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Interview Sid Daoud for House District 08 Montana

Thank you for the opportunity for this interview Sid Daoud. You are running for Kalispell's House District 8 open seat for Montana Legislature. For my readers can you provide a story about why you are running and a little more about who you are?



I’m a Montanan with a rich family history, representing two American dreams. On my mother’s side, the dream of early settlers in territorial Montana, and on my father’s, that of Armenian immigrants, coming to America to work hard and make a new life.

I was born and raised in Great Falls, proudly served my country in the US Army for 13 years, married my high school sweetheart and raised three great kids.

Full bio can be found here: https://libertysid.com/bio

Why I am running:

A dream I have is to be the first Libertarian elected to Montana’s state house or to enable that first Libertarian. That feat will change politics in Montana forever as we are not part of the left-right war that has crippled government in America. It will also dispel the myth that Libertarians cannot get elected prompting candidates to run under principals they value. I can be a bridge between the right and left, concentrating on moving Montana forward instead of battling the other side. I have run for this house district before and have name recognition there.


Mr. Daoud, you have several practical ideas listed on your site. Which one idea - has brought up the most conversations at your meetings.

The biggest issue that comes up every time is around our housing crisis. As an amateur student of Austrian Economics, I know the only real solution is to let the free market right itself. My focus as we wait is to get government out of the way as much as possible so that communities can come up with solutions to weather the crisis, like loosening zoning to account for traditional boarding houses, allowing multifamily in all zones etc.


Mr. Daoud, the libertarian party ideals is about individuals. However, who else are you supporting and getting support for in Montanas 2022 election?

I support up-ticket candidates like Libertarian John Lamb running for the new U.S. House seat we have this year as well as cross-ticket candidates like Libertarian Tony Rosales running for a Montana House district out of Great Falls Montana. I support Non-Partisan James Brown running for Montana Supreme Court Judge as he will be an Originalist Judge. I have an eclectic variety of groups that support me, from the duck ladies associated with a local park I helped with adopting out ducks and geese as they had overrun the park – to locals that support charity and non-profit solutions for the homeless – to hardcore Liberty organizations that are concerned with upholding the Bill of Rights. I think Libertarian candidates should work very hard on building micro-alliances that support their run, as long as you don’t compromise on your principals and owe them something you would rather not. Honesty goes a long way in this effort.


Mr. Daoud, you have several stories about your mother, and military buddies getting you involved in local politics. Which one story do you want told that other would get to know who you are?

So those stories are around important issues to me. My mother battled crippling mental illness for most of her life and I have had several dear friends -Army Buddies – that have committed suicide – so mental health and suicide prevention are near and dear to me. I am a City Councilman in Kalispell for other reasons – I really just want to fish and be left alone, but Government will not comply with my wishes, so I decided since no one else looked like they were going to, then I would be part of the solution. I really appreciate my time as a Councilman, and I intend on serving there as long as the community wants me to. City Council is a unique type of government as you must legislate issues that will immediately affect your own community – all done in Council Chambers while looking the public in the eye. No other level of government does this.


Mr. Daoud, of interest to me. Would you support peace?

I whole-heartedly support peace. Like most of our veterans, I have witnessed what war does to other people and our own warriors. I support the immediate and unconditional withdrawal from every deployment we have, reducing our forces to the amount needed for defense, and using the money we save to pay down the deficit. This also applies to any aid we are giving towards war – it should all end immediately. I see no benefit to the United States funding Saudi Arabia and ground troops participating in the genocide in Yemen for example.


Mr. Daoud, being on the city council, which takes time and effort. What project or city ordinance has helped Montana the most?

Much of my time on Council has been spent tilting at windmills. I am the sole vote against the rest of the Council in many instances. I explain every vote that I make, and this helps not only educate the council but also helps educate the public. Every once and a while I see that I am affecting the Council in a positive way. I am especially proud of reducing impact fees by half – this allows developers to invest in Kalispell’s infill and keeps development down in the county – thus saving our beautiful valley from sprawl. Plus impact fees are greedy government bull.


