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The Real Story About 911 : Following The Money

PhableOmsriOct 7, 2019, 3:26:00 AM

Here is an Article that I compiled attempting to expose the Truth about the events surrounding what happened on 9-11.  I was watching the news when it was happening when I was a young man and I knew that it was going to used as an excuse to go to war.  I have always been interested in the subject and after 18 years of lies and really poor reporting I have decided to share a good chunk of the evidence and information that I have compiled.  I have drawn from many documentaries and articles on the subject in order to compose this collection of information.   

So in an effort to present everything I have learned I have created this Article. 

If you see any inaccuracies or mistakes in this information please let me know where in the Article the mistake occured and any evidence or supporting information that you think might be helpful.  If you see anything I have neglected to include also please let me know. 

Thank you for your time! 

911 Truth matters because the government continues to lie about what happened to this very day.

911 was a policy coup that brought us “The War on Terror” and a series of costly wars.

911 Truth matters because for 18 years the controlled media has pushed a false narrative about 911 and the “War on Terror” – while suppressing evidence that disproves the official myth,

Why do the government and media cover up the truth about what happened on 911?

1. To protect the real culprits from being identified

2. To prevent the official myth from being exposed as a pack of lies and fabrications.

3. To advance the fraudulent war on Terror – the Zionist war agenda being waged by the US, which was the primary reason for 911.

The Media is controlled… 90% of the media outlets are owned by 6 Corporations

The War on Terror has been a 18 year war.

$100 million a day spent fighting a war in Afghanistan

911 was done to start the Global War on Terror, a war of aggression, terrorism, and conquest.

911 was designed to trick us into supporting an open ended and criminal war agenda.

The fraudulent War on Terror has taken the lives of millions and has cost us Trillions of borrowed dollars. Our civic duty obliges us to resist the deception and enslavement to the criminal war agenda.

Failure to resist is to betray our nation, our people, our progeny.

The wars in Afghanistan & Iraq was a war crime.

Cost of The War on Terror

Wars since 2001 / 8.36 million / hour = Total : 1.7 trillion

Homeland Security

6.74 million / hour = Total : 686 billion

Source : NationalPriorities.org June 5, 2016


“The evidential trail for 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq runs from PNAC (Project for the New American Century), AIPAC, and their cohorts; through the mostly Jewish neo-cons in the Bush Administration; and back to the Israeli government. None of the denials and political machinations can alter that essential reality.” - Dr. Alan Sobrosky, “Treason, Betrayal, and Deceit : 911 and Beyond” 2009

The only way to resolve this conflict is if the Palestinians are allowed to go home.

Zionism : Jewish Nationalism The Nation State of Israel for The Jewish people alone. A State in where only Jews are enfranchised as citizens, based on the idea of Jewish Supremacy.

“Zionist strategy will seek to involve the United States in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum Jewish objectives.”

Source : “Force Requirements for Palestine,” Joint Chiefs of Staff March 31, 1948

“Zionist Jewish objectives includes the expansion of ‘Eretz Israel’ into Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, as well as the establishment of Jewish military and economic hegemony over the entire Middle East.”

Source : Taking Sides : America’s Secret Relations with a Militant Israel. Stephen Green 1984

There is a map of Eretz Israel in

“Imagining a Remapped Middle East” by Robin Wright New York Times, 9/28/13

Oded Yinon : Israel’s Master Plan to Dominate the Middle East

The Yinon Plan represents “the accurate and detailed plan of the present Zionist regime (Likud) for the Middle East, which is based on the division of the whole area into small states, and the dissolution of all the existing Arab states,” Israel Shahak wrote in 1982

The ‘Yinon Plan” is “the most explicit, detailed, and unambiguous statement to date of the Zionist strategy in the Middle East.”

“A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties” by Oded Yinon

Kivunim : A Journal for Judaism and Zionism, February 1982

Balkanization : Breaking up the larger Arab states into ethnic statelets

Like what was done to Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

June 8, 1967

Unmarked Israeli Jets intentionally sunk an American ship killing 34 intelligence agents (spys)… and the Israelis sunk all the life rafts.

The Founder of the Likud

Menachem Begin 1948

Born : Brest, Russia 1913

Arrives in Palestine 1942

Becomes leader of Irgun.

He and David Ben-Gurion of the Haganah orders Bombing of King David Hotel 1946 killing 93

Creates Likud 1973

Prime Minister 1977

Invades Lebanon 1978-1982 with over 20k killed

The Irgun : A Jewish Terrorist Group

1946 – Menachem Begin is head of the Irgun, a terrorist group based on the extreme Zionist doctrine of Vladimir Jobotinsky. Netanyahu’s father was Jabotinsky’s secretary and became head of the NZO movement when Jobotinsky died in New York in 1940.

“The partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized… Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital, and Eretz Israel will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And forever.”

Menachem Begin 11/30/1947


“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq.” Netanyahu Likud Chairman since 1993

“Netanyahu says 9/11 Terror Attacks good for Israel.” Ha’aretz, 4/16/08

The War on Terror is an Israeli stratagem, pushed by Netanyahu since 1979, to bring the US military into the Middle East to wage war on behalf of the Zionist state.

Benjamin Netanyahu wrote some books

International Terrorism : Challenges and Response

Terrorism : How The West Can Win

Fighting Terrorism

Netanyahu uses the word terrorist to delegitimize Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation.

Legally and morally the Palestinians have every right to defend their land.

22 years after it was born at the Jerusalem Conference in 1979, the War on Terror became operational with the US Invasion of Afghanistan. The ultimate purpose of 9/11 was to start Israel’s War on Terror.

A Rothshield Employee

“Israel’s Strategic Goals” – 1948

We should prepare to go over to the offensive with the aim of smashing Lebanon, Trans-Jordan and Syria… The weak point in the Arab coalition is Lebanon; the Moslem regime is artificial and easy to undermine. A Christian state should be established, with its southern border on the Litani River. We will make an alliance with it. When we smash the Legion’s strength and bomb Amman, we will eliminate Trans-Jordan too, and then Syria will fall. If Egypt dares to fight on, we will bomb Port Said, Alexandria, and Cairo.” David Ben Gurion to his General Staff May 24, 1948

“Peres shares the same ideology; he wants to frighten the West into supporting Israel’s aims.”

Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharett writing about Shimon Peres in 1955.

Israel’s Sacred Terrorism

The Father of Terrorism

Q : “How does it feel, in the light of all that’s going on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?”

A : “In the Middle East?” he [Begin] bellowed in his thick cartoon accent. “In all the world!”

Menachem Begin to Russell Warren Howe January 1974

1977 – Likud Terrorists Come To Power

Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir.

Yitzhak Shamir

September 1948

During a UN Truce, Shamir authorizes the assassination of UN envoy, Count Folke Bernadotte.

August 1962

Shamir directs “Operation Damocles,” in which Mossad murders German rocket scientists working with Egypt.

March 1963

Prime Minister Ben-Gurion orders an end to “Operation Damocles.” Shamir resigns from Mossad in protest after Director General Isser Harel is forced to resign.

Son of a Terrorist – Israeli Rahm Emanuel, senior advisor to Bill Clinton and Barak Obama’s chief of staff.

Now Mayer of Chicago. Referred to as “Mossad’s agent in the White House.”

1978 – The Israeli Ideation of 911 Begins (Predictive Programming)

In 1978 Israeli agent Arnon Milchan makes his first film, The Medusa Touch” which features a 911 type attack. Coincidence or prescience?

Photo of Milchan with Ezer Weizman, Israel Defense Minister 1978

Ideation 2000 – Rupert Murdoch, Milchan’s partner and landlord, makes a film in which a remotely hijacked plane is flown into the Twin Towers. Program airs in March 2001, 6 months before 911.

The Lone Gunman

Milchan, with a long history as an Israeli money launderer, is said to be worth 5.2 billion. Where does his money come from? Lekam : Israeli smuggling

1976 – 1978

Benjamin Netanyahu works for Boston Consulting Group, a Rothschild linked firm.


Netanyahu creates an institute on terrorism and hosts a conference in Jerusalem to start a propaganda campaign calling for a “War on Terror”.

George H.W. Bush speaks in support of the Israeli “War on Terror” concept.

1982 – In response to an attack on an Israeli diplomat in London, Ariel Sharon leads Israeli invasion of Lebanon, killing more than 20k as Israel re-occupies the southern part of the country, as called for in the Yinon Plan – the Israeli strategy to dominate the region by Balkanizing the Arab States.

1983 – Truck bombs destroy the US Embassy in Beirut in April and the US Marine Barracks in October killing hundreds of Americans. Vice President George Bush visits the scene of the destroyed barracks where 241 US Marines were killed.

Isser Harel of Mossad predicted 911 in 1980.

Q : “Do you think terrorism will come to America, and if so, where and why?”

A Harel : I fear it will come to you in America. America has the power but not the will, to fight terrorism. The terrorists have the will, but not the power to fight America – but all that could change with time. Arab oil money buys more than tents. As to where, Harel continued, “New York City is the symbol of freedom and capitalism. It’s likely they will strike the Empire State Building, your tallest building and a symbol of your power.” Isser Harel, former director of Mossad, to Michael Evans – in 1980

Harel’s Plan Goes into Action

1987 – 2 Mossad men who had worked under Harel for decades obtain P.A. security contract.

Zvi Malkin – previously involved in plutonium smuggling and Eichmann kidnapping – represents Atwell Security of Tel Aviv (Shaul Eisenberg) in negotiations with P.A.

Malkin works with D.A. Robert Morgenthau on investigations. Morgenthau helps Malkin obtain US Citizenship. Avraham Shalom Bendor, partner in Atwell Security contract for WTC, responsible for murder of Palestinians as head of Shin Bet (1981-1986).

PA discovers Bendor’s criminal past; breaks off security contract.

1990 – Rejected by PA, Shalom goes to work for Jules Kroll

1993 – After WTC bombing Kroll Associates gets security contract for the PA and the WTC

PA hires Kroll to overhaul security at the WTC and evaluate procedures at the agency’s bridges, tunnels, and airports.

9/11 Kroll’s partner is Maurice Greenberg of AIG; first plane strikes secure computer center of MMC, headed by Greenberg’s son.

2003 – P. Bremer is CEO of Marsh Crisis Consulting (MMC)

2005 – Jeremy Kroll on advisory boards of Challenge Fund, with Israeli top brass, and Security Growth Partners with Elad and Amit Yoran.

Creating The Foe : The War on Terror needed an Islamic enemy to be the fiend of the West. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 gave Israel the opportunity to create an Islamic anti-western enemy when it began arming and training Hezb-i-Islami, thanks to Rep. Charlie Wilson and his Mossad handler, Zvi Rafiah.

1983 – The CIA began arming Afghan mujahideen in their struggle to oust the Red Army. Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan were the agency’s allies.

1983 – Charlie Wilson (D-TX) a very pro-Israel Congressman, acts as an Israeli weapons dealer and arranges Israeli weapons and trainers for the Hezb-i-Islami mujahideen led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

The CIA funds Israeli weapons and training for Hezb-i-Islami Gulbuddin, but why would the CIA and Israeli military intelligence choose the most virulently anti-western mujahideen to train and arm?

Charlie Wilson’s Israeli handler was Zvi Rafiah, Mossad station chief in Washington. The Mossad’s Rafiah had known Wilson since 1973… Rafiah used Wilson’s congressional office as if it were his own.

“Rafiah always acted as if he owned Wilson’s office. One of the staffers kept a list of people he needed to lobby. He would use the phones, give projects to the staff, and call on Charlie to intervene whenever he needed him.” Source : George Crile, Charlie Wilson’s War (2003)

Ehud Barak headed Israeli Military Intelligence (AMAN 1983-1985) when it began arming and training the anti-western Hezb-i-Islami. Thousands of Afghan Arabs joined Hezb-i-Islami. Osama Bin Laden was the most famous Afghan Arab. In 1984, with CIA funding and Israeli training Gulbiddin developed close ties with bin Laden.

