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libraries? Avatars fighting each other? Poetry? Just what is in a multiverse story book?

A library discovery in La Paz, Bolivia

My Dear Alice,

I found a secret place recently. Someplace I think you would enjoy.

The La Paz Public Library. Not where you would expect to find a hidden English section. Let alone a rare book.

In yet? The room was in the back section. I had gotten into the library, which is closed to most via accident.

And? Forgive me. I was an explorer of sorts in my time. And? I got lost. I walk among old books from the 30s, 40s, 50s, to 2018. Seems that funds had run short since.

In the back corner of the marble library. One could see that a room was there. Why? Well, the square outline of the wall reached out from the window.

I went to see if there was a door or what was there? And? To my surprise, the complete wall was covered with books. Now this perturbed me.

So, I looked again. And? Well, one shelf hid a door knob. And? Well, I turned the knob, of course. I am an explorer of sorts, like I said.

Did I enter? Of course. It was lit by the sunlight of a window on the other side of the wall.

Inside? I found a treasure of foreign books. Someone’s foreign book club.

I found French, English, Italian, and, of course, Portuguese, and a few Spanish books. However, these were much older than the 1900s century.

The Spanish books were of the 1500s century. Old hymnals or something. A few were in Aymara, even. Which, if you get a chance, has some wonderful musical songs.

The foreign book table now. That was unexpected. Seems like a few of the books. Maybe I should say journals belong to personal people.

One? A according to a note. An ending of Che Guevara by Che? According to this. Meaning my Spanish is poor. His ending, or at least the last six pages, was of interest.

“I am at the Bolivian military airport,” scribbling some names of people and I think Castro or an agent of the CIA. “They have betrayed me” Then a drawing of sorts. Wonderful, I can say Che knew how to draw. “Every move I make, the CIA tells the Bolivians” Then a blood-soaked page is hard to read, but the words? “T was not the CIA but Castro who betrayed m”

Interesting, no? The next journal I found according to the note next to it belongs to Harry Alonzo Longabaugh? Humor, the note stated, Sundance Kid? Humor reading it was fun. According to Mr. Longabaugh or Sundance, they had just robbed their seventh bank in Bolivia. And? So, here is something no one seems to realize. Seems Harry and Robert LeRoy Parker, or Butch Cassidy, had a falling out. And? Cassidy was going back to the states. Meaning? Seems Butch or Bob referenced in the journal left before the last page of the journal. And? Most likely according to the note Robert LeRoy Parker or Butch or Bob per the note lived in Nevada until 1927.

The next note was something wild. It was a complete book in English called the Bolivian Time Traveller. By Clinton R. Siegle. If you find the first two stories hard to believe, his story is wildly speculative fiction. Or at least that is what I thought in 2019. Now in 2021? I realized I was reading a time traveller journal. Some of which you can find online if you search “Wandering mind through the multiverse”. The book, more than a journal, references almost everything he talks about and shows photos.

Finally, I got the rare book. A picture book by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Let me be honest. Lewis Carrol books in Bolivia are not what I expected. I opened it. I had to rethink reality for a moment. Why? Child pornographic or a person taking photos? Not what I expected. There were at least a few short stories.

One on the Ways. For those into the Wheel of Times. It would seem Mr. Dodgson knew magic of a sort. According to the story, one night while he was practicing something. His mirror opened up well. Gave him a scare. The whole story was absurd, of course. Now? Now in 2021, I wonder if I am the one that is absurd.

I had the gall to ask the person running the library if I could take three of the books with me. Seems the person let alone did not care. But she was happy to be rid of some of the books. It seems the new political party was planning on destroying parts of the library.

And thus my dear Alice, my adventure in the La Paz Library.  Oh, I did finally finish rewriting the Bolivian Time Traveller. Attached is a copy. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1263522769311731712 

Please do write.  It has been eons since I have heard from you that long ago night on Sagittarius or was it just a dream?


