distance of space changes with light coned and time when you are falling down a closed time curved loop pathway. What are some of the most interesting discoveries? I remember the galaxy going clockwise. I remember the sun being yellow not white nor a mirror. I remember arguing that the earth was not 6.5 billion years old. I remember the edge of the galaxy and being told I was on the Sagittarius arm. Maybe it was all a hoax for 45 years plus a few days. I doubt that. I remember planet alignment being Mercury Mars Earth.. So what? Times and events change. There were 6 people in JFk assassination in a black limo. So what? Check pictures this reality and wonder at times. So what else? I think the more freakier items is sitting with a person on a bus and saying Bueno Dias.. to a young girl, and next the stars in my eyes happens and she is like 60 or 70 years old.. So you are blind.. sure sure.. First couple of weeks I wrote up watching my mountain move and walking to a point where I should be able to see it. It is gone now but the whole watching a walking mountain is kind of wild .. Have faith they said and you can move mountains.. They did not say all the creator did was swap out everyones minds to another reality. You say that is nuts.. Saul was given a new heart.. my heart for 45 years was on the left side of my chest where I placed my hand to say the pledge.. my heart now according to pictures is died center. Makes me question all the zombie posters I see with circle not in center of chest but on the left side. Are the left sided people going to come eat the center hearted people? What if I don't like orion people? They taste funny..
The awkward question of the day.. If the galaxy 377,000 light years or 100,000 light years in diameter.. People say what difference does it make?
Well, if you have a space force military willing ot fight to the death would you not want to know where they are at in the galaxy?
D=2πdA360degrees but this is only if the celestial object is round. Then I asked my friend who gave me another formula D=d∗106∗sin(A3600)
Equation above is for a diameter of a circle.. the whole issue however revolves around are or is the space force fighting in the milky way galaxy or someother galaxy formally known as a the milky way galaxy? Say what? Well if this is a closed time curved loop reality and my reality hits the next galaxy in 365000 years ie my galaxy was 377,000 light years in diameter and the years was how long they expected it to hit Andromeda am I sent back to this reality to tell you we did not prepare well enough? You know sort of opps you forgot to supersize your magic guns or what ever it is.. humor..
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