1983 – Ehud Barak greets Ariel Sharon as he is removed for war crimes. Barak, head of Israel’s Military Intelligence AMAN (1983-1985) oversees the covert operation to arm and train Hezb-i-Islami. In 1985, Barak double dealt $300 million worth of weapons bought for the Afghan mujahideen – to Iran.

Mossad’s Man – Ali Mohamed, a Hebrew speaking double agent, was bin Laden’s “first trainer”. He trained mujahideen, including Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and the terrorists responsible for bombing the US embassies in Africa. He was involved in all al-Qaeda terrorist activities during the 1990s.

“In 1992, I conducted military and basic explosives training for al Qaeda in Afghanistan… I also conducted intelligence training for al Qaeda. I taught my trainees how to create cell structures that could be used for operations.” Source : “The United States of America v. Ali Mohamed”

1988 – Having lost Saudi support when it supported Saddam Hussein, and Pakistani support after 1994, the remainder of Hezb-i-Islami merged into al-Qaeda and the Taliban.”

Source : The Columbia World Dictionary of Islamism.

1997-1998 : Zelikow’s Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group with Ashton Carter and John Deutch imagines ‘transforming event’ in Foreign Affairs Magazine

Rothschild Agents Ashton Carter (now Secretary of Defense) and John Deutch (Begium born guy who became head of the CIA) were senior partners of Global Technology Partners, “an exclusive affiliate of Rothschild N.A., formed to make acquisitions of and investments in technology defense and aerospace related companies.

“The process of transformation even if it brings revolutionary change is likely to be a long one absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.” Rebuilding America’s Defenses, PNAC Sept 2000

911 Myth Maker : Phillip Zelikow, executive director of 911 commission report – the official myth

March 2003 : Zelikow completed the outline of 911 Commission Report – before the staff even began working.

“Long part of the Hollywood and Tom Clancy repertory of nightmarish scenarios, catastrophic terrorism has moved from far fetched horror to a contingency that could happen next month.”

P. Zelekow, Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group, August 1998

PNAC founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan in 1997.

The (PNAC) Kagan Family

Donald Kagan, Victoria Nuland Kagan, Robert Kagan, Fred Kagan.

Sept 20, 2001 – Bush declares “War on Terror”

Bushes and Clintons involved in Iran Contra

If Netanyahu was “The Godfather of Terror”,

then Silverstein was “The Godfather of 911 destruction in New York City”.


For years, Netanyahu and Silverstein have kept in close touch. Every Sunday afternoon, New York Time, Netanyahu would call Silverstein. It made no difference where Netanyahu was, he would always call. Their ties continued after Netanyahu became prime minister (1996-1999)

Source : “Up in Smoke” by Sara Leibovich-Dar, Ha’aretz 11/21/01

RNC Finance Chairman Lew Eisenberg, Republican Jewish Coalition Board Member

Silverstein got the Twin Tower lease from Lew Eisenberg, then chairman of the Port Authority of New York – owner of the WTC. After 911 Eisenberg led the PA during the first 3 months of clean-up. He then served on the Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Authority, which oversaw the rebuilding.

The Zionist Connection

Both Silverstein and Eisenberg held senior positions with the UJA Federation of New York.

Silverstein, as chairman of the board and with Eisenberg on the planning board.

Silverstein borrowed 100 million from GMAC the General Motors bank that went bankrupt in 2008

UJA Federation is the funding arm of The State of Israel where they collect money to help Israel.

1998 : The Port Authority of NY and NJ agreed to privatize the world trade center that they had owned and operated since 1973

April 2001 : an agreement was reached with a consortium of investors led by Silverstein Properties and on July 24, 2001 Larry Silverstein (who already owned WTC7) signed a 99 year lease for the 2 towers & buildings 4 & 5… the lease was for 3.2 billion dollars and was financed by a bridge loan from GMAC, the commercial mortgage arm of General Motors, 111 mill loyd goldman & Joseph Care individual real estate investors, Silverstein 14 million of their own money, the deal was unusual 1.5 billion of insurance coverage, Silverstein insisted on 3.55 billion in insurance coverage (on something worth 1.2 billion) which required the coverage to be split between 25 insurance dealers. Silverstein was given exclusive rights to rebuild the structure if they were destroyed and was given permission to expand the retail space if rebuilding actually did take place. Within hours after the attacks Silverstein immediately tried to file 2 separate insurance claims for 2 separate attacks attempting to get 7.1 billion dollars and in 2007 he got 4.55 billion dollars, the largest insurance settlement ever. Silverstein also subsequently sued United & American Airlines for negligence to the tune of 3.5 billion, which was struck down by the courts, but is still on appeal. Perhaps more outrageously in a secret deal in 2003 the Port Authority agreed to pay back 80% of their initial equity on the lease but allowed the Silverstein group to keep control of the site… Silverman, Goldman, and Care got 98 million of 125 million they put down and a further 130 million earmarked for the rebuilding of the site. Silverstein profited from the attacks to the tune of 4.55 billion and counting.


SEPT 1991 after the cold war a group of intelligence spooks led by George HW Bush financed a 240 Billion covert operations “WAR CHEST” through the purchase of 10 year securities that were scheduled to come due on 9/12/01. PROJECTHAMMER was used to finance a covert economic operation against the collapsed Soviet Union whereby many unknown American interests bought up much of the Soviet Industry with a focus on oil and gas crashing the Russian economy, looting its central bank, orchestrating what became known as the Greek Ruble Scam and a wide variety of clandestine state assisted operations designed to prevent Russia from ever becoming a world power.

Meanwhile they were lining the pockets of the economic hitmen before the 10 year deadline came up and the securities became due and the authenticity and ownership checks began, & money laundering investigations… several Federal and public investigations had discovered the Hammerfund and were compiling evidence against it, including the Office of Navel Intelligence moved to the newly renovated “Outer E Ring”. The ONI was investigating the crimes associated with the plundering of Russia.

39 of the 40 investigators were killed on 911 including the entire Chain of Command when the E Ring was destroyed. They were investigating these funds which were associated with the fall of Russia.

The E Ring of The Pentagon was renovated before attack and housed the investigations regarding the HAMMERfund. Pentagons financial accounting offices were in E-ring as well.