Mr. Daoud, the libertarian party seems to lack a message that is nationwide. Meaning seldom do I see Gary Johnson or any other national noted members working in Montana. Do you have anybody coming to your area?

Activists are worth 10 politicians 😊 I have invited Matt and Terry Kibbe with Free the People here multiple times to great affect. I have had Lawrence W. Reed from FEE speak. I have also had Jeff Krause past mayor of Bozeman (who should be a Libertarian) and Holly Fretwell Economic Professor and fellow at PERC (free market environmental solutions) here as well. Spike Cohen has been extremely helpful to us. If I can arrange it I would personally love to have Justin Amash here this next year to speak.


Mr. Daoud, who has endorsed you in this campaign so far?

I have not really worked hard on endorsements this year. Of course, the Montana Libertarian Party endorses me.


Mr. Daoud, what question do you wish I had asked? And what is the answer?

You covered a bunch but I do have issues that are not listed on my website as I had to narrow the focus. I do want people to know that I have a plan to release non-violent prisoners to parole and shut down all private prisons in Montana. This is part of my plan to reduce spending at the state level as well as put some of that back into Addiction and Mental health treatment. We need to stop imprisoning addiction and start treating it. I look to great examples like Portugal for this.


Sid Daoud

Party: Libertarian

Age: 55

Family: Wife KristenMarie Daoud, Son Antranik Daoud, Son Kaden Daoud, Daughter Cyan Daoud

Occupation: Senior Consultant for Summit7 Systems

Community involvement: Kalispell City Councilman; Impact Fee Advisory Council; Cancer support community volunteer; Toastmasters board member; Montana Dragan Boat Races volunteer; Pink me Up volunteer; RAD Ride committee; Glacier HS Speech and Debate judge.

What are the top issues you would like to see addressed in the next legislative session?

My experiences as an Army veteran, City Councilman, personal battles helping with my mom’s mental health struggles and multiple Army buddies committing suicide has made veteran issues, government local control and mental health and wellness all important concerns for me. I will, however, start with three community issues in Helena.

Battling the housing crisis. Getting government out of the way and empowering community-based solutions like renting out a spare room, the introduction of classic boarding houses and encouraging local government to loosen restrictive zoning to allowing for more multi-family development. The only long-term solution is to give the free market time to recover.

Property tax reform. I will immediately work to address skyrocketing property taxes, restricting the number of years you must pay government for property you already own while diversifying our tax structure to include our more than 12 million visitors per year. Visitors use our infrastructure and local businesses and should be made part of our tax solution.

Education reform. I will introduce a bill to create Education Savings Accounts for each child in which all government funding for education will be deposited. Parents will have control of these funds and can use it for Public, Private or Home Schooling. They can also choose an a la carte mix of some or all of those options. It’s time that we involved and empowered parents to maximize their child’s education. States that have done this have seen teacher salaries increase, a reduction in school administrators and an increase in the quality and effectiveness of public education as they have to compete for good teachers and your funding.

Why are you the best choice to represent your district?

Electing the first Libertarian to State Legislature will be big news and will give the people of HD 8 the unique opportunity to be in Montana’s political spotlight, ensuring out issues are emphasized.

I will be a bridge between both warring parties, enabling this Legislature to create solutions for Montana instead of focusing on endless fighting. I have a published plan for hitting the ground running in Helena. I have shown continual investment and involvement in our amazing community.

As a current City Councilman in Kalispell, I am the only candidate with a resume that shows a successful history in government policy making. I have a principled and impeccable voting record focused on upholding your individual liberty, all accomplished while looking you, the public, square in the eye.

My opponent has none of these qualifications. In fact, it has been strange as I have yet to meet my opponent. He has been absent at every candidate forum, debate, and event this general election cycle. I have personally knocked your door, have you seen him at yours?

Vote for the candidate that has a history of showing up AND making a difference. Vote Sid Daoud.