How in the world did this evil woman ever get nominated and approved for the role of Supreme Court Judge?
She openly supported pedophilia during her nomination hearings. She said that she wanted to lower the age of consent to 12, allow pedophile pornography, bigamy etc. Her views matched those by Michel Foucault, a Marxist who was also a practicing pedophile, and Gayle Rubin, who wanted to lower or eliminate the age of consent, claiming that the sexual abuse of children was "harmless".
The comments in the senate hearing record are very clear about the fact that she was a political activist who never had the intention of following the constitution:
Judge Ginsburg served on the national board of the ACLU when it adopted positions opposing any restrictions on pornography (including child pornography), opposing any restrictions on prostitution, and opposing the criminalization of adult/child sex.
Judge Ginsburg testified during her hearing that she opposes discrimination on the basis of sexual preference.
Judge Ginsburg has written that the Supreme Court's decisions that the Constitution does not require the public funding of abortion are "incongruous"* and represent the "[m]ost unsettling of the losses" for women's rights.*
Judge Ginsburg co-authored a report for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights pur-porting to identify "Federal laws which allow implicit or explicit sex-based discrimi-nation" and offering recommendations.'° Her social vision, as outlined in this report, in-cludes:
Drafting women," and sending them into combat 12
Legalizing prostitution, which she believes is protected by the Constitution."
Lowering the age of consent for sexual acts to 12 years."
Terminating all public financial support of 4-H Boys and Girls Clubs," Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boys' Clubs of America, Big Brothers of America, and other organizations until they open their membership to both sexes, change their name by using only sex-neutral language, and purging any activities and purposes that "perpetuate sex-role stereotypes." 16
Single-sex prisons."
Replacing fraternities and sororities at colleges and universities with single-sex "social societies." 18
Constitutional protection of bigamy."
Judge Ginsburg even included the statute establishing Mother's Day and Father's Day as separate holidays as one that allows "im-plicit or explicit sex-based discrimination" though did not offer a specific recommenda-tion for correcting this problem.20
On July 22, the woman who replaced Judge Ginsburg as director of the ACLU's Women's Rights Project told PBS that Judge Ginsburg has a definite social vision and will have no restraints on implementing that vision when she gets on the Supreme Court.
On July 20, Eleanor Homes Norton, the District of Columbia's congressional dele-gate, introduced Judge Ginsburg to the Judiciary Committee and stated that Judge Gins¬burg would make great strides for women's rights on the Supreme Court just as she had while an advocate and scholar.
The left-wing Alliance for Justice asserts that any prediction that Judge Ginsburg will be a moderate member of the Supreme Court is "at best premature."21 Indeed, the Alliance believes that "it is the battles she fought prior to her service on the bench that portend" the kind of Supreme Court Justice she will be.22
Judge Ginsburg said her nomination should be evaluated on the written record. supplemented by her testimony before the Judiciary Committee.
By that standard, there is ample ground for opposing the appointment of this judicial activist to the Supreme Court. She takes a fundamental political approach to the law, believing that courts can and should work to implement judges' social vision. Her own social vision—the one she will enforce on the Supreme Court—is extremely liberal. Her allies and supporters believe that she will in fact work, in the unconstrained environment on the Supreme Court, to implement that vision in much the same fashion that she pursued her agenda as an advocate.
Any Senator claiming the label "conservative" or even "moderate" will find it difficult to explain voting for someone with such a clearly activist record. Judge Gins-burg's record is more hostile to conservatives than Judge David Souter's record was to liberals. The vote on Souter's 1990 nomination was 90-9.
UPDATE - the record of her congressional hearing was REMOVED from the Library of Congress and can only be found in the web archive, documented here:
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