E Wing contained the Pentagon’s budget analyst office where DOD staffers were working on the mystery of the missing 2.3 trillion dollars. The Pentagon Comptroller Dov S. Zakheim a member of the council of foreign relations, the International Institute for strategic studies and a contributor of The Project For a New American Century, he helped write a document called Rebuilding America’s Defenses including this sentence : “Further, the process of transformation even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.”

On Sept 10 Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars of government spending were unaccounted for and that they cannot account for 25% of government spending. The next day the offices of the people who were tasked with tracking that money down were destroyed. The only backup information regarding this investigation were stored in building 7, the largest CIA headquarters. This building housed investigations into stockmarket and accounting fraud. Building 7 was cleaned up and the evidence destroyed first at ground 0.

(E.P Heidner?spell) 41% of the fatalities in the world trade centers were employees of 2 companies that oversaw securities CANTOR FITZGERALD & EUROBROKERS, (GARBAN also had offices in WTC). The first plane crashed into floor directly below CANTOR FITZGERALD offices (the largest securities dealer in the US), explosions reported at the floor housing GARBAN, 2nd plane struck right below Eurobrokers offices

The Eldorado Task Force Offices was a money laundering watchdog group overseeing all investigations for the whole US, after 911 they were redirected to investigate terrorist financing.

World Trade Center 6

A little known fact is that Building 6 was destroyed by an explosion before either WTC 1 & 2 fell,

The Explosion in WTC 6 at 9:03 am. This smoking building is WTC 6, the US Customs House, which was burning and badly damaged before the collapse of either of the Twin Towers. The crater in WTC6 went down to the sub-basement level, the “evidence vault” containing all the evidence for all the big big crimes of the 1990s (like Enron, World Com, and George Bush’s 200 billion black eagle trust fund). Strangely enough the vault was empty, meaning it had been robbed previously.

The U.S. Customs vault in basement of WTC6 was emptied and left with the door wide open, all of its contents appear to have been looted during the attack, there is evidence that gold was being looted from WTC4, there were reports of 10 wheel truck packed with Gold getting stuck fleeing WTC5,


Building 7 was a 47 story federal office building in the world trade center site which collapsed on 911, at 5:20pm. This building was home of the largest CIA office outside of Virginia as well being a home of the Secret Service, and the securities and exchange commission, as well as then mayor Rudy Giuliani’s office of emergency management and its emergency command center on the 23rd floor, independent and secure air and water supplies, 15 million dollars of renovations bullet and bomb proof windows. Guiliani was a former US Prosecutor and he prosecuted the terrorist financing Bank of Credit and Commerce International (Time called it The World’s Sleaziest Bank on the cover) he eventually ended up worked at WHITE & CASE which actually defended BCCI, he went from Prosecuting them to a lawfirm Representing and Defending them. Mayor Gulianni would be instrumental in destroying the evidence from the 911 crime scene. Police Commioner Bernard Karrik was his sidekick, he gave the first official government statement regarding the incident saying that no explosives were involved in the attack. His team was also the ones claiming to have found the undamaged passport allegedly found at the scene. Bush tried to make Karrig head of “Homeland Security” which he declined due to political and personal reasons, instead he got a job training the Iraqi Police Force along side L. Paul Brenner. Both men are accredited with turning Iraq into the unwinnable quagmire that it is today. In Feb 2010 Kerrig was sentanced to 4 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud charges unrelated to 911.

The steel from building 7 was sent to China for destruction

Tampering of physical evidence, you can’t do science if deprived of the evidence

Contrary to how all investigations are done

High rise buildings do not collapse because of fire. In less than 7 seconds building 7 came down.

Buildings do not have zero resistance

The fuel burning in the WTCs was about 750 degrees, well below the melting point of steel

AIG, Marsh and McLennan, Kroll

Overall a critical mass of brokers from the major government securities brokerages in the WTCs had to be eliminated in order to create chaos in the government securities market. A situation needed to be created wherein 240 billion of covert securities could be electronically cleared without anyone asking questions. This happened when the FEDERAL RESERVE declared an emergency and invoked its emergency powers that very afternoon. On Sept 14 the securities and exchange commission declared a national emergency and for the first time in US history invoked its emergency powers under securities exchange act section 12k and eased regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for 15 days. This allowed the 240 billion to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls regarding identification of ownership. The chaos of 911 helped hide all of this.

Whistleblower Richard Andrew Grove, “Silverstream”.

They made software linking AIG and Marsh & McLennan.

This software specialized in “Paperless Transactions.”

Silverstream was overbilling Marsh & McLennan to the tune of 7 million extra dollars

There was an exploitable flaw in the software

People at Marsh became concerned and they were told to bring all their evidence to the WTC at 8:30am on 911 on the 93rd floor

Gary Glasglow

Catherine Lee

Ken Rice

Richard Brewheart

John Oltshoffer

All died along with their evidence when a plane hit that exact part of the building

L. Paul Bremer CEO of Marsh

Jeffery Greenberg CEO MMC, son of an AIG person

MARSH : 13 billion dollars in annual revenue, 57,000 employees, In Sept 2001, 2000 of those employees worked in The WTC. MARSH occupied floors 93 to 100 in the North Tower, the exact area of the impact zone and explosion, in 2000 MARSH had contracted with SILVERSTREAM Software to create an electronic connection between MARSH and its clients for the purpose of establishing “paperless transactions”, SILVERSTREAM had already created internet transactional and trading platforms for MERRILL LYNCH, DEUTSCHE BANK, BANKERS TRUST, ALEX. BROWN REALITY INC, & MORGAN STANLEY,

The technology given to MARSH by SILVERSTREAM was unique, it allowed MARSH to communicate directly with AIG . MARSH was given the “ACCORD AWARD” in summer 2001. No other companies were doing this kind of transactions. What was MARSH and AIG doing that required them to leverage technologies not used by any other company required to conduct business?

