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Kadrolsha Ona Carole interview with an Actress


Kadrolsha Ona Carole, the inaugural real-life Superhero in comic book history, is lauded

as "The Face of Airport Television Streaming Services" since Jan 20, 2020. Her

programs reach global audiences on airport TVs, billboards, and electric car stations.

Boasting 48 IMDB Awards, including contributions to Warner Brothers' The Exorcist

DVD, she impacts films, TV, and literature.

As an International Executive Film Producer and prominent figure in the paranormal

realm, Kadrolsha's role in "Haunting Tales of Bachelor's Grove" boosted the paranormal

industry. Beyond comics, she tours globally, sharing paranormal expertise and delivering

lectures, healings, and readings.

Her Hollywood presence spans Ghost Busters to Star Wars, while her film achievements

garnered acclaim at prestigious festivals. Renowned for expertise, humanitarianism, and

a Paranormal Hall of Fame induction, she advocates for school safety and aims for her

comic character on a US Postage stamp, a groundbreaking feat. Learn more at



1. What inspired you to become the first comic book Superhero portraying your real-life

persona within the pages of a comic book?

A. While I was appearing at O’comic con is Omaha Nebraska. Charles Moisant owner of

Phoenix Publication, walked up to be and asked me if I would like to be in his comic

book. I said yes, who wouldn’t want to be in a comic book! I had one request. My request

was to do as I do as a superhero in real life between the pages of a comic book. He

agreed and the rest was history. I was notified by the author of the comic book Brian K

Morris that it appears I have an iconic status. He well researched the subject (he is a

comic book historian) and was pleased to announce to me that I am the first Person in

comic book history to be a superhero doing what I do between the pages of a comic

book! The comic book is named “The Haunting Tales of Bachelor's Grove”.

2. How has your historic comic book status impacted the paranormal industry, and what do

you hope to achieve through this representation?

A. As in every industry there is a level of competition. The Paranormal is no different. It was

not well received. I believe it was a combination of jealousy and competitiveness. As far

as my career is concerned it was a game changer. I now do lots of projects, TV, movies

and interviews just like this one with you, my friend.


3. Can you share a memorable experience or achievement during your involvement in

Warner Brothers' motion picture history with The Exorcist's 40th Anniversary DVD?

A. Yes, I can. While in the process of culling information and the edit process for an event

the same evening. The audio and video would not sync up. This is impossible if you did not

detach the audio. It was working one minute and then the next it was not. Not only that, but

my partner began to sweat a thick slimy liquid. It had a foul smell to it. A second later he

was alright. It was as if working with the original tapes of an interview with Father Gallager

were possessed.

4. You've ventured into various mediums, from films to children's books. What drives your

diverse creative pursuits?

A. I love to be creative. It’s as simple as that.

5. Your involvement in the Paranormal Hall of Fame is noteworthy. What does this

recognition mean to you within the paranormal field?

A. What the recognition of being in the Paranormal Hall of Fame means to me, is that I

have done my job well. I am creative and take my learning and teaching seriously. It

is not easy to be in the Paranormal Hall of fame. Just being on a TV show is not a

qualification. You must do, make, or discover something new to the field of the

paranormal. I was the first person to use instant EVP on a Television show and in the

field. Now everyone is using it. I also was the first person to use forensics in a

paranormal investigation.

6. Could you elaborate on your initiative regarding National Paranormal Day and its

evolution into a global celebration for paranormal enthusiasts?

A. I believe that National Paranormal Day is a day to reflect on how far we have come in

the field of the paranormal.

7. How do you balance your roles as an actress, author, radio, and TV personality while

also advocating for school safety and community awareness?

A. It is not easy. I use an old system of time management. With this process I am able to fit

a lot of things in in one day that would take weeks for other to do.

8. Collaborating with renowned personalities like Bill Diamond for children's books must be

exciting. What messages do you aim to convey through your children's series?

Bill Diamond is a 3-time Emmy winner and growing. I love his artwork and his vest for life. Bill did the cover of the first book “Dean is Sad’ These collections of children’s books I author are of hard-hitting subject with a positive resolve at the end. The message I want to get out to the masses is positivity saves the day and never judge a situation without knowing all the information.

Your campaign to have your comic book character featured on a US Postage stamp is intriguing. What significance would this hold for you and your portrayal as a real-life Superhero?

Being honored with this status would benefit women all over the world who think they cannot achieve an honored status in a male dominated industry such as comics. I am a real person, not a made-up character for a comic book.