South Africa (the country) has officially decided to go into decline. This is not the work of the average citizen, this is the work of the elites that are following the handbook of what I call “Locust Communism”. The following blog is going to explain exactly what the South-African elites are planning and how, if nothing changes, this will play out.
Podcast versions:
BitChute: here
Minds (availlable when trascoded): here
Just to shortly explain, this is the basic idea: Like a swarm of locusts, this type of Communist intends to consume the very land they inhabit growing fat on its wealth, moving on when there is nothing left to gain. We aren’t talking about normal people on the streets that suddenly become hostile against whoever owns something, these are just the useful idiots. This is direct agitation by the communist rulers.
Their plan is to get the public support to seize the wealth of private companies and individuals officially “for [poor/violated/disenfranchised/formally enslaved/...] [blacks/whites, men/women, ...]” which really means “for us puppet masters”. This will grant them wealth beyond anything they could’ve accomplished legally, but the productivity goes down, the resulting wealth of the people vanishes and their quality of life with it. Famine, disease, crime, etc will destroy all the country once had. The people have to become animals to preserve their very life in these conditions. Civilization there will die and likely stay in a state of pre-Renaissance for decades, possible centuries or even millennia without influence from the outside.
When all is done and the country has been bleed dry, the ruling elites will move on before revolution takes place. Either to enjoy the rest of their life with stolen wealth or to another country to do the same again. Often the old country in its dying moments is used against the new target for demoralization and destabilization in a process called “reverse colonization”, but more on that later.
In this case the official explanation is “because of racism and apartheid we now have the right to take anything we want from white people and give us elites, ehh I mean it the poor black people”. For this purpose the South-African government has created a modified constitution that now justifies their measures and seemingly compiled a list of farms to test out this method (source: here). At least two farms on this list have been appropriated (source: here) after the owners refusing a symbolical offer of 10% of the value that no doubt was merely extended to the owners to now put headlines in the state media akin to “See? The evil white people refused the easy way, now we’re allowed to go full-steam ahead! Kill, rape and torture them all!”. Because this will be the next official step, and it is already happening in the dark.
So now the government will start to seize the farms without warning, unless international pressure is applied. Take a guess why I’m writing and reading this out loud. But I doubt that in this state the Locust Communists will revert to mere words or less unless drastic measures are taken. This is the final stage, the preparations were done for decades, and nobody stopped them. Partially because it was covert, partially because South Africa isn’t exactly the focus of the parts of the world where this is rightfully ostracized when news from the US, EU, Russia, China, North Korea, Israel, etc arrive on an hourly basis. There is good news however: A Tweet from Trump alone has already put the elites on edge (source: here). But we will need much more for the sake of both black and white people there.
The plan is in its final stage. Beyond that lies the South-African genocide of the generic enemy, in this case white farmers, and the suicide of the average peasant. Because if they want to believe it or not, they are acting against their own best interest. According to statistics over 70% of the private farmland is in the hands of white farmers. Assuming equal productivity this would mean that if these farms were seized and given into the hands of people who have no idea of the profession they are being assigned to it’s safe to assume that the vast amount of those 70% will vanish. I’ve heard that in many similar cases these operations revert to simply feeding their owners and a few other people, no longer producing food of relevant quantity, but I’m unable to confirm that. If this is true it means that in the absolute worst of cases(!) the country could lose up to 70% of its domestic food production.
Then the questions will be put in front of the government and the elites who leeched off the countries economy and created this famine: Pay and feed the people, stop seizing farms and giving them to unskilled and untrained workers who happened to have the right connections OR: Ignore the people, let them starve and blame it on the white man with propaganda and lies. Guess which option will be taken.
This is why we will see a similar genocide of white people followed by the starvation of black people that has happened in other countries like Zimbabwe (source: here). The next step when the elites who consumed the countries wealth have left the sinking ship will be the formation of a new government that will, hopefully, take real countermeasures. That or another strategy mentioned earlier called “reverse colonization”. In this case the next generation of politicans would use the chaos created to push the downfall of the next country they try to leech off. The next country, before being attacked, needs to be in an advanced state like most countries in Europe, especially Sweden, France and Germany. They will be begged to allow the erosion of borders to create yet another chaos that Locust Communists, One-World Government actors and Police-State hungry elites can use.
So whose fault was it? The black people on the street deceived by propaganda? No. The people orchestrating the whole operation? Absolutely.
Let me point you to 3 interviews of Simon Roche with Alex Jones who has been pretty much un-personed from 95% of the Internet in the last month, adding open censorship to years of shadow-banning. In these interviews Simon Roche explains in detail what is going on and how the white farmers are hoping to survive. I have decided to feature Alex Jones much more, as he sure looks like the most effective person in the real media at this time.
Final Video (can't be embedded yet): Click here.
Now that we have heard what is happening, here is how the plan was executed. There are multiple steps to this that are similar to a blog I made before, titled “Blueprint for a Police State” (see here). The difference in this case is the short lifespan of active Locust Communism and that it is only a part inside the larger police world plan.
