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Are you a time traveler or a pirate.. Depending on the day I am a little bit of both.

Yesterday I went out for the first time in a long time. The roads have changed. The Housing has changed. The question is if they are not here where did those people go? And if I am missing my family meaning four people are supposedly in the countryside yet I wonder. Not one of them talks to me. So the questions on my mind. Just like my question to a high school classmate who said the mall is gone. In some worlds did they never exist? That probability is a bit more freaky these days. Meaning? On the road trip a street that has walls no cut outs has now a huge cut out with a complete building and street. So? Maybe you have faulty memory or they built it recently? Faulty memory? No. I remember the drive. I remember the location. In March my wife almost ran over a lady that ran across the street there. As for building it new? It was old paint, not new. And it was obviously built there when the street was constructed because the pavement there was old.

So? Maybe you are in a new reality. That is the truth. What gets me is today I see a photo of a lady that I could have sworn I knew a long time ago. So I decided to see who she was because where I saw the photo and who I am currently could not have run into each other ever. Meaning? I am a bookworm. My health is rather dark. Meaning I play with my dog for a few minutes and have to go into my dark room because the sunlight has hurt my eyes. So I looked for this person.

My memory of her? Germany. But I was never in Germany. What gets me even more weirded out? A memory I wrote about in 2016 prior to me flipping out completely. So? It is why I am now into films, and photos instead of writers and politicians. Which makes no sense to me. However, I am here and reality is someplace outside of here evidently. 

The conversation was the day after my test which I wrote about elsewhere. General Slevin had called me in to ask why I had killed one member of my family instead of the others I hated so much.  Seems like a confession however this is halloween and I am nuts and I was on the German timeline then. The conversation happened. And afterwards. That was where I saw her. I think she was either delivering something to Slevin or. But her face. It is a mystery. Who is she?  That I could only do so much searching is awkward. Why? I am not a professional stalker. The amount of me finding anything is limited to google usually these days. So her having friends of friends on Facebook makes me question reality. Did we meet once upon a time in a different reality or is this someone elses memories ducking with me?

What is real anymore?




There I was piracy on the open ocean. Wind blowing the sails into the gusts of ocean spray. The ringing was out the cannons primed and the bear and duck were ready to board the merchant vessel. The maiden was crying as Ender the pirate kissed her hand and ravaged her jewellery box.

This is speculative poetry about the meaning of life and all that is for the human raceAround six thousand years ago there was a raceBetween angels, demons, giants, and the human raceFirst there was Adam and Lilith which separated the racesAdam first chance did not agree with him at all in this raceLilith ran away to where she was caught in the Dead SeaThere she was caught and seduced two angels of a different raceFrom there an agreement of death to some of her raceShe agreed to a thousand a day dying each dayShe agreed to wonder the earth seducing mankind raceSecond wife speculation here was made by the Creator while Adam watchedShe was made as grace and beauty she was mother of the fae raceAdam watching her be made rejected her kind of raceI speculate here that she was a pretty raceSo Adam felt alone and was the human of his raceThe Creator caused him to sleep one dayThat day was the fall of the human raceThe Creator toke from Adam a rib for his raceA hard and forceful creation for the human raceThe Creator crafted Eve for the human raceThe Creator did not allow Adam to see how she would create the human raceSo Adam and Eve were the start of the human raceSpeculative thoughts on the human raceSo the two of them were in Heaven to start the raceBoth Adam on side of the garden and Eve on the other side of the garden taking care of the placeWhen Eve’s two guardians left her alone in a guarded placeNow here is a back story seldom discussed about this placeThe Son of the creator were angels of that placeIf one reads how walled the Garden of Eden was in placeOne might see a guarded placeThe Creator created an angel so perfect and grandThat the angel challenged the Creator for a grandThe Creator threw down the said Son to this placeAlong with a third of his raceThere in this new placeThe grand angel of Death toke its placeFor you see Death is Satan name of a raceThere this grand angel devised a ploy to trick Eve of the human raceHe beguiled her through use of a serpent raceThe serpent had been in charge of this Garden of Eden placeBoth Adam and Eve had usurped the serpents placeSo a fallen angel worked together with the serpent raceYou see the fallen angel could not get into this Garden of Eden placeSo he used the serpent to interface with EveHe made her promise to fed Adam a fruit of that placeHe made her think thoughts of evil were good for the placeSo Eve toke a fruit from that placeForced Adam through blasphemy to eat of that placeNow speculative here this was the beginning of the human raceThe Creator seeing such a site gave a promise to that raceHe would send a Messiah to save that raceFor who should ever believe in him would be saved from the raceNow here is some fun about that raceThe Messiah for the human raceSome say Jesus Christ saved the human raceHis teaching though few still survive in placeDo unto others as you would have done unto yourself in this placeSpeculative how is a question of racePrior to Christ was Abraham of a special raceThe Creator was with him for fifty years in a cave placeAbraham’s challenge to Nimrod destroyed the tower of Babel that evil placeFrom reading it is speculative that the tower reached two miles high in some placeThe Lord destroyed a third by fire, the Creator drove the tower down by a third of the place