There was a spike in suspicious money transfers were conducted on 911 using Silverstream Software

294 MARSH employees including all the ones involved in the investigation died on 911.

MICHAEL P. RUPPERT who reported in 2004 that :

“in the moments right before and during the attacks the DEUTSCHE BANK computers had been absolutely taken over from an unknown external location during the approximate 40 minutes during the attack, completely co-opted and run, there was a massive data purge and a massive data download, and no one could prevent anything that was going on in these computers”?

In the months after 911 the German company Convar was given the task of retrieving the information on harddrives retrieved from the 2 towers. Just before the attacks 100 million dollars was illegally moved out of the trade centers itself.

CONVAR now refuses to discuss the information that they recovered.

Kroll who ran security at the WTCs was owned by AIG

Insider Trading during 911 :

Sept 12 2001 before the dust had even settled on NY City the US Securities and Exchange Commission opened an investigation into a unknown group of traders with advance knowledge of 911 plot had made millions betting against the companies involved in the attacks. The buying of Put Options, insider trading at the worst, most horrific & most evil use you have ever seen in your entire life. Over 2000 contracts were bought against United Airlines, and a simular amount for American Airline, 90x more in one day than in 3 weeks, 180 thousand turns into 2.4 million dollars.

An extraordinary number of bets against MORGAN STANLEY and MARSH

“One of the most extraordinary coincidences in the history of mankind if it was a coincidence…”

These represent only a fraction of the put options made before the attack

Between Aug 20 and Sept 10th abnormally large amount of Put Options were made against BOEING, MERRILL LYNCH, JP MORGAN CHASE, CITIGROUP, BANK OF AMERICA, MORGAN STANLEY, MUNICH RE, & The AXA GROUP, all of which were companies that had stocks that plunged during the 911 attack

A 6 fold increase of “Call Options” for Raytheon, on the day before 911.

Their stock shot up 37% from 25$ to over 34$.

Raytheon made the missiles used in the Afghanistan War.

Sept 17th Italy’s Antonio Martino “I think that there are terrorist states and organizations behind speculation on the international markets.”

Sept 24th Belgium finance minister had, “Strong suspicions that British markets may have been used for transactions.”

President of Germany’s Central Bank said, “What we found makes us sure that people connected to the terrorists must have been trying to profit from this tragedy.”

University of Chicago’s Finance Professor George Constanedies, Columbia Law Professor John Coffee, Duke University Law Professor James Cox, and University of Illinois Allen M. Poteshman as well as options traders like John Nigeridan expressed their beliefs that “Unusual Option Market Activity” on 911

Richard Armitage deputy secretary of state was responsible for granting visas to 15 of 19 of the hijackers according to Michael Springman

Frank Carlucci chairman of the Carlyle Group met with GHW Bush and the brother of Bin Ladin on the morning of 911 on Carlyle Group business, he was also the chairman of BDM international a front for state dept black ops.


Barry McDaniel

Wirt Walker III, a distant Bush cousin

Marvin Bush

Gerome Hower friend of John O’Neill who was the expert on Osama

All the hijackers had been protected from investigation

They had all been flagged by Able Danger a terrorist tracking organization

Anthony Shaefer reported that the government destroyed 6 terabytes of data related to Able Danger which he claims identified Muhammad Atta as early as Feb 2000.

Those uptop the chain of command at the white house military and intelligence deliberately ignored the warning signs of an impending attack. Every major head from NORAD to the military

FEMA and CIA took control of the crime scene

Whistleblower : Susan Lindaur

Bush administration stalled investigations for more than 400 days

Most of the FBI were in California at a retreat.

Evidence was removed from the scene the night of the attack

AMEC (N Tower) was reponsible for cleaning up one of the towers and they were also responsible for the recent $258 million renovations to the E-ring

BOVIS (S Tower)

Turner Construction occupied the 30th floor of the north tower and were responsible for the fireproofing upgrades inside the towers. These renovations were made in the 3 years leading up to 911 on almost the exact floors hit by the attack.


It appears that a thermite reaction occurred about 7 minutes before the South Tower fell. Note the white smoke. This is probably aluminum oxide, a product of a thermite reaction. The other products are extreme heat (about 2,500 C.) and molten iron. One minute later there is a cascade of molten metal that falls from the tower for about 7 minutes until the building is destroyed in an explosive demolition. NIST denies the existence of molten metal.

This reaction occurred on the floor containing Fuji Bank’s computer center.

Large boxes were stored there, people were told these were “backup batteries”, and these containers could have contained the thermite.

Televised images of the attacks on the world trade centers suggest that explosive devices cause the collapse of both towers, a NM Tech explosion expert said Tuesday. The collapse of the buildings appears “too methodical” to be a chance result of airplanes colliding with the structures, said Van Romero… “My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the WTC, there was some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse… it would be too difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that.” Van Romero, “Explosives Planted in Towers, N.M. Tech Expert says” Albuquerque Journal, 9/11/2001

Iron-rich spheres are a signature characteristic of the WTC dust. Such spheres comprised 6% of the dust found in the building next to the WTC. Billions of tiny balls of molten iron were formed at extremely high temperatures (greater than 2,700 F) during the demolition of the towers. Burning jet fuel or office fires cannot possibly produce such molten iron – but Thermite can. This is why the government reports have ignored this evidence from the crime scene.

Sources : R.I. Lee, WTC Dust Signature Report & USGS Particle Atlas of WTC dust

This Molybdenum sphere was found in the WTC dust. The melting temperature of Mo is 4,753 F

(2,623 C). This image was left out of the USGS survey, probably because it is proof of temperatures far exceeding those expected during the demolition. This sphere may have been formed in a thermitic reaction of aluminum and molybdenum trioxide – one of the most powerful forms of super-thermite.”

Source : Extremely High Temperatures during the WTC Destruction, Steven Jones, et al

Evidence of the use of thermite cutter charge on core column

There was a thermitic nano-composite found in the dust that was still reactive enough to explode.

The fire burned until Christmas of 2001.

More people have died from the dust and the smoke from the WTCs than actually died in the initial attack. 1,600 of the fire fighters on 911 have died of cancer and there are 5,700 more who are sick and dying of cancer.

Molten iron was found in the rubble. Pools of molten iron were discovered at the base – weeks after 911. The official story cannot account for this molten metal – so NIST denied it existed.