Clinton R. Siegle

A poem attched

Clinton Siegle 

819 N Merrill Ave Apt 1

Glendive, Montana 59330

no phone


The best place in the world

The best place in the world 

honestly a wonderful place in the world 

eternity shown as beauty in the world,

best place in the world 

eternity is but a moment, in reality, of that place 

seasons come and go, but that location stays in place 

time is but a memory of that place 

place within the world,

love that placed within the world 

all that is nice in the world 

come remember the foremost place 

eternity is a step away from that place 

in the world, there is only that one place 

need memories of that place 

the world searches for the best place 

honesty is the right place 

eternity searches for that place 

world a place 

opened your heart to the finest place 

reality is a step to one side, a memory of that place.  

Love that placed for end that is the world to me 

dear old place of memories to me.   







Clinton Siegle 

819 N Merrill Ave Apt 1

Glendive, Montana 59330

no phone


Location acrostic

Location is a place for the best ideas

open air for ideas

count your blessings in your ideas

always beautiful ideas

time is but a memory in ideas

in fact, location is the best place for ideas

open ideas

need a better place for ideas




















The best place in the world is a library

honest books,

eternity of thoughts

best place to have an idea

eternity of wonderful ideas

seasons of thoughts with books

time is but a moment in books

place a wonderful idea in a book

libraries are a wonderful place to be free of a book

all that is good is within a book

common location that is good for a book

eternity within a library filled with books,

“Game to start Avatar 194,034,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Zeus, Thor, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Zeus of the Thunder god.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asked Thor.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,034,230 points.

Like many of my adventures, they start out in a library or bookstore or bar with a reading section set aside. There I was in an old part of Columbus, Ohio the bar I guess was actual in Reynoldsburg or a section of the town close to Columbus the bar has a reading section. I was drinking and reading aged comic books from the 70s. I had just finished a comic and was reading the old advertisement. I enjoyed reading the advertisement in the old colors of the comic section Sea Monkeys turning the page. 

An advert about the civil war soldiers tiny ones 150 packages with bridges, and three cannons. I did not see that advert in some years. Next to the advertisement was an odd advert. Mr. Lee’s school of superhero’s training. The advertisement showed a man being splashed by water from what looked to be a tea pot. 

Reading more out of curiosity the ad states to survive boiling water, sharp steel stabs, and falling into water at high heights. Subsequently, a mailing address in California and phone number at the bottom of the page. An old circle mark from a pen around the advert. Below the advertisement is the words I wish this to be true. 

For the fun of it, I called thinking 40 years had passed maybe the school had too. A person answered “Mr. Lee’s school of superhero training.” Wondering more than anything I asked how much was the school and if the school was still in California? The answer depends on the stay and yes only one in California.  

I asked about the classes and timeframe getting more interested in the training then I ought to at an old reading bar. The courses were specifically short-term and one could take usual two a day or if there was a desire, a person could choose a polyphasic sleep course three weeks prior to taking a two-week course and potential take five courses within a two-week timeframe. The idea intrigued me greatly. I asked for a course catalog. There was a pause on the phone. How certain are you about taking the courses was the question with an implied the lady did not want to waste postage on a want to be a superhero? I answered that I had recently gone through an accident and had two months of vacation saved up. I could hear the smirk at the other end of the line. She took my mailing address. 

“Game to start Avatar 194,039,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Venus, Mars, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Venus of the god of war.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the god of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,039,230 points.

I received the catalog three weeks later. I had forgotten so when I opened the large-size envelope I was surprised by the catalog. The courses were wild and amazing. 

Memory improvement which I was reading about in the library, there was a teacher who had won some recollection award of memorizing pi to 3,000 places. The first course on the catalog was on how to withstand electricity shock the teacher having supposedly taken in 30 times the amount of electricity that normally kills a man. Another on polyphasic sleep training to allow a person to sleep only four hours a day with a section of the program allowed to be home-schooled. More mind courses on studying to be a human calculator or memorize piano music by listening to the music once. Courses on climbing walls and acrobatics called the human spider course which says a special trainer will be introduced who will show how to mimic spider-silk and climb buildings like Spiderman. Swordsmanship hand-eye coordination course allowing a person to cut either a bullet shot at them or allowing a person to throw a fruit with a hand using the same hand to cut the fruit in half before the fruit reached the ground or sword swallowing. I took the catalog to work the next day. 

