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Interview with Model Rosie Andlauer

Rosie Andlauer, thanks for taking this interview.Bio: Published Model, Master Body Piercer, Medical Tattoo Artist artist, and Tattooist.





Rosie on tik Tok

Most of my readers will not know you. Can you please tell the story of how you got into modeling and where you are currently at?I originally modelled briefly in my early 20’s and mostly worked in Boston doing things like trade shows, home shows etc and did shows with The Drifters and Tiny Tim. Then I gave it up to raise my family and work in the body art industry. Over the years I gained a lot of weight but I’ve lost over 120 lbs and have completely changed my life. My son is almost 38 and it’s time for me to do something for me. I work very hard at staying in shape and eating well and being healthy. Many people have said you look like a model so I decided to get back at it. I’ve only been modeling again for about 6months but it took right off.


Mrs. Andlauer, can you tell us that one story you wish everyone knew about yourself? You know the one that if you had to introduce yourself to people that story? 

I think that I’m extremely strong and resilient. I had a very rough childhood and earlier part of my adult life. I’ve survived years of childhood abuse and still go through emotional and verbal abuse from my family. Igrew up very poor and I’m the only one that’s made anything of my life and most of my family isn’t nice about my accomplishments.But I do have a wonderfully supportive husband.

Mrs. Andlauer, you are doing other activities outside of modeling. Can you tell a story about those activities? 

I have lots of activities outside of modeling. I’m into health and fitness. I’m a long distance walker, Iuse a mini trampoline and hula hoop for fitness. I’m planning on making some videos in these areas in the near future. My husband and I love hiking in the White Mountains of NH and the Green Mountains in VT. Cooking is also a passion and dancing.

Mrs. Andlauer, you are into body art, modeling, and entertainment. What part of the business do you like the most? 

That’s a tough question. They are completely different and fulfill different parts of my spirit so I really love them all. I’ve been inthe body art industry for nearly 30 years and it’s supported me well and I appreciate that. But modeling and the entertainment industry is newer for me so ithas that excitement and challenges of starting something new. I’m currently taking voice over classes to add that to my repertoire as well. And I would really love to get a movie roll and see if that area is right for me as well. I think it will be,I just need the opportunity.

Mrs. Andlauer, what genre of modeling are you into or would you say you want to be a part of?

 It’s a broader industry than many people realize. I really love glamour, I want to expand more on print ads. I’ve been featured in 3 magazines so far but I would love to be the face of a skin care line because I was blessed with amazing skin. What shows do/did you have a desire to be part of? I love doing runway and would love to model on TV, spokes model.This might sound silly butmy dream job would be having a band hire me to dance on stage while they play.

Mrs. Andlauer, during this time of lock down these interviews are to help people find new books, movies, etc to look into. What has been your entertainment or what books/movies would you suggest. 

I recently watched Russel Crow's new movie Unhinged and it blew me away. I was literally on the edge of my seat!

Mrs. Andlauer, please tell my reader about your favorite shows. 

I love true life crime shows. And I love to learn so I enjoy the shows that teach us things like. Also you produced Periphery can you talk about that?I didn’t do this. Are you thinking of doing another movie? I am considering  crossing into movies in the future and have spoken with a couple of producers about future projects but I can’t mention anything about them yet.

Mrs. Andlauer, the classic question: what charity do you support? Project Spay in Swansea, MA. Can you provide a link to it and explain your reason for supporting that charity? 

https://projectspayrescue.com/ My husband Phil and I adopted 2 very bonded sister kitties 3 years ago that were considered un adoptable because they had to stay together and were terrified of people.Molly is missing an eye and Tootsie has a cauliflower ear like boxers get from being hit so much. They are now sweet, loving, trusting, happy girls. We are animal lovers and love animal support charities. I feel very strongly about adopting rather than shopping.

Mrs. Andlauer, what is your dream modeling project?

I love anything that allows me to show that tattooed women can be classy, feminine and beautiful. With whom do you want to work with? Anyone that wants towork with me :)


Mrs. Andlauer, what question do you wish I had asked? 

I know it’s not polite to ask a woman’s age but I’m very proud of my age. And what is the answer to that question? I’m going to be 60 this November 21st.