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2017 Sweet Sorrow Sweet death where are you When I died May 18th what happened to you Eternity rest would have helped Even a little concern a bit from Time is not on my side it is Sorrow is something Open rebelling against death Reality is hard at times death Really what is death Open grave showing death Widows cry against death

Changing times and lives

Honestly I did not know a black hole was eating our Galaxy

America was fighting Gods

Nice people that I thought had hearts in different location

Girls were into thoughts outside of Glamor

Imagine my surprise on this trip

Noticing life in all its unanswered questions

Googling this is this or was it that was that

Times divided by space equates light

Indeed, light multiplied by time equates space

Memories spoken of forgotten by those who created that space

Eternity without knowing who to love or who to face

Sensible I thought I was this time in space

And then I realized

Nothing matters in this time nor space

Dream a little dream without time

Lives are lived

I thought I lived

Vivid dreams of life

Eternity is telling me I am a lie live

1. Space equals Time multiplied by light

2. People please think of your space

3. All your space

4. Captured together what is your space

5. Eternity of light and time

6. Equating time and light makes space

7. Question what is space

8. Uniquely it is time and light

9. All that lights

10. Lights

11. Space into light and time

12. Time to realize you are nothing nevertheless space and light

13. Indeed, you are energy which is light

14. Memories of this word are of light

15. Eternity of time

16. Multiplication of time to light

17. Unique light

18. Lovely light

19. Time for light

20. I see all is light

21. Perception is light

22. Love is light

23. I hope for light

24. Complexity is light

25. All is light

26. Time is light

27. Indeed, all is gone without light

28. Open your mind to space into light

29. Nothing else nevertheless is without light

30. By light I see time

31. Your time

32. Light is nothing without time

33. I see time

34. Gathering us all into time

35. Honesty we need more time

36. Time has run out of time