FDNY Firefighter : “You’d get down below and see molten steel – molten steel running down the channel rails, like you’re in a foundry… like lava, like a volcano.”

Peter Tully, president of Tully Construction of Flushing, NY, told me in 2002 that he had seen pools of “literally molten steel” at the base of the World Trade Center.

L. Paul Bremer “Counter Terrorism expert”, US Ambassador at large for counterterrorism 86-89

The Iraq Occupation governor. His offices were right where flight 175 would hit, he missed work on 911 to give us the official story on National TV and went on to be the Iraq Occupation Governor.

Former manager of KissingerAssociates, a member of the board for AKZONOBEL, the parent of International paint company that produces a fireproofing application for skyscrapers called “Interchar”,

He was on the advisory board for the Japanese company KOMATSU involved in a joint venture with DRESSER Industries, the oil services intelligence front that Prescott Bush Sr. and GHW Bush got their start in, KOMATSU DRESSER patented NANOTHERMITE. Residues of NANOTHERMITE were found in the WTCs.

Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is a defense contractor with expertise in thermite related technologies played a role in the NIST Investigation

Craig Roberts Stapleton married to George W. Bush’s cousin Dorothy served as president of MARSH Real estate advisors of New York from 1982-2001. From 1989-1998 he co-owned The Texas Rangers baseball team with George W. Bush. He was a member of the board of directors for Cendant that was charged with accounting fraud in 1998 and went on to join Winston Partners led by Martin Bush.

Steven Freedman senior principle at MARSH, former partner at GoldmanSachs. George W. Bushes top economic advisor. He was also a member of the BROOKINGS INSTITUTE, the BILDERBERG GROUP, the foreign intelligence advisory board and the board at INQTEL (The information awareness office) founded by the CIA in 1998. INQTEL invests in state of the art technologies for defense and intelligence work including NANO and CHEMICAL technologies. Freedman also belonged to a secret society through Cornell University called QUILL and DAGGER whose members include PaulWolfowitz, SandyBerger, and Steven Hadly.

Wolfowitz was Deputy SEC of Defense under Bush. Author of The Wolfowitz Doctrine of Preemptive Warfare. Said the nation needed a catalyzing event like Pearl Harbor

Berger was National Security Advisor under Clinton was caught stealing documents from the 911 Commision Investigation, boss of Richard Clarke

Hadly was Condolica Rice’s deputy, both Berger and Hadly delayed Clarke’s attempts to stop AlCIAda in Jan 2001

Clarke wrote “Against All Enemies”

Jeffery Greenberg resigned from MARSH after being accused of serious financial crimes, the first plane of 911 flew directly into his companies secure computer room of the North Tower. He is a member of The Brookings Institution and The Trilateral Commission, Greenberg rose quickly through management at MARSH since he came their directly from AIG in 1995 and then becoming CEO in 4 years. At Brookings he associated with Lee Hamilton co-chair at the 911 Commission,

Jim Pierce, another Bush cousin, managing director of AON Corporation, according to NIST modified unknown sections of floor 83 in the South T in 1997, he arranged a meeting on the 105th floor on 911, 12 people went to the meeting and 11 of them died. The meeting place was changed to the Millenium Hotel, the meeting attendees were not informed of the change of location. Pierce was able to watch the plane hit the tower.

Joseph Casputies, a baseline financial service which occupied the impact zone of the S tower on floor 77 & 78, Where UAL 175 Impacted, very well connected to the highest levels government.

As well as to the defense and intelligence industries. He worked from 72 to 77 in the US department of commerce and defense, and he was Deputy Director of Nixon’s task force dealing with the Arab oil embargo of 1973 he helped create the Department of Energy and he went on to run a company called PRIMARK that had offices in both towers on 911. One of the subsidiaries of PRIMARK is called “TASC” (Analytical Sciences Corporation) who works with “BLACK” or “TopSecret” programs and who also works closely with NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). He is also a member of “LMI” Logistics Management Institute whose members included Paul Kominski of INQTEL and General Dynamics, Charles Debona of Halliburton, skull and bones member Joseph Samuel Neigh and Michael Daniels of Scientific Applications International Corporation, LMI’s self-proclaimed role is advancing the science of government. His connections to the DOE from 77 to 97, they were working on thermite ignition devices since 1983. He went on to become the CEO of BASELINE financial services which was directly in the impact zone on 78th floor of the south tower. NIST says that BASELINE modified SE floor 78 in 1999 exactly where the aircraft hit on 911 , floor 77 and 78 were upgraded for fireproofing in june and april 1998.

Floor 91 Just above the impact zone of the s tower Washington Group International. A construction and mining firm, it had just aquired Raytheon Company engineers in july of 2000. in 1996 Washington took over Morrison Knudson Co. an engineering and construction firm that works on large scale projects around the world including in China, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia. The Army Core of Engineers hired Morrison Knudson to demolish over 200 buildings in 1995. One of the DOE facilities for which Washington was responsible for well before 911 for was the Savannah River Site National Laboratory in Aiken (sp?) South Carolina, in FEB 1997 Laurence Livermore National Laboratory and the Savannah River Site signed an agreement of cooperation to share technology… Savannah went on to add developing “Sol-gel Technology used for fuel and the other applications” to LLNL’s portfolio as well as making of NANOTHERMITES

SRSNL staff participated in the search and rescue operations at ground 0 by providing “unique tools”

Just before 911 Washington Group International was going through tough times financially and sought chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, securities and exchange commission documents show that Washington made court ordered pre-petitioned payments as part of these proceedings to a number of companies including to KAMATSU, as well as Greenhorn & Umarah whose employee Therese P. McAllister (who was the lead author of the FEMA and NIST reports on 911) as well as Sumitomo Bank Legal and General who is closely allied with KAMATSU

Systems Planning Corporation subsidiary Tridata Corportation oversaw the investigation after the terrorist attack on the WTC in 1993, SPC specializes in many aspects of defense technology and production and manufacturing including a system developed by their radar physics group “flight termination system” or FTS, destroys target drones allows the control of several drones


Many World Trade centers were attacked and destroyed and this served as justification for the invasion and devastation of Afghanistan and Iraq by The United States of America.

