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An App that simplifies crypto use, Savedroid saving app

StarfrankoNov 26, 2018, 10:25:54 AM

For a lot of people out there crypto-currencies is a reserved and secluded ecosystem for a handful of individuals gifted in terms of technological know how and any talk about the use of crypto-currencies is to them totally impossible. Truth be told the block chain in general or crypto-currencies in particular as we presently have them despite the huge opportunities it presents has a lot of adoption barriers and bottlenecks .

Outside of the fact that most government and the regulatory agencies view the technology with skepticism and in some cases disdain a lit of other factors are militating against wholesale adoption. the point actually is that transactions in crypto is not straight forward and seamless. a typical transaction will involve owning a wallet going through an exchange and the hairsplitting matter of the private key. that no doubt is a handful . These and other factors have led to slow adoption of this novel technology despite it's huge potentials for our day to day business transaction but the fact remains that distributed ledger has come to stay and efforts towards accessibility should be pursued.

The need therefore arises for a middlemen of sorts to be created between the apparently unfriendly crypto user interphase and the user to allow for full embrace by the populace. A lot of efforts are being made presently in that direction but one company that has made a breakthrough is Savedroid .

Let me tell us a little about Savedroid and what the company intends to accomplish and how it is going about encouraging mass adoption of crypto-currencies

Savedroid is a German based fintec company. Savedroid was established in 2015. Savedroid has been involved in making saving through its Savedroid app that has inbuilt artificial intelligence algorithm easy simple and automatic for it's users by tailoring their saving objectives in line with their life style and activities. While the beta version of the app is available for download the team is working seriously to make available the final version so that users can enjoy all the features available in the app.




Bitcointalk thread:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2578161

My bitcointalk profile url:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2184825

Bitcointalk username : starfranko