From that place came a few more interesting speculative races

Some of the people the Creator turned to monkey in places

Some of the people the Creator turned to ghost in places

What a weird dream one has in the end times and places

So questions to frame in this state of mind are places

What has all this got to do with this here tale in place?I am tired so I will state it in place

Christ Jesus story tells of the pottery questioning the Creators design why have you made me thus

I speculate we are here to be vessels of spirit and soul not lust

We the human races are containers of spirit filled races

Whether demons, spirits of ideals, thoughts one can not trust

We be the containers of such places

The truth is scary when you realize this waking up in the night with such a dream

Makes a person want to scream

Stars and shadows ain't good to see by.The shadow boy cometh and takes away those lost boys and not silly girls that fall out of their beds and believe in magic. yep, yep, I was there once believing in magic for all good it did me. What a strange and wonderful time it was. I was stuck in a hospital in the middle of no where which is close to Illimani which is a mountain in some small south American country in the hart of the continent to be exact. There I saw the lighten strike, the mountains crumbled, and well I saw the great hunt with the king of the fae chasing a poor country boy across the tips tops of the mountains. what a weird and wonderful dream that was. I saw the mountain give up a mountain full of dirt and the lightening chasing across a group of fae while chasing the poor boy. What a crazy dream that was... then again was it a drea, or a chi cha hallucination which was possible .. the week after that I was in a different dream which Iw as told that one was true which makes me wonder about drinking and what is real or reality today and gone tomorrow.. humor money is not real folks.. it is all a imaginary item which value is not beholding to anyone but the person that puts a value on it.I met my first and only fae on a mountain in caracato bolivia one fine day. She was wondering about after chasing a cholita over to the water edge. humor how love and thought can be merged...The dragon egg was being warmed too the touch. The raven was waiting by the window when a ghost appeared from fae world. The end is near calling or crowing the end is coming near. Watch what you want. Be careful for the world is coming to an end. There are those that believe in seven cycles the Jews, there are those that believe the second woman made for Adam was queen of the fae.. There are those that believe this is the third cycle of life here on earth and it shall recover and start again four more times.. There are those that believe this is the last of the seventh cycle of phase- and there will be a great change to end the cycles.. The raven knows a secret this life is meaningless unless the soul finds the place its energy is suppose to power. For those lucky few that know or suspect what to do.. to tell the tale correctly a warm hot chocolate is needed. The tale is old beyond years untold. But for those creators - it was but a day or specifically 14 or 5 days ago depending on times and ages believed in. There is nothing new under the sun. This is but a life energy equates to something worth spending.. so the question back to the dragon egg what does that have to do with an egg.. or for that matter a beginning of a new age.The egg was being raised by an elderly man on an isle that as time goes by was known as Dragon isle..but at the time no one really cared so the isle was sort of known as the isle of Tim because well of course the elderly man name was Tom.So there grew up a rather small lizard, but to Tom he called her dragon and her nest he made from an old pirate treasure chest and filled it with semi precious stones, and let Liz for short bring in some of the most beautiful pearls from the sea nearby which she would get. Of course after being alone for sometime Tom taught Liz english or she taught him to read her mind .There once was a pirate named Ender. Who roamed the wild seas in search of venture and treasure? He searched with his ship the Black Skimmer which he and his crew loved for the long haul and easy smuggling. The ventures were fierce and the pay was small but to be a pirate was all this crew could want to be. They would sing a song and sail along on the high sea... So there they were about to capture a merchant man ship off the coast of Japan. Silk, pottery, golden objects, when the current started to carry them away from the prize ship. The crew of course of a duck, bear, and Ender could not do much but watch as the prize floated outside their range.The current swiped the Black Skimmer along the narrow current path through the sea towards the Chinese Sea and out towards the ocean. Ender was singing along and the duck at the helm was quacking for all he was worth. The bear having missed a chance to plunder was into the rum and honey and not thinking much more then that the world was a venture that was weird at times and that honey on the paws is something sweet.The wind blew the current brought up drowned ships older then times itself. One even looked like a UFO. There were roman vessels; there were Chinese junks, Viking long boats, not just one or two ole 1500 century