Between conference calls listening to program build ups and software development, I browse the catalog circling the courses of most interest. I selected the polyphasic sleep training figuring for two months I could work-out lose weight, and sleep while taking on an additional five courses all within a two-week vacation period.  I fill out my vacation request form and send it into headquarters.  In two or three days I get a response approved.

Next I fill out a credit card application.  The courses run a thousand dollars per week plus room and board, along with the flight I figure I will spend nine thousand to learn some very useful skill sets.  Skills that I acquired over a very short time.  I pay my first thousand for the  polyphasic sleep course.  Expecting something different I receive something which not disappointing but not what I expected.  A daily routine with workout instructions for the other four courses which I applied for including some additional daily exercises with a circle around the word most useful to succeed in becoming a superhero.

The polyphasic sleep course breaks the day into six-hour time tables. And one hour to nap or sleep and five hours to stay awake and do something creative or be bored to death in the middle of the night when there is nothing to do. The first few days were exciting because I used the whole workout delivered. I went to the library and checked super memory books on how to improve my mind a supplemental course book suggested. I signed up for a seven-day free trial at the local gym that is opened 24 hours a day. There I took up weightlifting and a spin class to increase my flexibility. During the workday was the difficulty due to my work schedule requiring 9 to 11 hours a day I had to actually take a lunch nap which required me to stay even later at work to show that I spent my time at work. The problem of being honest is actually doing the work. For two weeks prior to the vacation, I learned memory, went from 21 percent body fat down to 11 percent. I gained flexibility to do forward rolls, backward rolls, and learned to stand on my hands for 15 minutes. Those two weeks were not bad for thousand-dollar investment.  

I choice three other courses along with memory, and sleep. They are sniper lessons the ability to hit a target 1,000 meters away within a week or your money back, Train your arms to supply a superpower blow like a tiger claw and hold your breath for 6 to 10 minutes to dive to 150 feet. I had always wanted to join the military but asthma, and allergies had removed that career path, so I thought that learning to shoot while on vacation would be worthwhile. The tiger claw description and picture of Bruce Lee striking a brick with an open hand claw were enough to make me want to be fearsome. The breathing technique described in detail about the diving course made sense to me, and I hoped would allow me to start running again because of all the pollen in the air my breathing was hard on a normal day.  

“Game to start Avatar 194,045,230 points include…..” came over a broadcast. Thor, Mars, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter. “What do you think of the odds” asked Thor of the god of war.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the god of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayer to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,045,230 points.

For the sniper program, I started right away on eye coordination due to wearing glasses. I learned the basic standing or offhand position. You have seen the movies where the good or bad-guy “Game to start Avatar 194,034,230 points include …..” came over a broadcast. Zeus, Thor, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Zeus of the Thunder god. The Jewish deity just laughed. “What is so funny,” asked Thor.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayer to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity. Each night, the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,034,230 points.

Like many of my adventures, they start out in a library or bookstore or bar with a reading section set aside. There I was in an old part of Columbus, Ohio the bar I guess was actual in Reynoldsburg or a section of the town close to Columbus the bar has a reading section. I was drinking and reading aged comic books from the 70s. I had just finished a comic and was reading the old advertisement. I enjoyed reading the advertisement in the old colors of the comic section Sea Monkeys turning the page. 

An advert about the civil war soldiers tiny ones 150 packages with bridges, and three cannons. I did not see that advert in some years. Next to the advertisement was an odd advert. Mr. Lee’s school of superhero’s training. The advertisement showed a man being splashed by water from what looked to be a tea pot. 

Reading more out of curiosity the ad states to survive boiling water, sharp steel stabs, and falling into water at high heights. Subsequently, a mailing address in California and phone number at the bottom of the page. An old circle mark from a pen around the advert. Below the advertisement is the words I wish this to be true. 

