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Kaiti Wallen Actress

Thank you Kaiti Wallen for the interviews.



1. Can you share your experience working with a diverse cast including Yan Birch, Sean Whalen, Maria Olsen, Michael James Alexander, Harley Wallen and Angelina Danielle Cama in “Beneath Us All” (2023)?
That was quite the ensemble and it was great to be with submerged with talking through our characters and how we were approaching them, there is not much better than a cast and crew pulling in the same direction like we did, I’m so proud of everyone who worked on it.

2. “Beneath Us All” What do you think contributed to the film’s success and positive reception?
I think more and more people want more from horror than just the same old story told again and again often set against the same settings and even the same way. I think people are getting into stories and interesting characters and Beneath Us All is very much that, I think.

3. How did your role as Rebecca in the film “Rebecca” (2023) challenge you as an actress? And what drew you to this project?
Honestly first time I read it I wanted the role, it’s so different from who I’ve played in the past and Rebecca is just so good, like all the way through good, kind of who you strive to be.  Helping, selfless, caring, friendly but with boundaries and goals and ambition all wrapped in one.

4. “The Devil’s Left Hand” (2023) What were the challenges you faced while portraying Cassidy?How did you prepare for this role?
That was such a fun role and I’m excited that we’re making a sequel because I loved that role as well.  I think the challenge on that one was because it was shot so out of sequence you had to really remember how much you understood about the demon each scene.  But I can’t wait, the sequel is such an incredible screenplay!!

5. Working alongside Mel Novak. Shane Hagedorn. Jamie Bernadette. and others in “Ash and Bone” (2022) must have been a unique experience. Can you share some memorable moments from the set and any challenges you overcame during the filming?
Yes, we felt that we had something very special as we were filming and I’m honestly surprised it’s not fully mainstream yet, I think that’s such a great story and so well crafted!

6. In “Ash and Bone.” you played the character Sarah Vanderbilt. How did you approach portraying this character? And what aspects of the role resonated with you?
It was fun and a bit scary to play my husband’s wife in the film.  If we did great, it’s to be expected and if we didn’t people would talk haha but it was great and fun to play a couple especially as our characters aren’t very like us, it was definitely interesting.

7. “John Jatenjor’s Interviews” (2021) is a TV series where you appeared as a Celebrity Guest. What was the nature of your interview? And how do you think your presence contributed to the show?
It’s always great to interview with John and his team, he has insightful thoughts and comments.

8. Your role as The Teacher in the short film “Misunderstood” (2022) is intriguing. Can you tell us about the character and the message conveyed in the film?
It was a fun hot character, the naughty teacher, just a days work but a lot of fun.

9. With a diverse range of projects like “Beneath Us All.” “Ash and Bone.” and “John Jatenjor’s Interviews.” how do you select roles? And what criteria do you consider when choosing projects?

As others it’s about auditioning and getting out there looking for roles that I feel I want to work on and play with, it’s a great exploration and of course as my husband Harley and I run a production company we of course look for work that fits our brand and that allows us opportunities I’m super grateful for.

10. Looking ahead. Are there any upcoming projects or collaborations you are excited about? And what can your fans anticipate from you in the near future?
Later this fall my first True Story “Finding Nicole” comes out and I can’t wait for that, it’s such an incredible story about a strong, beautiful woman I had the honor to play on screen and she was on set with us through this as a producer and with a strong anti domestic violence message it’s such an important film, the statistics are so heartbreaking we have to change and fix this silent pandemic!



