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The never-ending "climate change" fraud

Swiss LibertarianJul 25, 2023, 7:58:13 AM

We supposedly just went through a "catastrophic heat wave" in Europe. The media claimed that Southern European countries experienced record temperatures of up to 60C in Spain and Italy.

If that sounds crazy, it's because it is a grotesque lie: The allegedly "record high temperatures" they were GROUND LEVEL TEMPERATURES, not air temperatures, as admitted (but not explained) by the European Space Agency as they reported those temperatures.

Ground temperatures are much hotter than the relevant air temperature, which is taken 2m above the ground!

This is intentional fraud!


After a YouTuber pointed out the fraud, the German magazine Spiegel was forced to add a correction to their report about "48C temperatures in Southern Europe" by specifying that they were referring to ground temperatures.

In reality, absolutely nothing exceptional happened - a little hot air was transported across the Mediterranean, as often happens, leading to hot temperatures in Southern Europe. Nothing to worry about and most definitely not related to CO2 and "man-made climate change".

Meanwhile Northern Europe was unusually cold, like more than half the planet, as is obvious based on the temperature anomalies vs the 40-year average - here the data for July 15, 2023:

The colors indicate the deviation from the 40-year average as by the table on the right.

Comparing the temperature maps from 1983 and 2023 is particularly enlightening. There's almost no change:

Fraud was used to launch the IPCC

Why do climate change fearmongers always lie about the data when they try to promote supposedly "scientific" projections?

They already lied in 1988 when Hansen & his co-conspirators intentionally overwhelmed the air conditioning system in the building of Congress by opening the windows just before their presentation about "man-made global warming":

PBS Interview with Timothy Wirth:


"What else was happening that summer? What was the weather like that summer?

Believe it or not, we called the Weather Bureau and found out what historically was the hottest day of the summer. Well, it was June 6 or June 9 or whatever it was, so we scheduled the hearing that day, and bingo: It was the hottest day on record in Washington, or close to it. It was stiflingly hot that summer. [At] the same time you had this drought all across the country, so the linkage between the Hansen hearing and the drought became very intense. [...]

And did you also alter the temperature in the hearing room that day?

... What we did it was went in the night before and opened all the windows, I will admit, right? So that the air conditioning wasnt working inside the room and so when the, when the hearing occurred there was not only bliss, which is television cameras in double figures, but it was really hot. ...

So Hansen's giving this testimony, you've got these television cameras back there heating up the room, and the air conditioning in the room didn't appear to work. So it was sort of a perfect collection of events that happened that day, with the wonderful Jim Hansen, who was wiping his brow at the witness table and giving this remarkable testimony. ..."

Arson to support the climate change narrative

"Climate" activists systematically set fires to create the false impression that they were caused by "climate change":

In Europe:

Fires on Rhodes "are caused by human hands," the Fire Department press representative, Yannis Artopioos, says.


In Australia:

Police take legal action against more than 180 people so far during 2019/2020 bushfire season


In the US:


Data fraud

NASA and NOAA systematically altered the temperature record, to essentially make the 1885 - 1940 warming look far less important, removing temperature high temperatures, while hiding the 1943-1978 cooling. Both were inconvenient to the CO2 warming narrative, as they clearly destroy the claim that there is a correlation between CO2 and the global temperature.

Reykjavik and Darwin are just a particularly egregious example. They did the same to thousands of records:



For the same reason, they tried to wipe the Medieval and Roman Warm Periods (MWP and RWP) from the record, along with the Holocene Climate Optimum. Temperatures during those periods were substantially much higher than they are now with lower CO2 levels. And they were most definitely global, not just regional, as attested by more than 1000 scientific studies.

Scientific fraud

"Man-made climate change" activists commit scientific fraud on a large scale and they do so openly and intentionally to promote the AGW narrative - yes, they admit to lying!

Post-Normal Science and the Global Climate Change Issue


"Post-Normal Science" is a term that describes scientific FRAUD to support a political agenda or as they say, they ASSUME that a hypothesis is true although there is no evidence to support it and the scientific debate has not been decided, but some people want to act as if it was true because of "concerns".

In the next paper, 2 scientists admit that it is common for promoters of the AGW narrative to lie about the data, but they claim that it's justified to get international agreements implemented - although there's zero evidence those agreements have any kind of effect on CO2 emissions. But they sure move a lot of money...

Information Manipulation and Climate Agreements

Scientific America - which once was rather serious about science - says that politicians who promote the "right ideas" should not be fact-checked. Again this ridiculous idea that it is ok to lie if you lie "for a good cause". That is the END OF SCIENCE!

Don't Fact-Check Scientific Judgment Calls - Scientific American

Nature published this study which found that the scientifically most literate people do not believe in the AGW narrative - because it is obviously untrue. Instead of admitting that the evidence is simply not there, they claim that those who do not go along with the narrative have a "conflict of interest".

The polarizing impact of science literacy and numeracy on perceived climate change risks

The incredible arrogance here lies in the fact that they claim that it's their political opponents, not them, who have the conflict of interest, although it is super easy to show that the problem is really on their side - they have the real conflicts of interest!

That's all the more obvious as it is the scientifically least educated who go along with the AGW narrative - because of peer pressure!

So those who oppose the AGW narrative fight enormous social pressure to change their minds. The fact that they do not shows that they are motivated by a search of truth based on the valid principles of science instead of giving in to fearmongering and political pressure.

One step further down that line of thought, you find this paper, which directly makes the claim that anyone who does not buy into the AGW narrative is simply "averse" to the suggested "solutions". 

They simply ignore the fact that there is no problem to be solved.

Solution aversion: On the relation between ideology and motivated disbelief




There is no point in trying to "appease" the climate scammers by accepting their narrative or trying to find common ground. They are fundamentally dishonest. Their only goal is power and money and they push Marxism as tool of control:
