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The Education Reform and What Part "School Choice" has to Play

RenBloggerNov 17, 2017, 9:29:39 PM

While it may look like I'm on the side of Liberals because I'm against "School Choice", I'm not at all. Liberals, who are as ignorant about the Education Reform as a lot of conservatives are, think traditional public school is the only answer to education. They're literally bound by paralyzing fear of anything disrupting their absolute control over that process.

Some liberals (of the hippy persuasion) tend to be OK with homeschooling, and other alternative educational choices, but homeschooling's biggest opponents are the same people on the left fighting school choice, and for the same reason, it removes children from their benevolent care (ie. their control).

The problem is, like ignorant conservatives, the liberals, on the ground, who are fighting school choice, don't understand the Education Reform that is before them. The liberals and the conservatives in Washington know exactly what they're doing and any division over this issue is purely a show to garner support for their sides, support which they will betray because they know what they're building together. An education reform which has been built by the left and the right for the last several presidencies, but has it's modern day origins in the Clinton presidency, centered around Hillary. School Choice is part of the liberal Education Reform agenda as much as it is the on the conservative side.

So, what are they building and how does school choice factor in?

Well, first, it's important to understand the heart of what they're trying to accomplish. It's no secret that American leaders of the day loved a lot of what Hitler's national socialism was about and they loved some of what the communists were accomplishing because people are people all across the globe, and people, who lead, love power. They also loved the model of Prussian schools - efficient human capital production. That is at the heart of this Education Reform.

To accomplish this goal there have been studies by Harvard and statistics from the Bureau of Labor, and so on and so forth, providing "proof" that not everyone is fit for college but those who are can come from anywhere (think: the movie, Ratatouille). So, in order to find those who are fit, we need access to all the peoples right?

But, finding all the peoples isn't enough. We have to do it efficiently because even though you think the "Free College" agenda is about paying for everyone to go to college free, the builders of this reform, based on all that "proof" I previously mentioned, know that universal college based on OUR desire to go isn't realistic or sustainable. They know we can't pay for everyone who wants to go. They know that not everyone who goes is meant to be there. They know the job market they're building can't sustain a bunch of "college educated" people who chose their own career path (think: a degree in feminist dance theory).

What about the dumbing down of college admissions in general? Wouldn't that suggest plans to get as many people into college as possible? What about the generational push that says, "Everyone needs to go to college"? Liberals are the biggest proponents of that! Well, I'm glad you asked! "School Choice" won't stay confined to elementary and secondary school when you factor in the "Free College" agenda.

There is a marriage (several of them actually - our Federal Government is a centralization whore). The marriage is an immoral three way between the government, business, and education. Remember, efficiency. We have to solve the college debt and lack of high paying jobs problem, right?

The creation of government jobs, particularly in the areas of health and human services is an alarming trend. Our government is enjoying a significant expansion in the area of providing employment to the citizenry (think: the book, 1984). Your state has or is considering legislation which creates competition among "private" business industries to see which rise to the top. How private, now that is the question. I imagine, as things unfold, we'll see a high occurrence of government subsidized business industries rising to the top. The government positions and the leading "private" industries will win the privilege of having the education system geared toward supplying their human capital needs.

How does the rest of what you know about the Education Reform and School Choice fit into what I've stated above?

The Common Core Standards and the high stakes testing: When I first started looking into the education reform, around 2012, I noticed something: The educational "rigor" and the reports of unnecessary anxiety being caused in children over the testing, seemed to be an elementary school phenomenon.

It wasn't until I stumbled upon the personalized pathways portion of the Education Reform that all the pieces fell into place. See, the federally bribed states all having the same Standards and, then, grading teachers and schools as to how they preformed (high stakes testing) in teaching to the standards isn't about what's best for your child. It's about making a nationally uniform education system so that we're nationally able to see who is fit and who isn't fit to move on to higher educational ground. We're all on the same page with the standards and the testing. That's why "local" control isn't happening anymore.

All of this was codified into law with the passing of the ESSA which was a Democratically backed bill. Arny Duncan and Paul Ryan secretly worked together to get the GOP to pass it and Arny bragged about it after the fact. Arny got the Democrats to be silent while Ryan convinced the GOP to pass it. And, it worked. This was under Obama, but just a reminder: Trump started off supporting the true conservative running against Ryan in the summer of 2016, then switched, last minute to support of Ryan, and Ryan won his reelection. No swamp draining and nothing has changed.

