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Diana Firefly author, actress, and film producer..

Diana Firefly, thanks for taking this interview.

Ms. Firefly, can you tell us that one story you wish everyone knew about yourself? You know the one that if you had to introduce yourself to people that story?


My story is about a young girl who grew up wanting to change the world. I wanted to write, I wanted to create things that would motivate and inspire young women like myself and as I grew older, it just became more important to try to change the industry, and the way women are viewed on social media and in popular media. I guess my mother was a strong influence on me, she was very confident, fearless, and she raised us up basically by herself on her own. The women in my family, like my daughters, are all confident, creative women who never back down from any challenge. I believe women today must change their future by seizing opportunities wherever they may be. I support minorities, lgbtq, and diversity as well as championing women causes.





Ms. Firefly, you are producing a wide variety of horror genres. Can you tell a story

about those films?


We have created a thrilling animated horror scifi film starring Tim Curry, and Doug Bradley, and Bryce Papenbrook. We believe it will be a cult following film. It has been likened to Sin City and Blade Runner with an animation style similar to Death Note and Fantastic Planet. We also have a live action zombie apocalypse film called Blood Brothers Life Harvest that will be finished later this year, it is in post production, and you can find links to these works below. Blood Brothers Life Harvest is also a published book that will be available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble it is published by WordWooze publishing. Please like and share our content to show your support! We are an all female horror film studio that is the only one like it in the world!



Can you tell a story about those activities, specifically any

links to teasers or festivals where one can see your work?

About our film Dagon:

Dagon Troll World Chronicles is a slick, dark, elegant, artistic horror fantasy that is sure to thrill you. Dagon Troll World Chronicles features an all star cast including legendary actor Tim Curry from Rocky Horror Picture Show, It, and Home Alone 2, Doug Bradley from Hellraiser, Bryce Papenbrook from Attack on Titan and Sword Art Online, Mark Silverman from Disney, Emily O’Brien award-winning actress from The Young and The Restless, and Kurtis Stacey from Emmerdale to name a few! Scoffer Studios Presents, Dagon Troll World Chronicles...



On the troll world of Goth, Dagon, a professional murder for hire demon slayer, is the best that money can buy. He works for a sleazy syndicate crime boss named Kundilla. After accepting his final job, Dagon finds out he has just stolen the ambassador of earth’s daughter and has been hired to transport her to Kundilla, who will in turn give the child to the buyer, a depraved sinister corrupt official named Houngan, who intends to start a war with earth by killing and eating the human child. Dagon panics, and decides to go rogue, finding himself on the run from demons and gangsters alike, together with his two friends Jaqualin and Maxine, he must find a way to save the human child... 

Hiring Tim Curry:

Scoffer Studios Felt that Necrofer the Demon, one of the main villains in our film, was deserving of a voice of legendary caliber. We chose Tim Curry for this role, because of his magnificent dynamic voice acting abilities, his iconic presence he brought to each character he played, and because we just loved him in general. 


Tim loved the script, he recorded his lines and in the words of his agent Marcia, he "Knocked it out of the park!" We at Scoffer Studios are so excited to have him in our animated film.


Hiring Doug Bradley: 

Doug Bradley was very excited to play the role of Goayre Heddagh or the Creature that Doesn't Exist in the film, his character is a terrifying demon of the forest, and Doug's chilling voice really brought the character to life.

Hiring Bryce Papenbrook:

In 2019, Bryce Papenbrook joined our cast to play the role of Gallows in Scoffer Studios Productions animated film Dagon: Troll World Chronicles. His voice gave our character a dark and seductive edge, making him one of many interesting and odd personalities to be found in our film... 


Emily Roya O'Brien (born 28 May 1985) is an English three-time Daytime Emmy-nominated actress who is known for her five-year series role of Jana Hawkes Fisher on The Young and the Restless from 2006–2011. She portrayed Julia in the 2014 film Pernicious and provided the voices of Camille and Samira in League Of Legends, and Y'shtola in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. In 2018, she became part of the main cast of the animated film by Scoffer Studios Productions Dagon Troll World Chronicles as Ruth the wife to the Ambassador of Earth. 


For full cast see IMDB

Dagon Troll World Chronicles info:


Dagon Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/DagonTrollworld 


Commercial for film:

Official Film Website: https://magnusgov.wixsite.com/home


Imdb For Dagon Troll World Chronicles: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6941976/ 



About Blood Brothers Life Harvest:

When a rabies like human virus floods the country and as panicking survivors become just as deadly as the infected, brothers Enoch and Aaron must fight to protect their family no matter what, but when Enoch is infected with the virus and slowly begins turning into a zombie, the two brothers must ask themselves the question; is blood thicker than water?

