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Brittany Kosin run for Warwick Township Supervisor, Pennsylvania.

Brittany Kosin is a registered nurse and Libertarian activist in Warwick Township, Pennsylvania. With a background in emergency services and community advocacy, she is committed to promoting individual rights, fiscal responsibility, and transparency in local government.


1. What motivated you to run for Warwick Township Supervisor, and how do your experiences as a registered nurse influence your candidacy?


Our community deserves better than the same old echo chamber that has ruled Warwick Township for over 30 years. The perpetual 3-0 Republican board has rubber-stamped 88 unanimous votes in 2024 without a single dissent. This lack of debate shows just how out of touch they’ve become with the diverse views of our residents. Real progress demands more than a political monopoly; it requires a voice that’s willing to challenge the status quo.


As a registered nurse, former volunteer firefighter, and someone with a background in urban and regional planning, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of listening to different perspectives. Government should be about serving the people, not the interests of a small group. Issues like noise pollution from rumble strips and poor planning for major shopping centers affect real people. We need leaders who can anticipate problems and act in the best interest of the entire community.


It’s time for transparency, open dialogue, and decisions that actually reflect the needs of Warwick Township residents. That’s why I’am running, because liberty means having a government that listens to all its citizens, not just the ones in power.


2.   Can you elaborate on your key policy priorities and how they align with the needs of the Warwick Township community?


My platform is rooted in the belief that every taxpayer dollar must be carefully scrutinized and spent wisely. We owe it to our community to prioritize essential services and strategic investments that foster real, sustainable growth. By cutting unnecessary regulations and streamlining government processes, we can create an environment where local businesses can thrive, driving economic prosperity and resilience in Warwick Township.


At the core of my campaign is a commitment to protecting individual rights and property freedoms. I will fight to ensure that our local ordinances respect our liberties without compromise. I believe in governance that is accountable to the people, which is why I will actively seek input from residents through town halls and open forums. It’s your voice that should shape the future of our township, not the dictates of bureaucrats.


I am also dedicated to balancing responsible development with environmental preservation. Our community deserves policies that safeguard both economic growth and the natural beauty of Warwick Township, ensuring a healthy, vibrant future for generations to come. Improving our roads, parks, and public services will be a priority, with impactful projects driven by your feedback.


Transparency in government is non-negotiable. I will make information on decisions and expenditures easily accessible to all residents, establishing accountability mechanisms that hold leadership to the highest standards. The people deserve nothing less.


3.   As a mental health reform advocate, what specific changes do you plan to implement to improve mental health services in Warwick Township?


As a passionate advocate for mental health reform, I am committed to working with the Bucks County Commissioners to expand the county’s co-responder program to better serve our residents. Currently, we share a social worker with other townships, which limits how quickly and effectively we can address mental health crises. This isn’t good enough. My goal is to secure dedicated  mental health professionals within our township who can work directly with law enforcement, ensuring timely support during crisis situations.


It’s also critical that we take care of those who take care of us. Our first responders face  high-stress, demanding jobs, and they deserve access to quality mental health coverage. Ensuring they have the support and resources they need to maintain their wellbeing is not just compassionate, it’s essential for the safety and resilience of our community.


By enhancing mental health services and supporting our first responders, we can build a stronger, more caring Warwick Township where both the community and those who protect it are treated with the care and respect they deserve.


4.   How do you intend to engage with the community to ensure that their voices are heard in local governance?


Engaging with the community is at the heart of my campaign. I believe transparency and open communication are essential for a healthy, accountable government. That’s why I’ve taken it upon myself to video Township Supervisor meetings and share them on my YouTube channel, something the current supervisors’ refuse to do. This simple action ensures that residents, even those who can’t attend meetings in person, stay informed about the decisions shaping our township.


But that’s just the beginning. I’m committed to holding regular town hall meetings, open forums, and listening sessions to give every resident a voice in the future of Warwick Township. No decision should be made without hearing the concerns and ideas of the people it affects. And to make sure everyone stays informed. I will use digital channels like social media and email newsletters to keep the community updated on all township matters. 


5.   What strategies do you have in mind to address any pressing issues facing Warwick Township, such as public safety, infrastructure, or economic development?


Warwick Township is currently facing several pressing issues that I am committed to addressing through collaborative and proactive strategies.


Infrastructure and Traffic Safety: Our roads and bike lanes are not adequately equipped to handle the increasing traffic demands, making them unsafe for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. To tackle this issue, I propose partnering with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and our dedicated public works team to find innovative solutions. This includes redesigning roadways to improve traffic flow, enhancing bike lane safety, and implementing measures that accommodate the growing number of vehicles and cyclists. By working together, we can make our roads safer and more efficient for everyone.


Public Safety: The rise in larceny within our township is a significant concern. I plan to work closely with our law enforcement officers to increase patrols in neighborhoods during nighttime hours and to bolster community policing efforts. While we are trending in the right direction with these initiatives, expanding on them can only benefit our community. Enhancing police presence and fostering strong relationships between officers and residents will help deter crime and promote a sense of security throughout Warwick.


Economic Development: It’s evident that businesses are choosing to establish themselves outside of Warwick Township, as seen by the success of nearby Doylestown in attracting commerce. The plain truth is that we are not as business-friendly as we could be. Despite building numerous townhouses, our residents often have to leave Warwick to shop and access services. We need responsible, business-friendly development that encourages enterprises to set up within our township. This involves creating a more welcoming environment for businesses by reducing bureaucratic hurdles and providing support to entrepreneurs. By fostering local economic growth, we can stimulate job creation, increase our tax base, and provide more amenities and services directly to our residents.



6.   How do you plan to balance the budget while still funding essential services and programs for the residents of Warwick Township?


Warwick Township’s financial surplus could slip away if we allow the same old echo chamber to continue dominating. It’s only a matter of time before the surplus is gone, followed by calls to raise taxes. This type of governance chokes small businesses and squeezes hardworking residents at every turn.


I believe in protecting your money, not wasting it. I’m committed to ensuring that every taxpayer dollar is spent wisely, focusing on essential services and investments that truly benefit our community. I will work tirelessly to find ways to cut costs, lower the millage rate, and fight against any attempt to raise taxes.


Our residents deserve leadership that respects fiscal responsibility and puts their well-being first not more government meddling in their pocketbooks. It’s time for a government that serves the people, not one that bleeds them dry.


7.   In what ways do you believe your Libertarian values will shape your approach to local government and policy-making?


My Libertarian values rest on the fundamental belief that individual liberty, limited government, and personal responsibility are the keys to a free and prosperous society. I will fight for policies that roll back unnecessary regulations and give people the freedom to govern their own lives. Government works best when it’s smaller and focused on its core functions letting individuals and businesses thrive without being suffocated by bureaucratic red tape. Real progress doesn’t come from government control; it comes from empowering people to make their own choices. Expanding liberty, not bureaucracy, is how we build a better future.


8.   What do you hope to achieve during your term as Supervisor, and how will you measure your success in those areas?


During my term, my focus will be on restoring transparency and accountability in local government. We need to make it easier for local businesses to thrive by getting government out of the way and creating a business-friendly environment. Our infrastructure must be improved, but done so efficiently and without burdening taxpayers.  I am committed to building a teen center that gives our youth a positive space, which will foster a more engaged, empowered community.


Success won’t be measured by government statistics, but by real results more public participation in township meetings, the rollout of meaningful mental health programs, and hearing directly from residents about how their concerns are being addressed. My goal is to leave Warwick Township stronger, more connected, and more in tune with the needs and aspirations of its residents, not the bureaucrats.