In a world where machines have taken over every job except for those held by the few engineers blessed with high IQs, a laid-off assembly line worker must find a way to keep his family out of the dangerous slums where degenerate low-lives rule the streets. Joel Monroe is his name. He and his former coworkers are offered a one-way ticket out of America, a country, like every other, rapidly descending into civil war amidst the rising tide of political violence. Is the Eden Project a lie - nothing more than a false hope designed to placate the masses? Or worse, is it a conspiracy to thin out the 'redundant' population?
As Joel digs deeper into the Eden Project, he will discover that the truth is deadlier than the lies.
Links to each episode can be found here:
Episode 1: Mass Automation And Political Violence
Episode 2: Man And Nation At The Breaking Point
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Thanks for reading. Cheers!
Michael E. Vigil