September 7th 2020 Bill Ottman tells Hacker Noon “The Abandonment Of Clean Algos is the Suicide of Mainstream Social Media”
Today October 10th 2020 Minds admin tells users that a key figure to the reward Algo giving users tokens from “network scoring” is kept on wiki.
A few key issues lay in this statement for the key algorithm used on ;
1.) The network score is tallied daily, or every 24 hours based on active users. Wiki does not hold or keep this type of dynamic data.
2.) Wiki reports 2.5+ million users, if this is the algorithms default for scoring we are missing a few tokens, where are they? seems to be following standard mainstream tactics here with the secret formula securely locked away from users view with no way of transparency when it comes to the reward metric of active users for the network score anywhere, while attacking other networks for its bad algos and transparency. This is social media politics at its best!
Yes, statement says they intend on bringing them back, and this only raises more questions on why they vanished in the fist place does this have something to do with users started having issues with receiving rewards from the system?
Well I guess the world may never know, and remember, do your own research, drop a comment, like, remind and always be looking for the best open source network that fits your needs and transparency based on research and user input not articles trashing other networks for doing the same thing they are doing. Thanks for reading as always and we will catch you on the next blog :)
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