pirate ships but more then dozen flying the skull and cross bones. Time shift to a similar person but in a different time zone.This is a simple story of a space battle, such a tale as may be told by a pirate who is no writer to a reader who is no pirate. The morning of Sunday, the seventh of day of June 2013, was bright and cold. The wake up call of the captain was sounded rather late, for the snakes, wearied with long voyage, were to have a day at port in New York City prior to destroying and conquering the planet for their own evil design to end human kind. The snake people were here for revenge and were ahead of the heavenly ship by eight years. Within seven years they will have conquered the world and made the humans their slaves both mentally and physically destroying, murdering, and causing wars that would destroy a full four fifth of the worlds population. The men in black were hopeless in fighting the snakes and the worlds governments had be influenced by the snakes to build their bunkers within the worlds crust which would be nuked to a French fry causing no people to be able to live there. But that day that day prior to Nibils arrival was such a strange day. The snake people dressed as human wondered through New York using their stolen credit cards to buy what they wanted and make the jewelry stores their profit for a lifetime and since they would only live another few days. Well that was their day. AS a pirate this is where I came upon this viewing. Pirates viewing are a bit different from a seer’s viewer or fortune tellers. Ender the Pirate was hoping only for a profit. Now how did a land dwelling pirate end up p in space one might ask and that is the jest of the story The portals to other worlds and realms was opened to him due to his riding the great skimmer into the tidal cycle that wove around earth and ate ships, isle, and whole continents at times. The story goes Ender was about to take the ship little Endeavor from Ms. Churchill off the coast of Japan in 1500s when the tide pulled the skimmer into a slush pill of other ships and tings. The cycle pulled and pushed and the skimmer was pulled out into the ocean from the Chinese Sea within minutes of it being sucked into the tide. There Ender was forced to reconsidered life and chances. The first encounter on the tidal cycle was other survivors looking for food.Be careful not to hurt people, they can begin to love you less. The pain you cause can chisel their hearts, until there's nothing left."A woman’s intuition is more accurate than a man’s certainty.Trust is like an eraser: it becomes smaller and smaller with every mistake.If you ask me if I like your company my answer is YES, However, if you want to know if I can live without you, my answer is YES also.It is better to be alone. Than being whit someone who makes makes you alone.The heart does not die when it stops beating; dies when the heart beats no sense.A wise woman avoids drama she knows her time is precious she doesn’t waste her time on trivial things.You can never fall in love with someone whom you never laugh whit.True friends are the ones who have nice things to say about you behind your back.Hurt me whit the truth but never comfort me whit a lie.I don’t have time to hate people who hate me, because I’m too busy loving people who love me.When I love, I love with no limitations but if you betray me I love myself enough to let you go .*Don’t hurt anyone. It only takes a few seconds to hurt people you love and it can take years to heal.Fitness is like marriage you can’t cheat on it and expect it work.A bad attitude is like flat tire you can’t go anywhere until you change it.One of hardest things to do is letting go not because you want to but because you have to.A broken promise hurts as much as a lie you don’t just make them believe, you also make them hope.Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we are here, we might as well dance.Real couples stay faithful they don’t even think about looking for another because they’re to busy looking for ways to show love to each other.Never ignore a person that loves you cares you and miss you because one day, you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting stars.Never waste your feelings on someone who doesn’t value them.A woman’s intuition is more accurate than a man’s certainty.Is sad to put an end to a chapter of life, but if you don’t, it is impossible to write more stories.It might not be tonight, tomorrow or the next day, but everything is going to be okay.Not everyone has the intelligence to conquer another, the wisdom to take care and imagination to love .a person who is willing to do whatever it takes to put a smile on your face. worth keeping around https://www.facebook.com/clint.flashman/posts/10200506212689538There was a woman who loved a bear of a man. She was cute and loved to be hugged and squeezed at times. One day the bear of a man just hugged her till she squealed and laughed at the same time. Love was in the air and change to a challenge had been issued from those that did not like laughter or happiness. An evil being trying to change everything into non existence because he was death and the end of everything. The sadness was life at times gives uneventful events that happen to be bad for all those involved. Can a person really live and without love or happiness.Change to God