The most important step is to create tension. No person of sound mind is going to just steal what others have if their life or mental state doesn’t exceed the fear or consequences. That is why the mind has to be manipulated with propaganda. It goes as follows: Agitate one group to go above and beyond all boundaries. Allow them to be criminal, to break the law without significant consequences so much that whatever group it is they fight becomes equally or more violent in an attempt to sustain themselves.
This is the exact, to the last spot of ink identical plan that is currently deployed in the west: Agitate women so they deem men as collectively hostile towards women. Agitate black people so they think all white people are racist. Agitate the LGBTQMENTAL-or-whatever-other-letters-follow community to think straight people want to take their freedoms and rights so much that they get openly hostile: Affirmative action to deny straight white christian men entrance into universities despite them earning the spot due to “diversity” which is only a sugar-coated homogeneity program I made another blog on that titled “The leftist tyranny of statistics: Equality and homogeneity”, find it here), or specifically: A homogeneity of opinion program, designed to breed a type of person that follows the elites creating them without question at any cost. A person that has never learned to think for themselves and is due to the “Rabbit Hole of Misery” unable to change (analysis of that state of mind here).
These very people in the west are the ones who call every little thing that doesn’t include every imaginary gender and race a “microaggression”. In South Africa they blame every ailment on white people. They are similar because they were created in the same manner, with the same goal in mind. The only difference is the reason the useful idiots went under control, but that is exchangeable. As long as it gets people at each others throats, it works.
Using one group to rectify supposed “measures” to “combat the civil unrest” (or in this case “take what apartheid took from black people”) the more powerful group will allow the government to steal everything from the weaker group. And while, so the elites hope, the victims think their enemy is the other group of agitated people nobody pays any attention to them stealing massive wealth from the weaker group and rising to even higher power through the support and “necessary sacrifices” including lives and wealth of the stronger group.
The only real threat in this stage is that both parties come together and realize the real enemy. If that should happen the elites either have a working escape plan or they are dead. The worst that would happen in the phase before would usually be un-election, the public despising them, imprisonment or a combination of those. Countries that use more draconian punishment are usually in chaos already and no longer require any agitation to be created, merely amplified if at all.
After part of the public is dead and the rest poor and helpless, the country has been ruined and there is nothing left to steal the last stage is to either escape with the wealth to developed countries, settling in a calm region with armed guards and live in luxury while leeching further the little economic value the country still produces or use the chaos created to move on to the next country.
In the latter case the elites flee to other countries, bribe, infiltrate or in the case of the west join with the existing elites that are attempting the same or similar goals on a delayed timeline. Often western governments such as the UK and Theresa May in this case support the creation of chaos (source: here) as they get to profit in return from an easier stage 1 through the export of the chaos they helped to create.
This very moment (11.09.2018, 21:04 at the time of writing) in all of western Europe the elites are in the process of replacing the current population of their countries with immigrants from failed states that have been bombed to pieces through the incitement using the infamous 9/11 attacks which were today, 17 years ago to invade middle-eastern countries and overthrow them only to allow the Taliban, Al-Quaeda and ISIS to take control, then import the people from nations where Islamism has become the new “normal” to bring down our western nations. This is not a drill. This is Locust Communism and reverse colonization in action, in front of all our eyes and what is on google news for English language and US region, worldwide news?
EU parliament discussing possible sanctions against Hungary
Because not wanting to go along with this strategy of divide and suck dry is a crime against the NWO.
Council of Cardinals pledges ‘full solidarity’ to Pope who now faces abuse cover-up allegations
The catholic church needs a purge of pedophile priests.
Bombing in Afghanistan kills at least 32 at peaceful protest
Apart from the fact that I don’t trust the NYT when writing “peaceful protest”, they do the same with “Anti”Fa, this is the very people we are importing into Europe.
Team Trump warns Russia of ‘Total Economic Isolation’ over possible Syria bloodbath
One of the failings of Trump, and a big one. Creating tension with Russia and falling for clear and present false flags in Syria. Stay alert: Whatever gas attack happens next there is 99% likely to be fake. Now is the PERFECT time.
Kim’s peace push gives Trump leverage to finally win concessions
Good news. Though as far as I know Trump has already won on many things, including a halt of the missile tests and releases of PoWs. But Bloomberg wouldn’t be caught dead telling you that Trump does well.
But for Europe the plan is not to exploit the population and leave, the plan is to incite a permanent police state and One-World government. This is the holy grail for communists. Be the ruling class everywhere forever and have all under their thump. Instead of being a swarm of locusts that continue to travel and leave whatever they devastated alone, they won’t even grant that mercy. They want to hurt people for the rest of time. They will be the swarm of locusts that doesn’t pass. If we allow it to take hold it will feed on us for a long, long time. This is why we need to stop the threat of “I-Nazis”, the international socialists wherever they show their head. From South Africa to Europe and the US: The price of freedom is eternal vigilance – Thomas Jefferson (source: here).
Background source for blog picture:
#SouthAfrica #WhiteFarmers #StopANC #AlexJones #Inforwars
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