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Covid-19 "Vaccination Deaths" Being Heavily Censored On Social Media And Fobbed Off By Big Pharma ~Danny Boy Limerick

*This blog will be updated regularly, please feel free to copy, paste and mirror all over the World Wide Web

If this blog goes down 3 new ones will pop up under 3 new URL/Links, or as many as is takes to keep fascist social media giants from censoring the truth about the deadly new Covid-19 mRNA vaccinations (transhumanist genetic reprogramming)


January 15th 2021

At least 23 people have died from coronavirus vaccines in Norway (so far)


Nursing home with zero COVID deaths reports residents dying after new outbreak, vaccine
At The Commons, COVID deaths are reported to have occurred only after residents began receiving coronavirus vaccinations.



24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections



January 8th 2021

Portuguese nurse dies after receiving coronavirus vaccine


A ‘healthy’ doctor died two weeks after getting a COVID-19 vaccine; CDC is investigating why.



Two weeks after getting a first dose of a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, a 56-year-old doctor in South Florida died this week, possibly the nation’s first death linked to the vaccine.



Swiss nursing home resident reportedly dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine


Portuguese nurse dies two days after taking Pfizer-BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine

A health worker in Portugal died two days after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. This comes as a shock to the world community and has raised questions over the safety and efficiency of the Pfizer vaccine.






Norway has adjusted its advice on who can receive the COVID vaccine following the deaths of 13 nursing home residents after getting the jab



Norway says advice on use of COVID-19 vaccine is unchanged, Reuters reports

Officials in Norway say there is no need to revise COVID-19 vaccination guidelines after reports of deaths in elderly recipients who received the vaccine, according to Reuters and the Norwegian Medicines Agency. These deaths were to be expected statistically among the “sickest elderly patients” Bloomberg reports, and because several countries first vaccinated patients of residential care facilities, deaths among this population are not uncommon.



January 18th

Chinese doctor: Sinopharm coronavirus jab “most unsafe in the world” with 73 side effects



January 18th 2021

Coronavirus outbreak ensues following vaccination of residents at nursing home




January 18th 2021

Four volunteers immunized with Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine developed Bell’s palsy; FDA denies jab caused it




January 16th 2021

UK regulator warns public to avoid covid-19 shots if they already struggle with allergies



January 15th 2021

You may want to rethink the jab



January 15th 2021

COVID-19 vaccine reactions being blamed on PEG, but could it be the body responding to mRNA transhumanist genetic reprogramming?


January 14th 2021

New York legislator wants to put coronavirus “carriers” in concentration camps


January 4th 2021

Situation Update, Jan. 4th, 2021 – Election theater is cover for the global extermination agenda


January 14th 2021

Woman suffers whole body convulsions after taking experimental Moderna COVID-19 vaccine


January 13th 2021

Merck plant where COVID-19 vaccines will be manufactured a “biohazard nightmare,” production floor smeared with feces


January 12th 2021

NHS doctors instructed to postpone routine care and administer covid-19 vaccines instead


January 9th 2021

Miami doctor dies after receiving first dose of Pfizer vaccine


January 9th 2021

Former COVID-19 patient relives bout with virus following vaccination


January 8th 2021

Health professional dies two days after COVID-19 vaccination


31st December 2020

Governments struggle to convince public rushed coronavirus vaccines are safe as confidence continues to drop


December 2020

CNN reveals that vaccinating elderly for COVID-19 could kill them, but if you mention this anywhere, you will be BANNED


January 2021



December 2020

Whistleblower who exposed COVID-19 vaccine side effects slapped with lawsuit


December 2020

Pfizer COVID vaccine trial shows alarming evidence of pathogenic priming in older adults


December 2020

DEPOPULATION VAX: Trial subjects injected with coronavirus vaccines suddenly test positive for HIV – updated


December 2020

Minutes after receiving coronavirus vaccine, vax-brainwashed nurse loses consciousness and collapses on LIVE TV


December 2020

Who’s murdering all the COVID scientists?


December 2020

FDA reveals long list of serious health conditions that may result from covid-19 vaccinations, including death


December 2020

CNN: ‘Don’t be alarmed’ if people start dying after taking the vaccine


December 2020

Ten year study shows that UNVACCINATED are far healthier than their vaccinated peers who suffer from more respiratory infections, asthma, allergies, etc.


December 2020

Situation Update, Dec. 13th – Trump readies evidence to leverage against Biden, Gen. Perna announces “vaccine D-Day… the beginning of the end”


December 2020

Swiss nursing home resident reportedly dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine

A nursing home resident in Switzerland who was among the first in the country to be vaccinated against COVID-19 later died — but officials did not indicate whether the death was related to the jab, according to reports.

“We are aware of the case,” an official in the canton of Lucerne told Reuters, adding that the matter has been referred to Swiss drugs regulator Swissmedic.


December 2020

Video shows mishap during COVID-19 vaccination of El Paso nurses 


December 2020

Boston physician vouches for the Moderna coronavirus vaccine that almost TOOK HIS LIFE


Colorado congressman more worried about vaccine than COVID-19


December 2020

Pathogenic priming? COVID-19 vaccines are actually spreading the pandemic



October 2020

Singapore halts use of flu vaccines after 48 die in South Korea



Danny Boy Limerick 



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Go raibh maith agat a chairde

~Danny Boy Limerick


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