Change your ways

God watches to your ways

Change during today

God is here today

Change what you say

God hears what you say

Change your heart to be kind

God’s mercy is kind

Change your heart to love

God’s mercy is love

Change your faith to belief

God sees your actions as belief

Change the end is near

God is near


This is speculative poetry about the meaning of life and all that is for the human raceAround six thousand years ago there was a raceBetween angels, demons, giants, and the human raceFirst there was Adam and Lilith which separated the racesAdam first chance did not agree with him at all in this raceLilith ran away to where she was caught in the Dead SeaThere she was caught and seduced two angels of a different raceFrom there an agreement of death to some of her raceShe agreed to a thousand a day dying each dayShe agreed to wonder the earth seducing mankind raceSecond wife speculation here was made by the Creator while Adam watchedShe was made as grace and beauty she was mother of the fae raceAdam watching her be made rejected her kind of raceI speculate here that she was a pretty raceSo Adam felt alone and was the human of his raceThe Creator caused him to sleep one dayThat day was the fall of the human raceThe Creator toke from Adam a rib for his raceA hard and forceful creation for the human raceThe Creator crafted Eve for the human raceThe Creator did not allow Adam to see how she would create the human raceSo Adam and Eve were the start of the human raceSpeculative thoughts on the human raceSo the two of them were in Heaven to start the raceBoth Adam on side of the garden and Eve on the other side of the garden taking care of the placeWhen Eve’s two guardians left her alone in a guarded placeNow here is a back story seldom discussed about this placeThe Son of the creator were angels of that placeIf one reads how walled the Garden of Eden was in placeOne might see a guarded placeThe Creator created an angel so perfect and grandThat the angel challenged the Creator for a grandThe Creator threw down the said Son to this placeAlong with a third of his raceThere in this new placeThe grand angel of Death toke its placeFor you see Death is Satan name of a raceThere this grand angel devised a ploy to trick Eve of the human raceHe beguiled her through use of a serpent raceThe serpent had been in charge of this Garden of Eden placeBoth Adam and Eve had usurped the serpents placeSo a fallen angel worked together with the serpent raceYou see the fallen angel could not get into this Garden of Eden placeSo he used the serpent to interface with EveHe made her promise to fed Adam a fruit of that placeHe made her think thoughts of evil were good for the placeSo Eve toke a fruit from that placeForced Adam through blasphemy to eat of that placeNow speculative here this was the beginning of the human raceThe Creator seeing such a site gave a promise to that raceHe would send a Messiah to save that raceFor who should ever believe in him would be saved from the raceNow here is some fun about that raceThe Messiah for the human raceSome say Jesus Christ saved the human raceHis teaching though few still survive in placeDo unto others as you would have done unto yourself in this placeSpeculative how is a question of racePrior to Christ was Abraham of a special raceThe Creator was with him for fifty years in a cave placeAbraham’s challenge to Nimrod destroyed the tower of Babel that evil placeFrom reading it is speculative that the tower reached two miles high in some placeThe Lord destroyed a third by fire, the Creator drove the tower down by a third of the placeFrom that place came a few more interesting speculative racesSome of the people the Creator turned to monkey in placesSome of the people the Creator turned to ghost in placesWhat a weird dream one has in the end times and placesSo questions to frame in this state of mind are placesWhat has all this got to do with this here tale in place?I am tired so I will state it in placeChrist Jesus story tells of the pottery questioning the Creators design why have you made me thusI speculate we are here to be vessels of spirit and soul not lustWe the human races are containers of spirit filled racesWhether demons, spirits of ideals, thoughts one can not trustWe be the containers of such placesThe truth is scary when you realize this waking up in the night with such a dreamMakes a person want to screamStars and shadows ain't good to see by.The shadow boy cometh and takes away those lost boys and not silly girls that fall out of their beds and believe in magic. yep, yep, I was there once believing in magic for all good it did me. What a strange and wonderful time it was. I was sstuck in a hospital in the middle of no where which is close to Illimani which is a mountain in some small south American country in the hart of the continent to be exact. There