For the fun of it, I called thinking 40 years had passed maybe the school had too. A person answered “Mr. Lee’s school of superhero training.” Wondering more than anything I asked how much was the school and if the school was still in California? The answer depends on the stay and yes only one in California.  

I asked about the classes and timeframe getting more interested in the training then I ought to at an old reading bar. The courses were specifically short-term and one could take usual two a day or if there was a desire, a person could choose a polyphasic sleep course three weeks prior to taking a two-week course and potential take five courses within a two-week timeframe. The idea intrigued me greatly. I asked for a course catalog. There was a pause on the phone. How certain are you about taking the courses was the question with an implied the lady did not want to waste postage on a want to be a superhero? I answered that I had recently gone through an accident and had two months of vacation saved up. I could hear the smirk at the other end of the line. She took my mailing address. 

“Game to start Avatar 194,039,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Venus, Mars, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Venus of the god of war.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the god of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,039,230 points.

I received the catalog three weeks later. I had forgotten so when I opened the large-size envelope I was surprised by the catalog. The courses were wild and amazing. 

Memory improvement which I was reading about in the library, there was a teacher who had won some recollection award of memorizing pi to 3,000 places. The first course on the catalog was on how to withstand electricity shock the teacher having supposedly taken in 30 times the amount of electricity that normally kills a man. Another on polyphasic sleep training to allow a person to sleep only four hours a day with a section of the program allowed to be home-schooled. More mind courses on studying to be a human calculator or memorize piano music by listening to the music once. Courses on climbing walls and acrobatics called the human spider course which says a special trainer will be introduced who will show how to mimic spider-silk and climb buildings like Spiderman. Swordsmanship hand-eye coordination course allowing a person to cut either a bullet shot at them or allowing a person to throw a fruit with a hand using the same hand to cut the fruit in half before the fruit reached the ground or sword swallowing. I took the catalog to work the next day. 

Between conference calls listening to program build ups and software development, I browse the catalog circling the courses of most interest. I selected the polyphasic sleep training figuring for two months I could work-out lose weight, and sleep while taking on an additional five courses all within a two-week vacation period.  I fill out my vacation request form and send it into headquarters.  In two or three days I get a response approved.

Next I fill out a credit card application.  The courses run a thousand dollars per week plus room and board, along with the flight I figure I will spend nine thousand to learn some very useful skill sets.  Skills that I acquired over a very short time.  I pay my first thousand for the  polyphasic sleep course.  Expecting something different I receive something which not disappointing but not what I expected.  A daily routine with workout instructions for the other four courses which I applied for including some additional daily exercises with a circle around the word most useful to succeed in becoming a superhero.

The polyphasic sleep course breaks the day into six-hour time tables. And one hour to nap or sleep and five hours to stay awake and do something creative or be bored to death in the middle of the night when there is nothing to do. The first few days were exciting because I used the whole workout delivered. I went to the library and checked super memory books on how to improve my mind a supplemental course book suggested. I signed up for a seven-day free trial at the local gym that is opened 24 hours a day. There I took up weightlifting and a spin class to increase my flexibility. During the workday was the difficulty due to my work schedule requiring 9 to 11 hours a day I had to actually take a lunch nap which required me to stay even later at work to show that I spent my time at work. The problem of being honest is actually doing the work. For two weeks prior to the vacation, I learned memory, went from 21 percent body fat down to 11 percent. I gained flexibility to do forward rolls, backward rolls, and learned to stand on my hands for 15 minutes. Those two weeks were not bad for thousand-dollar investment.  

I choose three other courses along with memory, and sleep. They are sniper lessons, the ability to hit a target 1,000 meters away within a week or your money back. Train your arms to supply a superpower blow like a tiger claw and hold your breath for 6 to 10 minutes to dive to 150 feet. I had always wanted to join the military being an ares but asthma, and allergies had removed that career path, so I thought that learning to shot while on vacation would be worthwhile. The tiger claw description and picture of Bruce Lee striking a brick with an open hand claw were enough to make me want to be fearsome. The breathing technique described in detail about the diving course made sense to me, and I hoped would allow me to start running again because of all the pollen in the air my breathing was hard on a normal day.  

“Game to start Avatar 194,045,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Thor, Mars, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Thor of the god of war.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the god of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,045,230 points.

For the sniper program, I started right away on eye coordination due to wearing glasses. I learned the basic standing or offhand position. You have seen the movies where the good or bad-guy turns so that their left side is facing their target. The placing of the feet are important like left foot slightly to the right of the target having both feet about shoulder length apart. Always I learned the hard way bring the rifle up to your face instead of bending your head down or your face ends up with a rash burn on your ear. Make sure to snug the rifle to your shoulder while you breathe in, hold the rifle firmly and pull the trigger. All this I learned at Bob’s Alley gun shop lesson for those who want to buy an AK-15.  Six lessons during my extra five hours two weeks prior to going on my vacation. Luck had me stumble upon a coupon which allowed me in for free. The other four main firing positions kneeling, prone, sitting, and squatting I was going to have to learn on my vacation.   

The tiger style kung fu punch required me to start right away doing pushups. Then strengthening my fingers by removing one finger at a time until I could do 1,000 push up normal and 100 three finger push ups. Since I started right away I also learned that there are quite a few techniques to memorize 23 stances, 17 blocks, and 15 punches. Again being cheap I signed up for five weeks of free classes at several different studios and took the classes simultaneously using my recently added memory, I learned all 23 stances, most of the blocks and the 15 punches without being able to break a brick. I also learned that a tiger punch was more of a facial palm heel racking with the fingernail punch not a brick breaking punch. The humor of a comic book drawing bringing me into realization that the world lies often.  

For the diving the 24 hour gym there was a pool.  However, I learned that the quickest way to being able to hold your breath longer was to lose weight.  I went from 21 percent body fat down quickly to 11 percent just adding situps and lunges to strengthen my stomach muscles.  I started out day one being only able to hold my breath for 20 seconds.  I figured by adding practice time and training I would be able to hold longer.  The pushups, situps, and lunges with reduced body fat and practicing got me to hold my breath to five minutes prior to getting on my plane for my vacation. 

During this sleep training change, memory workout, and adventures with kung fu, night gyms, and swimming my mind actually improved on working as a scheduler.  I could remember dates better and conversations better cutting down on a lot of recollection and rework of other people’s indecisions during reporting periods.

Day of my flight was exciting.  Arriving in California via route of Utah I introduced myself to a lady that boarded there in Utah.  Her name believe it or not was Pink.  She was not wearing anything Pink in fact she was very Gothic all in black.  She was actually interested in me.  Looking back I guess losing weight, and having muscles does pay-off.  But at the time I was more into listening to her talk.  She had voice that could melt your heart.  She was going to California for training and if I understood correctly a singing career.

We both got off the plane and I was surprised to see her trying to catch a cab outside.  I was going to stay at a youth hostel and needed a ride also.  I asked where she was going only to discover we were going to the same location.

We caught a ride together it was Sunday late having been on a plane eleven hours and worked four hours that day I was tired.  The hostel was nice bunk beds and community shower.  I locked my stuff up in the locker provided put on shorts and went to shower.  Not seeing a man or woman sign just seeing shower signs I went in a got ready for a shower.  Surprise surprise when Pink waked in the buff.  At least she was not shaved from the eyebrows down.  She had hairy legs, and underarms she pretended to try to cover up.  Myself manhood is what manhood does when seeing beauty.  She said something like looking for a shower to shave.  I turned around not ogle her anymore than I had already did.

“Game to start Avatar 194,050,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Venus, Athena, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Venus of the Athena.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the goddess of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,050,230 points.

She laughed which like music to my ears.  “Silly boy,” she says and out she went to another shower.  Instead of a relaxing warm shower that night I was freezing cold.  Though parts of me stood out.

That night memory lessons, pushups, sit ups, and leg curls got me to sleep well for my hour.  During the dead of night while sleeping I felt a warm embrace.  Pink whispered something like I was cold. Thinking of the cold shower I could agree with her.  But her embrace was warm and we slept the hour away.  Getting up she was already moving to.  I had to ask her if she needed more sleep.  She laughed again with that wonderful sound.  No she was going to Mr. Lee training to in the morning.  Caught off guard I asked what classes.

She was going for breathing training to help her singing, and two other classes which as I recall were not on the list. I asked how she got into the two and her statement was evasive.

Arriving at Mr. Lee’s training school was a let down.  The building is non descriptive. 

Entering with Pink I give my forms to Ms. Olive.  She looked it over and gave me a box to put my stuff in.  Then handed me a suit indicating a dressing room.  Pink just went someplace.

Coming out in the suit I was meet by a guy introducing himself as Jim.  He was to be my shooting instructor.  He let me know that he was a former Marine sniper, who had gone through a lot of additional marksmanship training.  The class had me and three ladies.  The instructor started out with the standing position. Stating that the position is the hardest and the rest required less concentration because of balance. Somehow I had missed that part at Bob’s gun shop. The first position standing i nailed the target at the starting distance.   Then the next five distances.  Jim was impressed.  At the longest distance I hit the target again.  Laughing Jim said I was a natural and to sit out while the ladies did their practice run.  

Linda a fitness instructor was real good.  However she missed the target after the third distance. She swore like a person with personal issues.  Jill with her dear eyes did not even hit the first target.  Jenny a soldier was out to prove something did the first five target only missing the last one but getting the corner of the target paper from the farthest distance.

That was my first class.  Jim took me aside and said I should pay splits instead of for a full class.  Not understanding he said that my natural ability would be wasted if I spent the whole class with sniper training and that I should try to get into another class but only have to pay for one. That was my first five hours. 

Sleeping on the floor I was awoken by Jill.  I am not sure why women were coming onto me.  But she was comfortable and soft so I embraced her for my hour nap and sleep like a baby.

Getting up we both did exercises together in silence.  She went to her next class which I believe was how to be a human spider and I went to my class on how to throw a punch like a tiger.

The class instructor was a lady. She introduced herself as Ms. Claw.  There were three of us, the two guys Bob and Robert snickered at Ms. Claw.  Myself, I was a bit intimidated because she looked like a supermodel with muscles,  She asked each of us our training and background while looking over our paperwork.  Bob had a long list of belts and studies.  Robert was a boxer.  I felt like the newbie that I was out of place. She instructed Bob to throw a punch Tiger style open palm at a board.  His fingers clawed the board making long scratches.  Ms. Claw asked Robert to do the same.  Instead of an open palm he broke the board with his fingernails.  My turn and all I could do was the tiger open palm punch which left nothing on the board.  She then instructed us on a personalized different style of punch and said to throw a thousand punches at a punching manikin.  After which each of us was given an extra set of sit ups, push ups and to run a couple of miles.  Not having run anytime in my life since high school I asked about timing.  She said just run it to get your muscles to work.  

After all that I went for my nap.  Bob and Robert went out to club.  Again I found myself awaken for a moment by Jill.  Her dear eyes made me wonder. I was about to talk but she just closed her eyes and slept as did I.

The third class was on memory. I entered and was surprised. There was me and Pink in the room.  She was silent.    The instructor walked in.  Introduced himself as Mr. Wizard and begin to ask questions on what techniques we used.   I had used a short version of remember four to six items in a roll.  While Pink explained she was using a memory palace to story her thoughts.  Mr. Wizard was impressed with Pink.  She had memorized almost every top 10 songs from country, to rock for the past 20 years.  He asked me why I did not use the memory palace technique also.  Awkwardly I explained I did not have a home that I could recall where to put everything.  He provided me a question about where I liked to eat or favorite fast food place.  He then instructed me to use that place to store my ideas or a library.  Being more open to a library I used one that I knew from heart as a child.  Pink did not speak to me through the class.  At the end of the class Mr. Wizard gave me a book and informed me to memorize it by tomorrow.  And with that the class was over and time for me to nap.

“Game to start Avatar 194,065,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Zeus, Thor, Athena, Venus, Mars, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Venus of the god of war.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the god of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,065,230 points. This time the deity took out a bet against the avatar while everyone else bet for him.

