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Do you know where you are at for Halloween 2019? Think about it?

The weapon system HARPA is it actual? Is the sun real or has the sun been replaced with a mirror https://www.tiny.cc/deadsunfall? Like June 23rd 2016, I plan on living a day twice... People say what? I keep on telling people I am not from here and that through my travels, I saw on June 21st 2016 UK stay within the EU. Vote was 54.5 to 45 to stay within EU. You be crazy Clint. Oh no doubt about that. However, I lived June 23rd twice and plan on living again. You doubt me? So what being a closed time curved loop traveler I have witnessed enough in this reality that plots and plans if I ever get back well. Life will be more productive. Clint you are a waste of taxpayer's money. No doubt. I, however, am me and plan accordingly. If Ron Hubbard can live to a past where humanity was stuck on some 70 worlds with trillions of souls on each world. I can survive back in time to where I might do humanity some good. I have learned and know quite now to change some of my choices enough to influence humanity. Clint you cannot influence humanity. The bible is written and foretold, and everything is happening according to some sick person idea that a black messiah or evil leader is something humanity wants instead of giving up and hoping for the best. I am me. I can do correctly, be good, if I can stop evil. properly, that is a truth that needs to be looked into. Humanity does not desire to be enslaved to becoming robots if the nanobots in your systems works with Musks 20,000 satellites frequency wifi5 turning humanity into robots, or if the frequencies are off into zombies is a rather older story line then what I can believe in yet I see humanity more as robots today than yesterday. The death of humanity is man made. Each time God does something he claims it. If you read Revelations, the destruction of ocean boundaries is man made via Japan. The destruction of three-fourths of earths trees are set of fire or gone via the mirror you call a sun here. Stop being evil. Do good. Being a robot is nothing you want to become. Humanity could do better and should do better. Evil is wrong. Pray for your perception or soul October 31st. 2019 will be a change in reality.  https://www.minds.com/Talon123/blog/to-watch-the-walking-tree-and-the-moving-mountain-is-wild-th-1020330370164928512

The awkwardness of time travel and memory's past and music. I am hearing bagpipes, which is wild. I wonder where exactly I am going. To earth of misfit souls and wandering perceptions looking for a solution to why am I evil and just. How long have I been traveling across these Many years?You see I recognize something to this adventure that most Mandela effected people are not talking about. Like what Clint? Simply put perceptional changes of the people I come in communications and physical contact with daily. You see this has happened before. I went through hell before and now again. I pretty sure I would have brought a bigger bucket if I realized what I was part of the first time around. That and would have beaten the fire out with the bucket if I could have. Be good, do good stop evil... The times are a changing faster then the computer can update location of the Waldo wandering earth where is earth today.. Shall we see? Milky Way. It’s a big flat disk of stars measuring up to 120,000 light-years across.

November 3 2019

They have removed edit ability for https://www.minds.com/Talon123/blog/to-watch-the-walking-tree-and-the-moving-mountain-is-wild-th-1020330370164928512

Thus the following https://youtu.be/BfQ2_dJ52Qg

The meaning of a mirror sun which according to writings I blogged about in 2018 was put up in 2003 during Katrina hurricane to hide the fact that the sun is now red not yellow.  The significance is the sun change is we or this earth has been put into a deep freezer for roughly 5 billion years.  Meaning if I was born on earth in the Sagittarius milky way galaxy earth where they said the diameter of the galaxy was 377,000 light years across and speed of the galaxy was much faster than here it would mean it took 2 billion years to go from here to there and then and this is the deep freeze and why your sun is red two a billion additional years to get back and in the mean time you are frozen.  That is stupid.  No.. I thought so too until I started watching my dusting habits.  I dust reason I do not like dust.  one night worth of dust is accumulated in one night or billion years of freezers it also explains why my feet are cold in the morning I am awaking in a body that hs not been moving that much for the past few million or billion years depending on how many of mes exist or are travleing back to th day of judgment.  humor twinkle in the eye and rapture I have seen both and now realize humanity is fighting  God and losing.

November 8 2019

28000 from 26400 meaning 1600 light years from a few moments ago.