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Interview Stephen Chang actor in First Blood - Rambo


Stephen Chang is known as the "First Blood" VC Commander, having starred in a number of hitfilms such as "International Rescue" in 1990. I was also proud to be awarded six wins and six as Male Lead for "Double Happiness". Recently, I joined the cast of "Superman" in
2021, as well as being a part of "Star Wars", "Top Gun", and "Mission Impossible".
As a Celebrity Ambassador to China Film Studios, I work to promote joint venture projects
between China, the US, and Canada. I also serve as a judge for esteemed awards such as the
Gemini Award, Canada China Film Festival Head Judge, and Head Judge for the 2016 Golden
Maple Film Festival Red Carpet Awards.

I am passionate about supporting new talent and helping to fund productions, with three
features receiving funding for a total of $20M in 2015-2016. My company, Master Shot Motion
Pictures Ltd., is qualified for Canadian Federal 27% Tax Rebates, Provincial Grants &
Subsidies, and 60% Montreal Post Production, providing attractive benefits for potential
partners. I warmly welcome new partnerships and collaborations to continue to create engaging and thought-provoking film projects.

Can you tell us about your current project Crypto Heist? What inspired you to venture into this

I can relate to the risks of investing in Cryptocurrency as I have personally lost money in the
past. In regards to my current project, Crypto Heist, I am excited to be a part of this productionand showcase a thrilling story based on a real-life event. The movie centers around a group of thieves who attempt to steal millions of dollars in Cryptocurrency from a high-security facility.
The inspiration for this project stemmed from a fascination with the rising popularity of
Cryptocurrency and the potential risks associated with it. Ultimately, we hope to provide
audiences with an entertaining and thought-provoking experience that highlights the importance of security and trust in this new era of digital finance.

How do you see Cryptocurrencies shaping the future of finance and investments?

I understand the appeal of Cryptocurrencies, but I share your concerns about their risks. It's
unfortunate that many people have lost their life savings due to Cryptocurrency investments,
and I sympathize with those affected. While Cryptocurrencies may present an exciting
opportunity for some, their lack of regulation and high volatility make them a risky investment.
As for their impact on the future of finance and investments, only time will tell how they will
shape the industry. However, I firmly believe in the importance of security, transparency, and
integrity in investments, and I think these principles will continue to play a critical role in shaping the financial landscape, regardless of the emergence of new technologies.

What are some challenges you have faced in the Cryptocurrency project? How did you
overcome these challenges?

I appreciate your question. I am proud to say that I am a fighter both on and off the screen. As a real Kung Fu Master, I have overcome challenges in life and in my career
through discipline, hard work, and perseverance. Whether it's preparing for a physically
demanding role or dealing with setbacks in my personal life, I approach everything with a
fighting spirit and dedication to never give up. I believe this mindset has not only helped me
overcome difficulties but has also contributed to my success as an actor.

Can you walk us through your experience using blockchain technology?

I am an actor who unfortunately fell victim to a crypto scam. I had initially invested in USDT
BIANANCE and other digital currencies, but ultimately lost my investments. Despite this
setback, I managed to pick myself up and keep going. While my experience with blockchain
technology was not what I had hoped for. I do not believe in its potential nor the benefits it can bring to industries such as entertainment. Moving forward, I am taking a more cautious
approach and ensuring that any potential investments undergo thorough research and analysis before committing any funds.

You have built a strong presence on Facebook with your IMDB group. How do you engage and
educate your followers about the entertainment industry?

I have built a robust presence on Facebook through my Elite Starmeter group, 100 Starmeter
clubs, and Rambo Fan Club. While I do not actively promote Crypto on the platform, I strive to
engage and educate my followers about the entertainment industry. I regularly share industry
news, insider tips, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of my work as a movie actor. I also
encourage my followers to share their thoughts and opinions, fostering a community of
passionate fans. However, I do block and cancel any messages related to Crypto that are not
relevant to my page's focus.

Your IMDb profile shows that you have worked on several film projects. Can you tell us about
the latest film projects you are involved in?

As a movie actor, I am excited to have been part of major film projects such as SUPERMAN andLois. In addition to my on-screen work, I have also been involved in producing my own Cryptoprojects, with upcoming releases scheduled for the coming year. These projects are close to my heart, and I am excited to bring them to life for audiences both nationally and internatio nally.

With the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry, how do you stay updated and adapt to new trends?

As a movie producer, it is imperative to stay current with the rapidly evolving entertainment
industry and constantly adapt to new trends. We find that successfully producing movies that
capture broad audiences involves telling true stories at the right time, as the world eagerly
awaits such productions. Our upcoming feature, CRYPTO HEIST, is just one example of a
movie based on true events that we believe will captivate audiences. Looking forward, we have 12 further stories in the works, with a planned release date of 2023. These sequels are part of the exciting Crypto Projects series and include titles such as Crypto Storm (WGA) and Crypto Golden Throat (IMDb). In addition, we are working on productions such as Crypto Heist, Crypto Coffin, and Hell – all of which are being produced by our team at Mastershot Motion Pictures
As a producer, what qualities do you look for in a script or story that you choose to produce?
I prioritize scripts and stories that have the potential to captivate a broad audience. I aim to
produce films that are not only entertaining but also thought-prooking and impactful. Additionally, I look for originality, compelling characters, and a well-crafted narrative that has the potential to resonate with viewers long after the credits roll. In terms of upcoming films, I am thrilled to promote our latest productions - Crypto Heist, Crypto Coffin, and Hell - which are all set to be exciting additions to the rising interest in Cryptocurrency in the film industry. We are confident in
their potential to attract audiences and tell compelling stories that will keep them on the edge of their seats. Our team at Mastershot Motion Pictures Ltd is dedicated to delivering top-quality productions that will create a lasting impact on audiences everywhere.

