens far too busy being happily distracted and misguided to care that those same individuals now decided amongst themselves that they want to reduce the worlds Current Population of 7,746,104,508 to 500,000 for the purpose of "Maintaining humanity under 500,000 in perpetual balance with nature"
There are 7 men above the Bilderberger group that have decided most of us are useless and as the Georgia Guide Stones declare, that the world wide population needs to be reduced by 90%, which is occurring now through poisonous food additives such as aspartame, which turn into formaldehyde and destroy your organ systems over time, to put squalene in vaccinations, which over stimulates the immune system and eventually turns the body on its self, adding flouride to the water which is another slow poison.
This is just the first message of the Georgia Guide Stones
It is better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with the lie
Help get the truth out there.
Donate Here To Help Us Fight Back With An Alternative Media News Powerhouse That Will Not Only Take On The Existing Ones But Expose Them For The Heavily Left/establishment Biased Fake News That They Spew Daily:
Wake Up People #Woke AF
Thank You.
#ClimateChange #Hoax #TaxScam #CarbonTax #Communism #Nazi #OneWorldGovernment #UnitedStatesOfEurope #NWO #Rotschild #CrimesAgainstHumanity #UnitedNations #Facism #EU #Hitler #Isreal #ZionistJews #Genocide #IrishGenocide #KhazarianMafia #RedShieldMafia #FreeMasons #Masons #Illumanati #Rockefeller #GretaThunberg #ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateChangeHoax #Climate #GlobalWarmingAlGoreHoax #CarbonTaxesScam #ClubOfRome
Check Out More Of My Blogs Here
After careful consideration, I have made an executive and conscious decision as a loving father to the potential leaders of our future and husband to be, that my years of digging deep, researching, rooting out the truth content that is hidden in plain sight but cleverly tucked away from the public eye will not be for nothing. I have decided to finish what I started and devote and dedicate my life to exposing the dark forces that surround us, the corruptions, hoodwinking and smokes & mirrors that come with them. These may be a group of esoteric individuals but they are not without their flaws, they leave holes in their games, cover-ups and inconsistencies, any small amount of "intuition" logic, reasoning, critical thinking can see that. It is imperative that we capitalize on those "Holes" and not allow their futile attempts to put their spin on things to empower us with lies, deceit and more corruption that only serves to encourage and motivate us "Truthers" that little bit more. These 2% are not unbeatable, make no mistakes about that. They just know how to play a good game, a game takes 2 or more players, remove those extra players and the game seizes to exist. Once exposed these 2% will run for the hills and it is already unfolding right before our very eyes.
Each time a new person awakens to the universal truth, The whole of humanity rises a notch. The World is awakening, this is their biggest fear.
"The Awakening" is imminent and is happening all around us.
It is our job to ensure it happens.
The mouths of the establishment such as the mainstream news outlets are also now owned and controlled by these small group of esoteric people that are cleverly creating this "Reality" we live in through their esoteric collective consciousness and their Nazi type tactics, in plain simple terminology they are but parasites, energy parasites, bottom feeders and must be stopped. Their propaganda machines are helping them to drive and steer the masses through divide and conquer techniques, social engineering, indoctrination and brainwashing.
Most countries have been hijacked and held hostage for almost a century by these powerful entities, but their citizens far too busy being happily distracted and misguided to care that those same individuals now decided amongst themselves that they want to reduce the worlds Current Population of 7,746,104,508 to 500,000 for the purpose of "Maintaining humanity under 500,000 in perpetual balance with nature"
There are 7 men above the Bilderberger group that have decided most of us are useless and as the Georgia Guide Stones declare, that the world wide population needs to be reduced by 90%, which is occurring now through poisonous food additives such as aspartame, which turn into formaldehyde and destroy your organ systems over time, to put squalene in vaccinations, which over stimulates the immune system and eventually turns the body on its self, adding flouride to the water which is another slow poison.
"It is better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with the lie"
Donate Here To Help Us Fight Back With An Alternative Media News Powerhouse COGENT.IE That Will Not Only Take On The Existing Ones But Expose Them For The Heavily Left/establishment Biased Fake News That They Spew Daily:
Help the evolution of our new Anti-Mainstream news outlet - here:
Wake Up People #Woke AF
Thank You.
Namaste, DFOS 🙏
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