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Who is This?

RebeccaStewartMar 27, 2021, 6:09:28 PM

Who is this?

Who is this who says, “I am.”

The one who led them through the sea,

laid Egypt waste to set them free.

Cooling mist, fiery light,

leading them by day and night.

Who is this? “He’s just a man.”

Young and daring, stocky, strong,

passing unnoticed among the throng.

Lively eyes, friendly face

of fear or scorn there’s not a trace.

How could this be the great “I am”?

The captain of angelic hosts,

Joshua’s LORD in whom he boasts.

Walls fell flat by his will,

He gave the word, the sun stood still.

Weary,  he sleeps like other men.

Simple pleasures suit him fine,

bread, figs, fish and wine.

Vibrant laugh, tear-stained cheek

confronting the base, comforting the weak.

“God’s my father,” claims the man.

The blind eyes see, the lame now walk,

in the temple those who mock,

the money grubbers selling wares

are roughly herded down the stairs.

A paradox whether God or man.

Sage or prophet who forgives the guilty.

Few dare deny his divine abilities.

Terror to hypocrites, exposing the ‘wise.’

but children or strangers he won’t despise.

Is this “I am” who changes not?

His voice thundered, the people shook.

He wrote the Words in the Book ⎯

peace, long life liberty.

“If you knew Moses, you’ll know me.”

Who is this who says, “I am.”

Could he be both God and man?

Rebecca Stewart 2003

At this time of year the life of Jesus is on the minds of many people around the world, but not all believe the accounts that the gospel writers recorded. 

It is a matter of faith and belief in the scriptures, to understand that "I Am" came to earth as a man in order to offer himself as a sacrifice to pay the debts that our missteps have incurred. As the Creator, his death would pay the penalty of all the sins of all his creation. His love for us, and willingness to die in our stead should give us courage to follow him, even as we face a world that rejects him and his values. 
"I Am" is offering us eternal life — to share his nature as the 'self-existent one" with us. He wants us to grow to be like him, to have the same love and strength of character that is his nature. He wants us to know his Father, and appreciate the Father's plan to turn flesh and blood into spirit.

Anything the world offers pales in comparison to this great hope of eternal life with our Creator.