Can you tell us about your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is a tough one since I have been fortunate enough to be a part of numerous
amazing productions. However, there are two that stand out to me - First Blood with Rambo and Double Happiness with Sandra Oh. Each holds a special place in my heart, as they marked pivotal moments in my career and allowed me to showcase my skills as an actor. However, above all, I firmly believe in the lasting power of the movie industry. While Cryptocurrency and other fleeting trends may come and go, movies remain etched in our memories forever, with the ability to move, inspire and entertain audiences worldwide for years to come.

Stephen MD Chang is a renowned martial artist, Hollywood celebrity, judge for talent shows and
movie stunts since 1988. He was born in Tongshan, China, and grew up and was educated in
Hong Kong. As a young man, he entered the coveted Mr. Hong Kong contest, alongside his
friend Bruce Lee, and was crowned Mr. Hong Kong in 1970. Chang later obtained his
GrandMaster's in Martial arts and degree and became an Executive Director of YMCA World
Although his heart was in acting, movie making, and martial arts, Chang pursued medicine with
a focus on anatomy at Hong Kong University Medical School under the YMCA Scholarship,
fulfilling his father's wishes. In the late 1970s, Chang moved to Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada, where he opened eight successful kung fu schools, teaching over 10,000 students,
including famous luminaries such as Michael J. Fox and his sister.

Stephen Chang “Mr. Hong Kong 1970”

After the subsequent death of Bruce Lee in 1973, the search began for "the next Bruce Lee" by
Coca Cola Global. Chang was noticed by advertising executives in one of his kung fu school
commercials, and a team was sent to Vancouver to meet him. The Executive Director liked what
he saw and cast Chang in a commercial that had him fighting against six larger gangsters in
New York Chinatown. This commercial was so successful that it was Wikipediaaired worldwide.
Stephen Chang as the Viet Cong commander in First Blood 1983 (Photo Orion Pictures)
During the filming of First Blood, Stallone commented on bringing his son to Chang's school for
lessons but never did so. Stallone cast Chang as the Viet Cong commander in the film, which
made him famous globally. Chang then starred, co-starred, and guest-starred in numerous
featured movies and TV series, including The X-Files: Kung Fu - TLC/Twilight Zone, among
others, such as Starring 70mm WW2 feature - "International Rescue" (1990 hit) & Male Lead 7
Festival Awards including Cannes - "Double Happiness" pre-nominee 1995 (see comments
Hollywood Critic/Variety Magazine/New York Times...IMDB).
In recent years, from 2013 to 2015, Chang has been the Head Judge at International
Model-Media Contests at Gateway Theatre, along with Celebrity Performances at Golden Gate
International Martial Arts Grand Championship Tournament & Starmanina 2010 Cardiff UK,
among others, accumulating several global fan clubs along the way. Chang has also judged for
talent shows and movie stunts since 1988 and was the Head Judge of International Talent
Audition for "2013 Fall China Tour Show."
Stephen MD Chang's Background:
Born in China, grew up and educated in Hong Kong, a British Colony with neighborhood older
friend Bruce Lee.
Entered the Mr. Hong Kong Contest winning 1970 Mr. Hong Kong.
Took ANATOMY sent by YMCA WORLD ALLIANCE and obtained his Grand Master of Martial
DEGREE: The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Stephen MD Chang's Achievements:
1977 North American Grand Champion, taught over 10,000 students.
Starred/co-starred/guest starred in numerous featured movies/tv series, including First Blood
Rambo, Kung Fu-TLC, and Twilight Zone.
Male lead in 7 Festival Awards including Cannes - "Double Happiness" with Sandra Oh (Grey's
Anatomy). Stephen MD Chang's Recent Work:
Played General Tan in "Delete".
Played Godfather in Easterseal Film Challenge 2023.
"The Boss" in "Icarus" (Killing Machine) with Dolf Lundgren.
Played the Head Judge of 2014 International Model-Media Contest at Gateway Theatre.
Stephen MD Chang's Invitations:
Was invited as the signing guest in UK Memorabilia NEC Birmingham 2007 with David

Was invited as the Canadian Judge at the 2010 "Golden Gate International Martial Arts Grand
Championship Tournament with over 2000 attendants in San Francisco. Was invited as the
celebrity performer in Kung Fu and Hollywood Stunts.
Stephen MD Chang's Recent Updates: Head judge of the International Advertising Model
Contests (2012-2014).
Involved in the Canada China Film