I saw the lighten strike, the mountains crumbled, and well I saw the great hunt with the king of the fae chasing a poor country boy across the tips tops of the mountains. what a weird and wonderful dream that was. I saw the mountain give up a mountain full of dirt and the lightening chasing across a group of fae while chasing the poor boy. What a crazy dream that was... then again was it a drea, or a chi cha hallucination which was possible .. the week after that I was in a different dream which Iw as told that one was true which makes me wonder about drinking and what is real or reality today and gone tomorrow.. humor money is not real folks.. it is all a imaginary item which value is not beholding to anyone but the person that puts a value on it.I met my first and only fae on a mountain in caracato bolivia one fine day. She was wondering about after chasing a cholita over to the water edge. humor how love and thought can be merged...The dragon egg was being warmed too the touch. The raven was waiting by the window when a ghost appeared from fae world. The end is near calling or crowing the end is coming near. Watch what you want. Be careful for the world is coming to an end. There are those that believe in seven cycles the Jews, there are those that believe the second woman made for Adam was queen of the fae.. There are those that believe this is the third cycle of life here on earth and it shall recover and start again four more times.. There are those that believe this is the last of the seventh cycle of phase- and there will be a great change to end the cycles.. The raven knows a secret this life is meaningless unless the soul finds the place its energy is suppose to power. For those lucky few that know or suspect what to do.. to tell the tale correctly a warm hot chocolate is needed. The tale is old beyond years untold. But for those creators - it was but a day or specifically 14 or 5 days ago depending on times and ages believed in. There is nothing new under the sun. This is but a life energy equates to something worth spending.. so the question back to the dragon egg what does that have to do with an egg.. or for that matter a beginning of a new age.The egg was being raised by an elderly man on an isle that as time goes by was known as Dragon isle..but at the time no one really cared so the isle was sort of known as the isle of Tim because well of course the elderly man name was Tom.So there grew up a rather small lizard, but to Tom he called her dragon and her nest he made from an old pirate treasure chest and filled it with semi precious stones, and let Liz for short bring in some of the most beautiful pearls from the sea nearby which she would get. Of course after being alone for sometime Tom taught Liz english or she taught him to read her mind .There once was a pirate named Ender. Who roamed the wild seas in search of venture and treasure? He searched with his ship the Black Skimmer which he and his crew loved for the long haul and easy smuggling. The ventures were fierce and the pay was small but to be a pirate was all this crew could want to be. They would sing a song and sail along on the high sea... So there they were about to capture a merchant man ship off the coast of Japan. Silk, pottery, golden objects, when the current started to carry them away from the prize ship. The crew of course of a duck, bear, and Ender could not do much but watch as the prize floated outside their range.The current swiped the Black Skimmer along the narrow current path through the sea towards the Chinese Sea and out towards the ocean. Ender was singing along and the duck at the helm was quacking for all he was worth. The bear having missed a chance to plunder was into the rum and honey and not thinking much more then that the world was a venture that was weird at times and that honey on the paws is something sweet.The wind blew the current brought up drowned ships older then times itself. One even looked like a UFO. There were roman vessels; there were Chinese junks, Viking long boats, not just one or two ole 1500 century pirate ships but more then dozen flying the skull and cross bones. Time shift to a similar person but in a different time zone.This is a simple story of a space battle, such a tale as may be told by a pirate who is no writer to a reader who is no pirate. The morning of Sunday, the seventh of day of June 2013, was bright and cold. The wake up call of the captain was sounded rather late, for the snakes, wearied with long voyage, were to have a day at port in New York City prior to destroying and conquering the planet for their own evil design to end human kind. The snake people were here for revenge and were ahead of the heavenly ship by eight years. Within seven years they will have conquered the world and made the humans their slaves both mentally and physically destroying, murdering, and