Directed by Brit Sellers

Executive Producer Diane Sellers

A Scoffer Studios Productions Original Film 

In association with Boster Castle Productions 

Starring Alex Hohn, Bobby Batson, Maehgan Eddy, McKenzie Eddy, Rae Dickens,Tommy Kramer, Nathan Kirby, Cherish Sellers, Louise White, Aysen Djemal, Barbie Bailey, Issac Morton, Kyria Johnson, Richard Morton, Robert Wilson, Rosalinda Morales, Syrah Mian, Joshua Robinson, Maggie Batson, John Potzman, Lilly Robinson, Gideon Bristol, Rhonda Burris, Missy McCutcheon, Anita Bruffet Karr, Erric Toddy, Kristina Elizabeth DelBart, Travis Peterson, Benjamin Lewon, Robert Manning, Devin Newton, Cheryl Vanwinkle, Justin Land, Daniel Ryan, Hunter Redfern, Rikki Manen, Rudy Ledbetter, Jamie Phillips, Scott Lee, Shane Bridges, Donald Curle, Kenneth Carter, Tristain Scroggins


Music by Luke Truan, Robert Wilson, Beautiful Death, 

Sound by Steve Lee




Ms. Firefly, you are a published author, Can you tell us about your book Over the Hills and Far Away?


As you know I try to inspire women in everything I do, my new childrens book is out now and it is an inspiration to young girls!

It has a strong confident young girl character on a spooky adventure where she must be brave and quick witted !

It deals with friendship and the challenges of dealing with strangers in a strange environment and overcoming obstacles!

It promotes self esteem and awareness of stranger danger but in a confident manner.

It gives a young person the knowledge that even though the world is big and can sometimes be frightening, you can use your wits and confidence to make informed decisions and be happy and live safely!

I am proud of this classic British style adventure fantasy book ,, it is a labor of

Love and I hope it will become your own children's favorite!


Violet Bernadette Ipswich and her friend, Madeline the fawn, go looking for adventure one moonlit night and set off over the hills and far away to find it.

In a mysterious glade, they meet a group of moonstruck rabbits, who tell them about a magical place called Scarborough Fair where all of your wishes can come true. Overcome by delight at the fantastical stories, they decide to go see for themselves.

On this journey they meet a shapeshifting wizard who holds the forest under his spell, an evil troll who wants to eat young travelers, a lonely ghost boy named Peppet who only wants to find his way home, and many more odd and peculiar creatures.

Violet and Madeline must use all their wits and courage to find their way home before they become lost in this frightening dark wood forever.

The audiobook is coming soon!

The book is available on paperback and ebook on Amazon right now, please leave me a review and let me know what you think! 

Over the Hills and Far Away Book amazon link: 



Over the Hills and Far Away website: magnusgov.wixsite.com/mysite-10


Over the Hills and Far Away facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064131399540


What part of the film business do you like the most?

Writing the plots and developing the characters is my favorite part of film business. An added bonus is meeting fabulous stars like Tim Curry and Doug Bradley, Emily O’Brien, and Richard Ashton, Bryce Papenbrook, Dark Hoffman, Steve Lee, Luke Truan and so many more! They are all a part of our Scoffer studio family.


Ms. Firefly, what genre outside of horror films are you into or would you say you

want to be a part of?

I like to do historical period drama, I am writing one now that deals with Paris in the 30s, it is a dramatic heartbreaking tragedy. Probably one of my best works when it is finished.


Ms. Firefly, What has been your entertainment or what books/movies would you

suggest for people to read or watch?

Classics, books like Dr Zhivago, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, The English Patient, and of course A Room with a View. Any classics you can get your hands on is a must read. I believe that your mind is like a mansion, and whatever you put in it influences your inner environment. As a writer, you want to have only the best things in your mind in order to write great works of literature.


Please tell my reader about your favorite current screenplay you are

writing. Are you considering any film screenwriting festivals?


We are writing a sequel to Blood Brothers Life Harvest, Brit Sellers and I are combining our talents and creativity to make this one particularly terrifying and disturbing. Look out Steven King! It is most likely our next film project once Dagon Troll World Chronicles and Blood Brothers Life Harvest are finished and out in the pipeline.


Ms. Firefly, the classic question: what charity do you support? Can you provide a

link to it and explain your reason for supporting that charity?

I support Breast Cancer research and local charities for women and children. Serenity House is one of my favorites, it is a battered woman shelter.


Ms. Firefly, what is your dream screenwriting project? With whom do you want to

work with?

Guillermo Del Toro for certain, we seem to be on the same wavelength.


Thanks for having us! This was a lot of fun, please like and share our content and stay tuned for our upcoming projects! Keep supporting women in film and women in business everywhere!

You can reach out to scoffer studios at [email protected]


