Regularly it seems as if I am living in Dupli, Ohio.
As in Dupli-city!
There is no Ohio town by that name. And, it seems duplicity is a component of most big-city politicians. Columbus is where I live.
In the US at the national level most citizen-observers would concede that there has been a long-standing climate of corrupt politics and fake media.
I've lived in two big cities most of my adult life. Witnessed: mostly democrats, much corruption, malfeasance. I lived in cities at first willingly, but soon and for the past few decades only out of necessity.
Cities degrade the human values that make humanity a treasure. Many of my fellow humans who are born in big cities often are not aware of what they are missing.
So a month or so ago, when I started receiving in snail mail "info" regarding issues that would appear on the primary ballot I was not surprised.
Here is a picture from one such mailing to which I've made some highlights in red.
I received at least three if not four such mailings with the return address on at least three of them listed as:
Opportunity City PAC
545 E. Town St.,
Columbus, OH 43215
These were full-color mailings ranging from a 6” x 11” postcard to a folded 11” x 17” format.
On each of the three, the largest font in all uppercase proclaimed that these Issues were “NOT A TAX INCREASE.” (top of the reverse side of the above picture).
I said to my wife after receiving at least several of these that I suspected they were lying. I guessed that at the very least by voting against the issues, we might expect a tax decrease (when was the last time THAT happened!). It was not difficult to convince her of this as she, too, has had the wool removed from her eyes.
Election day came. My wife and I both voted. Though we don't always tell each other the specifics of our votes, often we do, and this time we did.
Yesterday was the day after. I did an Internet search to find the results of the ballot vote.
Over the years of voting for underdog politicians and mostly against issues that would increase the size of government, I've resigned myself that the problem of big government or corrupt politicians will not be solved at the ballot box.
So I was not surprised to read that all five of the issues passed.
Even further, I was not surprised to see in the local propaganda media (the Columbus Dispatch) the evidence that confirmed that indeed the Mayor (democrat) lied (at least in the mailings). Below is the screen capture from with the confirmation.
Media corporations spew propaganda and increasingly insist that we call it news.
I wonder how many of those roughly 25,000 voters who passed the issues were influenced by the lies in the mailings. I wonder how many of them receive “public” assistance (so have no skin in the game) and every financial-gain reason to vote democrat.
The swamp needs drained.
I'm nearly convinced that the drainage will not happen through politics.
I worry that another war is inevitable, and like all wars before, will NOT solve the fundamental change that human culture must make.
Human culture needs to change with enlightenment without denying or trying to obliterate the human characteristics that put the human in humanity.
Laws need to be few and applied to ALL without mercy or political affiliation.
What to do about the current lying mayor from Columbus, Ohio or the lying fake media—the Columbus Dispatch?
I'll look for ideas in the comments.