causing wars that would destroy a full four fifth of the worlds population. The men in black were hopeless in fighting the snakes and the worlds governments had be influenced by the snakes to build their bunkers within the worlds crust which would be nuked to a French fry causing no people to be able to live there. But that day that day prior to Nibils arrival was such a strange day. The snake people dressed as human wondered through New York using their stolen credit cards to buy what they wanted and make the jewelry stores their profit for a lifetime and since they would only live another few days. Well that was their day. AS a pirate this is where I came upon this viewing. Pirates viewing are a bit different from a seer’s viewer or fortune tellers. Ender the Pirate was hoping only for a profit. Now how did a land dwelling pirate end up p in space one might ask and that is the jest of the story The portals to other worlds and realms was opened to him due to his riding the great skimmer into the tidal cycle that wove around earth and ate ships, isle, and whole continents at times. The story goes Ender was about to take the ship little Endeavor from Ms. Churchill off the coast of Japan in 1500s when the tide pulled the skimmer into a slush pill of other ships and tings. The cycle pulled and pushed and the skimmer was pulled out into the ocean from the Chinese Sea within minutes of it being sucked into the tide. There Ender was forced to reconsidered life and chances. The first encounter on the tidal cycle was other survivors looking for food.Be careful not to hurt people, they can begin to love you less. The pain you cause can chisel their hearts, until there's nothing left."A woman’s intuition is more accurate than a man’s certainty.Trust is like an eraser: it becomes smaller and smaller with every mistake.If you ask me if I like your company my answer is YES, However, if you want to know if I can live without you, my answer is YES also.It is better to be alone. Than being whit someone who makes makes you alone.The heart does not die when it stops beating; dies when the heart beats no sense.A wise woman avoids drama she knows her time is precious she doesn’t waste her time on trivial things.You can never fall in love with someone whom you never laugh whit.True friends are the ones who have nice things to say about you behind your back.Hurt me whit the truth but never comfort me whit a lie.I don’t have time to hate people who hate me, because I’m too busy loving people who love me.When I love, I love with no limitations but if you betray me I love myself enough to let you go .*Don’t hurt anyone. It only takes a few seconds to hurt people you love and it can take years to heal.Fitness is like marriage you can’t cheat on it and expect it work.A bad attitude is like flat tire you can’t go anywhere until you change it.One of hardest things to do is letting go not because you want to but because you have to.A broken promise hurts as much as a lie you don’t just make them believe, you also make them hope.Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we are here, we might as well dance.Real couples stay faithful they don’t even think about looking for another because they’re to busy looking for ways to show love to each other.Never ignore a person that loves you cares you and miss you because one day, you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting stars.Never waste your feelings on someone who doesn’t value them.A woman’s intuition is more accurate than a man’s certainty.Is sad to put an end to a chapter of life, but if you don’t, it is impossible to write more stories.It might not be tonight, tomorrow or the next day, but everything is going to be okay.Not everyone has the intelligence to conquer another, the wisdom to take care and imagination to love .a person who is willing to do whatever it takes to put a smile on your face. worth keeping around https://www.facebook.com/clint.flashman/posts/10200506212689538There was a woman who loved a bear of a man. She was cute and loved to be hugged and squeezed at times. One day the bear of a man just hugged her till she squealed and laughed at the same time. Love was in the air and change to a challenge had been issued from those that did not like laughter or happiness. An evil being trying to change everything into non existence because he was death and the end of everything. The sadness was life at times gives uneventful events that happen to be bad for all those involved. Can a person really live and without love or happiness.Change to GodChange your waysGod watches to your waysChange during todayGod is here todayChange what you sayGod hears what you sayChange your heart to be kindGod’s mercy is kindChange your heart to loveGod’s mercy is loveChange your fait to beliefGod sees your actions as beliefChange the end is nearGod is near