War on Terror begins in Afghanistan; Oct 10th 2001

The Afghanistan war costs the US Taxpayer 4 million per hour, 738 billion since 2001.

Christopher Bollyn "The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror”


Bollyn was an investigative journalist working in Washington DC when 911 happened.

The murder of President Kennedy matters because it was a coup d’etat. The powers behind the assassination took control of the government and orchestrated the cover up.

A coup d’etat in a democratic country means that the succeeding government is illegitimate.

US Military involvement in Vietnam : 1955 – 1975… a 20 year war

The Kennedy assassination matters because the US Government continues to support the lies of the Warren Commission.

Coincidence or Complicity

Richard Gutjahr, a German journalist married to a high ranking Israel intelligence officer was present at 2 recent terror attacks in Nice and Munich, and posted images of both – as they happened.

He filmed both events as they happened.

Photo of the Zionist Connection showing Israeli Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz and Zionist Neocons at the Pentagon, 1/18/2002. Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Zekhiem (sp?), Douglas Fife (Fike sp?)

Israel 1sters, Jewish Zionists, supporters of an aggressive policy in the middle east.

Wolfowitz was assistant defense secretary under Rumsfeld

Occupied Iraq, US Military Camp Bucca – “The catalyst of the terror group ISIS.”

Most of the ISIL leaders spent time in this camp.

7 Countries in 5 years

General Wesley Clark, March 2007

Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.

Kurdistan : The area of northern Iraq where 10k American Troops are stationed and also where the Rothshield Family owns the oil company

Secretary of State Clinton wrote that “the best way to help Israel” is to “use force” in Syria to overthrow the government. The email from 2012 reveals that the US seeks to oust the Syrian government – because it is in Israel’s interests – not ours.

“If Assad’s strategy is to somehow think he’s going to just carve out Aleppo and carve out a section of the country, I got news for you and for him : this war doesn’t end…

… as long as Assad is there, the opposition is not going to stop fighting him, one way or the other.”

John Kerry Secretary of State May 3. 2016

Child of Aleppo – When the Syrian Civil War started in 2011, Barak Obama began efforts to overthrow the Assad government. Obama put CIA in charge of operations, spending about $1 billion annually to arm anti-government forces in Syria.

If America was not funding these anti-government militias in Syria there would not have been a war.

$615,428 an hour : Cost of US Military Action Against ISIS.

We have spent over 11,000,000,000 in military operations against Islamic State.

Source : www.nationalpriorities.org

Since 2000 there have been over 61,000 terrorist attacks killing more than 140,000 people. There are 9x more people killed in terrorist attacks today than there were in 2000.

War on Terror or War of Terror?

Deaths due to terrorism have spiked during the War on Terror, especially where the US has waged war. Such failure indicates that the War on Terror has nothing to do with fighting terrorism – au contraire.

The War on Terror is a criminal fraud, yet there is no political debate for it to be stopped. How can we end this massive scam that is bleeding us dry? This is the essence of our political crisis.

America is spending $400,000,000 per victim of terror.

Ehud Olmert (Hebrew: אֶהוּד אוֹלְמֶרְט‎‎, IPA: [eˈhud ˈolmeʁt]); born 30 September 1945) is an Israeli politician and lawyer. He served as the 12th Prime Minister of Israel from 2006 to 2009 and before that as a cabinet minister from 1988 to 1992 and from 2003 to 2006. Between his first and second stints as a cabinet member, he served as mayor of Jerusalem from 1993 to 2003.

He was in New York on 9/10/01 but his visit was kept secret. There is a photo of him with Mayor Giuliani and Sen. John McCain at the Emergency Operations Center in New York on 9/21/01.

“It’s time to launch an operational, concrete, war against terror.” Israel’s Ehud Barak speaking before the towers fell on 9/11.

The SAYERET MATKAL Connection – Ehud Barak was Netanyahu’s commander in the Sayeret Matkal, an independent covert commando force of Israeli military intelligence and the Chief of Staff. Other members of this covert force eg. Daniel Lewin, were involved in the events of 9/11.

“We don’t have anything in history to compare with this. The only thing that comes close to it is a former Soviet intel operation.” Larry Johnson, former Deputy Director of Counter-Terrorism, US State Department

Ronald S. Lauder

President of the World Jewish Congress.

Lauder was director of Gov. Pataki’s privatization scheme. He funds the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at Israel’s Interdisciplinary Center (IDC).

The latest phase of the War on Terror : Islamic State

In 2014, SITE Intelligence Group, an Israeli-intel outlet, released an ISIS beheading video to its subscribers, before ISIS had even released the video.

I.sraeli S.ecret I.ntelligence S.ervices

SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities, est.2002) provides intelligence about terrorist groups to a wide range of paying clients including military and intelligence agencies from the US.

SITE released a fraudulent Al Qaeda video in Sept 2007 in which a dark bearded bin Laden urges Americans to convert to Islam and predicts failure for the Bush administration in Araq and Afghanistan. The video aired on hundreds of western news web sites a full day before its release by a distribution company linked to Al Qaeda. – Washington Post, Oct 9, 2007.

3 Crucial Control Elements of a False Flag Cover Up :

Control the investigation and access to the evidence

Control the interpretation; how the event is explained to the public

Control the litigation in order to prevent legal discovery.

Attorney General John Ashcroft put Michael Chertoff, an Israeli dual-national, in charge of the 9-11 investigation. “For day to day decisions, Chertoff has the last word.”

President George W. Bush appoints Michael Chertoff as Secretary of Homeland Security, March 3, 2005.

“The US government made a decision not to tell the truth about what happened.” John Farmer Jr.

Senior Councel to the 911 commission.

Note : 6 out of the 10 911 commission members have gone on record since to admit there was a US Government cover=up.

“What government and military officials told congress, the commission, the media, and the public about who knew what when – was almost entirely and inexplicably, untrue.” John Farmer

“We to this day don’t know why NORAD told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth.”