I went to nap on the floor.  This time was a bit more awkward.  I awoke to find Jill embracing me with Pink holding me like a love pillow.  But I said nothing just sleeping between the warmth. 

Getting up saying nothing I exercised while the ladies relaxed a bit.  I then went to my breathing class. Pink followed me.  There the instructor gave instructions to jump into the pool with a brick and hold your breath as long as you could.  I followed the instructions.  The pool was deeper than I expected.  After seven minutes I was brought back with lips blowing into my mouth. Pink had saved me.

“Game to start Avatar 194,063,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Venus, Mars, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Venus of the god of war.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the god of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,063,230 points.

The game plays on with billions upon billions of souls each night.  Sometimes memories are rewarded and other times punished.  But the real lesson is life is but a game for a moment in time.
























urns so that their left side is facing their target. The placing of the feet are important like left foot slightly to the right of the target having both feet about shoulder length apart. Always I learned the hard way bring the rifle up to your face instead of bending your head down or your face ends up with a rash burn on your ear. Make sure to snug the rifle to your shoulder while you breathe in, hold the rifle firmly and pull the trigger. All this I learned at Bob’s Alley gun shop lesson for those who want to buy an AK-15.  Six lessons during my extra five hours two weeks prior to going on my vacation. Luck had me stumble upon a coupon which allowed me in for free. The other four main firing positions kneeling, prone, sitting, and squatting I was going to have to learn on my vacation.   

The tiger style kung fu punch required me to start right away doing pushups. Then strengthening my fingers by removing one finger at a time until I could do 1,000 push up normal and 100 three finger push ups. Since I started right away I also learned that there are quite a few techniques to memorize 23 stances, 17 blocks, and 15 punches. Again being cheap I signed up for five weeks of free classes at several different studios and took the classes simultaneously using my recently added memory, I learned all 23 stances, most of the blocks and the 15 punches without being able to break a brick. I also learned that a tiger punch was more of a facial palm heel racking with the fingernail punch not a brick breaking punch. The humor of a comic book drawing bringing me into realization that the world lies often.  

For the diving the 24 hour gym there was a pool.  However, I learned that the quickest way to being able to hold your breath longer was to lose weight.  I went from 21 percent body fat down quickly to 11 percent just adding situps and lunges to strengthen my stomach muscles.  I started out day one being only able to hold my breath for 20 seconds.  I figured by adding practice time and training I would be able to hold longer.  The pushups, situps, and lunges with reduced body fat and practicing got me to hold my breath to five minutes prior to getting on my plane for my vacation. 

During this sleep training change, memory workout, and adventures with kung fu, night gyms, and swimming my mind actually improved on working as a scheduler.  I could remember dates better and conversations better cutting down on a lot of recollection and rework of other people’s indecisions during reporting periods.

Day of my flight was exciting.  Arriving in California via route of Utah I introduced myself to a lady that boarded there in Utah.  Her name believe it or not was Pink.  She was not wearing anything Pink in fact she was very Gothic all in black.  She was actually interested in me.  Looking back I guess losing weight, and having muscles does pay-off.  But at the time I was more into listening to her talk.  She had voice that could melt your heart.  She was going to California for training and if I understood correctly a singing career.

We both got off the plane and I was surprised to see her trying to catch a cab outside.  I was going to stay at a youth hostel and needed a ride also.  I asked where she was going only to discover we were going to the same location.

We caught a ride together it was Sunday late having been on a plane eleven hours and worked four hours that day I was tired.  The hostel was nice bunk beds and community shower.  I locked my stuff up in the locker provided put on shorts and went to shower.  Not seeing a man or woman sign just seeing shower signs I went in a got ready for a shower.  Surprise surprise when Pink waked in the buff.  At least she was not shaved from the eyebrows down.  She had hairy legs, and underarms she pretended to try to cover up.  Myself manhood is what manhood does when seeing beauty.  She said something like looking for a shower to shave.  I turned around not ogle her anymore than I had already did.

