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boycott Pepsi, NFL, BLM, Democrats, Antifa, what is wild to see who sponsors the NFL. Pepsi. It is wild to see the NFL get rich playing a game while Police and military die. BLM .. curious folks how much was your insurance premiums prior to Obama. Realize that there was a 10 percent increase due to paying for Baltimore, etc. You pay for BLM. Democrats pushing antifa, pushing DACA. 10 million people they want to legalize. They did not pay social security. However they will receive it. Antifa destroying statues that they did not pay for. Shame is great in this world.

I agree with you. The sadness is no one is able to ask What or how are you helping Hong Kong? Why are you supporting Sunnis when 9 11 all were Sunnis 17 of them from Saudis, Taliban was Sunni bin Ladin was Sunni, and ISIS was funded by Sunni Saudis, given weapons by Hillary clinton via Turkey sunnis when we just spent 6 trillion dollars to kill 500,000 of them which if you read the assessment at a cost of 12 milloin to kill one, and we did not even kill terrorist. It looks like via the stats that they killed random people. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2018/Human%20Costs,%20Nov%208%202018%20CoW.pdf We could have feed them hamburgers and fries three times a day for 18 years from macDonalds and got a better kill rate with diabetes. In yet the democrats are the warmongers in Syria now. WARMONGERS VOTE DEMOCRAT

Who started the US civil war? Democrats 1861 1865

Who started WWI? Not Muslims. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)Democrat 1913-1921 - campaigned against the war one month later declared war due to ammunition transport with civilians being blown up after warnings. -

Who started WWII? Not Muslims Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945)Democrat 1933-1945 - campaigned against the war - but opening caused the war with japan per policy of democrats 1940

Koren war again Democratic president got the US involved.

Who got us into Vietnam over flat out lies particularly the Gulf of Tonkin which never happened? Not Muslims Lyndon Johnson Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973)Democrat 1963-1969 the incident never happened -

Who got us into or has continued to bomb Libya bombed murdered leader

Obama Democrat (2009-2016)Egypt imprisoned leader/murdered citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)Syria bombed and attempt murder leader Obama Democrat (2009-2016)Somalia bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)Pakistan bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)Afghanistan bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)Philippines bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)Yemen bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)Iraqi bombed citizens Obama Democrat (2009-2016)


No war with Russia, No war with China, No war with Iran..

The enemy war is evil. Or crazy. Maybe both. War with Iran and the world is wrong. NO WAR WITH IRAN over fake ass news.