The SLDS (Statewide Longitudinal Data System) is in every state since Obama's Race to the Top (get federal monies if you implement this Education Reform) campaign. It is meant to create a data collection of all the information that can be collected on each person in the public education system. A "P20W" profile that can not be erased. Your school profile literally follows you everywhere. And, since it's centralized codification just passed the house in the form of the HR 4174 and has been introduced in the Senate as S.2046, don't think we're making any significant moves away from this agenda under a Trump presidency with a GOP majority legislature.

"P" currently stands for "Pre-school", something Obama made "universal" under his reign, and your state legislature has or is making universal Pre-K a thing at the state levle. I say currently, because another marriage between the government, health care, and the education system is also underway. Over the last decade, the HIPPA and FERPA laws have been drastically weakened, the bedrock for turning that "P" into "Prenatal", because #Science and #BigData. We have to know if you gave your mom a hard time coming out of the womb! That might indicate something substantial about your future abilities, don't ya' know?

"20/W" stands for the number of years you'll potentially be in the education system or just go directly to the "Workforce". So, heads up: when you're tracking education bills, you need to also check bills which are about "workforce creation". You'll be surprised at how many components there are in those bills which impact the education system.

With a data collection system, universal standards, and proof of who needs to be filtered where through high stakes testing in elementary school, by junior high/middle school, your children are ready to be on their personalized educational pathways.

If, not everyone is going to college, but everyone needs to be ready to enter either college or the workforce (known as "College and Career readiness"), which has the education system working for it, and our government thinks it's devised an "evidence based" way of sorting out who belongs where, let's think together: have you noticed that junior high and high school level charter and trade schools, which often focus on specialized educational experiences revolving around trades or careers, have started popping up in your area? Have you noticed the dumb and troubled kid schools popping up too?

Why would Ed Reformers want "School Choice"? Because they know they're creating this efficient human capital production SYSTEM. They know that they have to file the one child, who, after the testing, shows proficiency in the standards which were created around the educational needs of "21st century" living, into a personalized education pathway at a school which will prepare them for college, and another child, who showed garbage man proficiency, into a personalized educational pathway which will prepare them for the "workforce".

The end goal of "School Choice" has literally NOTHING to do with choice. In fact, it's the exact opposite of individual choice. Now, I know, I know, the places in which this dream is seeing some light of day as we speak (see the Denver, Colorado school system) are billing it as the child's choice of career pathway, but that's neither sustainable nor is it efficient - remember, they have studies and statistics which provide "proof".

Little Suzy desperately wants to be a doctor, but she shows several data point "evidences" that she's not going to be really good at it so, sorry little Suzy, you're dream is unrealistic and a drain on the system, but lets see if we can't make you a social worker at the hospital instead! There. Isn't that almost just as good?

Personalized Educational Pathways necessitate "School Choice" where the tax payer money follows the child around to the school of "their" choice. Theirs, not yours. "Yours" only long enough for you, who are ignorant of what they're building, to support it.

Understand, Democrats will lose this battle and it's not because we, on the conservative side, are mighty and righteous. It's because, when these bastards sat at their round tables to map out their course of action, they decided which issues were going to be a "liberal cause" that would win under liberal leadership and which would be a "conservative cause" that would win under conservative leadership, and, thus, ensuring that the other side would be put into power the next time around to enact their portion. Next up: When Liberals take Washington back, "Free College".

Conservatives: stop supporting "School Choice", and stop thinking in terms of "the liberals don't support it so, support for it must make it a conservative stance". It is not conservative to support tax money redistribution efforts in anyway. A true conservative and/or libertarian effort would be to dismantle the US Department of Education, to remove all federal funds from and involvement in education. Any other stance, at this point, effectively makes you a big government Neo-con. Stop voting for anyone who wants to be a part of "fixing the system" and vote for people who go off to Washington with the singular goal of dismantling federal involvement in education in every way.

This reform is SO big and SO encompassing that anything short of a radical dismantling view will effectively put you in the camp of helping to push it along. Sorry. I know that sucks, but it's just the reality at this point. Federal involvement in Education can no long hold the likes of fence riding centrist.