The WEF HQ is located on the Route de la Capite in the community of Cologny next to Geneva. It is clearly visible in the satellite image on Google maps:
These are the coordinates:,6.1913098,349m/
The street view of the WEF HQ main gate from the Route de la Capite - it's built like a bunker!,6.1923039,3a,75y,333.81h,80.57t/
You can see the WEF building in street view from the Chemin de Ruth,6.1898764,3a,75y,100.85h,90.08t
Nice cameras... - I'm surprised that they did not add a higher hedge and fence.
When you reach Chemin de Ruth 68, something bizarre happens - Google street view blurs the image!
Same for Chemin de Ruth 70:
And Chemin de Ruth 72:
Back to normal at the last gate:
Why would they blur the image? Because that's where Klaus Schwab lives - just under the WEF HQ. As one can see, there's a small path that goes directly from his house to the WEF.
For some reason, he wants his private residence treated like a "sensitive location", which is normally only done for military installations.
There are plenty of rich and famous people living in this area. Lots of people who are much richer and much more important than Schwab.
For as far as I can tell, there has never been any attack on Schwab or the WEF. I don't doubt that by now, millions of people hate them, but they seem to be incredibly paranoid.
Why did they even build the main building access with such security? What made them think that one day they would be hated to the point where they'd need such security?
Could it be that Klaus Schwab has a guilty conscience? That he knew all along that people would come to hate him and his organization?
We actually did get a look at the inside of his living room in an Interview with Arte. Guess what he has on his book shelf? A Lenin bust.
The more you know, the more he looks like a cheesy James Bond villain.
Cologny is actually just a few minutes from my place. Does anyone want me to stroll over and shoot photos?
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