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Best of Minds: Music!

QuitejaneOct 20, 2021, 5:43:04 PM

The Best of Minds blogs are made to help users find good channels that they might be interested in following.  I've siphoned through masses of content looking for the good stuff so you don't have to.   That being said, this is by no means a complete list, so if you know of some great channels on this topic, please feel free to post them in the comments.  After all, this is Minds.com so lets share the knowledge!


1. Zubymusic


2. Jessestonemusic



3. Marman



4. DistortedGeordieDreng



5. SoiledBoi



6. AuthorCraigDaub



7. eclipsingbinary



8. puppetsofrage



Thanks for looking.  Click on channel names to see that users homepage.  I hope you found some new great channels to follow.  If you know of any others, post them in the comments section!