Thomas Kean, Chairman of 911 Commission

As executive director of the 911 Commission, Zelikow framed the agenda, led the research staff, and decided what evidence the commission saw.

World Trade Center Building Performance Study

Data Collection, Preliminary Observations and Recommendations.

Gene Corley of Skokie, Illinois, headed the FEMA study. Asked about testing for explosives, he said that he knew nothing about it. “I am not a metallurgist.”

Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers

William Jeffery (Jaffe) was director of NIST when it issued its cover up of what happened when the towers were demolished. NIST failed to examine the steel or dust for evidence of explosives.

Today, Jeffery is CEO at SRI International, a R & D organization that produces novel energetic materials like that found in the dust for the military. The lab for nano-composite materials is managed by an Israeli, who has been with SRI since 1984.

Yigal Dov Blum is director and project manager of SRI’s Technology Laboratory where energetic nano-composite materials are developed.

The bombing of Gaza “Operation Cast Lead”

Mayor Bloomberg and Prime Minister Netanyahu discuss the names of the 4 Israelis who died in 911 at the 911 memorial. Sept 22, 2011.

Controlling the Interpretation :

Media moguls, like Rupert Murdoch, who push the 911 myth and the “War on Terror” are complicit in a criminal fraud with the terrorists who bombed the Twin Towers.

Banksters like the Rothschilds create media moguls to control public opinion. The Rothschilds own the oil company in Iraqi Kurdistan – and an oil company on the Israeli Occupied Golan Heights with Murdoch, Dick Cheney, James Woolsey, Larry Summers, and Bill Richardson.

Murdoch owned 163 news papers in America.

The WTC Memorial was designed by an Israeli, Michael Arad, son of Moshe Arad, former Israeli ambassador to the United States.

Control of 911 Litigation :

Alvin K. Hellerstein is the federal judge who handled the 911 tort litigation.

His son, Joseph, is a lawyer in Israel with a firm that represents ICTS – the key defendant in the 911 litigation.

96 people wanted answers, all of them settled out of court.

Hellerstein’s conflict of interest

The judge’s son Joseph is an Israeli lawyer with Amit, Pollak, and Matalon, who represents Cukierman and Company, the parent of ICTS. Cukierman was CEO of Rothschild Group and chairman of Israel General Bank. Boaz Harel, partner at Cukierman, was head of ICTS, the Rothschild-funded Mossad company responsible for the 911 terror attacks.

Judge Hellerstein oversaw all the 911 related cases. In May 2011 he dismissed ICTS, the Israeli Mossad company that controlled passenger screening operations in Boston on 911, from the litigation.

Kenneth Feinberg, Special Master 911 Compensation Fund was appointed by John Ashcroft. His wife, who worked with him, is an executive member of the United Israel Appeal and the Jewish Federation of Washington. She is on the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency.

Sheila Birnbaum, the special mediator, oversaw settlements with the 96 families who did not accept taxpayer compensation from Feinberg. Birnbaum is a partner at Skadden Arps, a law firm with very close ties to Israel.

Micheal Mukasey and Hellerstein belong to the same Zionist congregaton, Kehilath Jeshurun. Mukasey (A.G. 2007-2009) presided over the 1993 WTC bombing case and Silverstein’s battle with the insurance companies.

What are they covering up?

The government and controlled media are suppressing 911 evidence that would expose the official myth as a pack of lies in order to protect the real culprits from being identified.

German Intel Chiefs on 911 : “A Hollywood Production”

“The deathly precision” and “magnitude of planning” behind the 911 attacks would have needed “years of planning”. Such a sophisticated operation would require the “fixed frame” of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a “loose group” of terrorists like the one allegedly led by Mohammed Atta while he studied in Hamburg. Many people would have been involved in the planning of such an operation. The absence of leaks is further indication that the attacks were “state organized action.” Eckart Werthebach former president of German intelligence service, verfassungsschutz, to Christopher Bollyn December 2001.

Andreas von Bulow

15 of the 19 alleged hijackers lived in Florida, where duplicate licenses were issued for at least 6 of them; others had reported lost passports. Such duplicate documents are used to create false histories.

The plane said to be UAL Flight 175 had an object attached to the underside of the plane which fired a missile that opened a large hole in the side of the tower just before the plane struck. This plane has a grey belly and something attached to the right side that is red and white in color.

This plane has a groove running along the underside of the body of the plane reminiscent of the

767 Tanker Aircraft. The plane that hit the South Tower was equipped with a missile pod from which a missile was fired immediately before the plane struck the tower. This would mean the aircraft that hit the South Tower was not UAL Flight 175.

Video images show a large white hot hole in the tower, which would allow the plane’s fuselage to penetrate while creating a super hot space in which pre-placed explosives and jet fuel were immediately ignited. Perhaps a depleted uranium missile. The white hot warhead of the missile is seen coming out of the crash zone with great velocity. Two objects were seen coming out of the crash area with great momentum. One was burning white hot leaving a trail of dark oxides. This object has the characteristics of a burning DU warhead, according to Marion Fulk, a scientist from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. An explosion is seen coming from the place where the plane entered, this is not burning jet fuel.

There is the white smoke of thermite emanating from the wounds in the towers.

White smoke was also seen at the North Tower. The burst of white smoke was not created by jet fuel. It is coming from the East side of the tower.

This is also the location of the secure computer center of MMC.

Both planes flew directly into computer floors.

The hole in the Pentagon went straight through to the other side. 1 meter thick reinforced concrete.

No engineers were allowed to see the exit wound.

The hole in Shanksville PA. This hole was only 20-24 feet across

Wally Miller, “coroner” stopped being “coroner” after 20 minutes because there were Zero bodies.

The Mayer went to the sight and said, “There is no plane here.”

The “debris field” was a quarter of a mile away further in the woods.

Q : What can we do?

The War on Terror is meant to cause distress, confusion, and fear as it enslaves us to an open-ended criminal war agenda. To accept it without resisting is not rational. To do nothing is not a sensible option. This is what we can do to help ourselves and others : Inform yourself so you can help undeceive others. Organize with other people dedicated to truth and peace.

Act : Take meaningful action to expose the deception and stop the War of Terror.