“Game to start Avatar 194,050,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Venus, Athena, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Venus of the Athena.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the goddess of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,050,230 points.

She laughed which like music to my ears.  “Silly boy,” she says and out she went to another shower.  Instead of a relaxing warm shower that night I was freezing cold.  Though parts of me stood out.

That night memory lessons, pushups, sit ups, and leg curls got me to sleep well for my hour.  During the dead of night while sleeping I felt a warm embrace.  Pink whispered something like I was cold. Thinking of the cold shower I could agree with her.  But her embrace was warm and we slept the hour away.  Getting up she was already moving to.  I had to ask her if she needed more sleep.  She laughed again with that wonderful sound.  No she was going to Mr. Lee training to in the morning.  Caught off guard I asked what classes.

She was going for breathing training to help her singing, and two other classes which as I recall were not on the list. I asked how she got into the two and her statement was evasive.

Arriving at Mr. Lee’s training school was a let down.  The building is nondescriptive. 

Entering with Pink I give my forms to Ms. Olive.  She looked it over and gave me a box to put my stuff in.  Then handed me a suit indicating a dressing room.  Pink just went someplace.

Coming out in the suit I was meet by a guy introducing himself as Jim.  He was to be my shooting instructor.  He let me know that he was a former Marine sniper, who had gone through a lot of additional marksmanship training.  The class had me and three ladies.  The instructor started out with the standing position. Stating that the position is the hardest and the rest required less concentration because of balance. Somehow I had missed that part at Bob’s gun shop. The first position standing i nailed the target at the starting distance.   Then the next five distances.  Jim was impressed.  At the longest distance I hit the target again.  Laughing Jim said I was a natural and to sit out while the ladies did their practice run.  

Linda a fitness instructor was real good.  However she missed the target after the third distance. She swore like a person with personal issues.  Jill with her dear eyes did not even hit the first target.  Jenny a soldier was out to prove something did the first five target only missing the last one but getting the corner of the target paper from the farthest distance.

That was my first class.  Jim took me aside and said I should pay splits instead of for a full class.  Not understanding he said that my natural ability would be wasted if I spent the whole class with sniper training and that I should try to get into another class but only have to pay for one. That was my first five hours. 

Sleeping on the floor I was awoken by Jill.  I am not sure why women were coming onto me.  But she was comfortable and soft so I embraced her for my hour nap and sleep like a baby.

Getting up we both did exercises together in silence.  She went to her next class which I believe was how to be a human spider and I went to my class on how to throw a punch like a tiger.

The class instructor was a lady. She introduced herself as Ms. Claw.  There were three of us, the two guys Bob and Robert snickered at Ms. Claw.  Myself, I was a bit intimidated because she looked like a supermodel with muscles,  She asked each of us our training and background while looking over our paperwork.  Bob had a long list of belts and studies.  Robert was a boxer.  I felt like the newbie that I was out of place. She instructed Bob to throw a punch Tiger style open palm at a board.  His fingers clawed the board making long scratches.  Ms. Claw asked Robert to do the same.  Instead of an open palm he broke the board with his fingernails.  My turn and all I could do was the tiger open palm punch which left nothing on the board.  She then instructed us on a personalized different style of punch and said to throw a thousand punches at a punching manikin.  After which each of us was given an extra set of sit ups, push ups and to run a couple of miles.  Not having run anytime in my life since high school I asked about timing.  She said just run it to get your muscles to work.  

After all that I went for my nap.  Bob and Robert went out to club.  Again I found myself awaken for a moment by Jill.  Her dear eyes made me wonder. I was about to talk but she just closed her eyes and slept as did I.

The third class was on memory. I entered and was surprised. There was me and Pink in the room.  She was silent.    The instructor walked in.  Introduced himself as Mr. Wizard and begin to ask questions on what techniques we used.   I had used a short version of remember four to six items in a roll.  While Pink explained she was using a memory palace to story her thoughts.  Mr. Wizard was impressed with Pink.  She had memorized almost every top 10 songs from country, to rock for the past 20 years.  He asked me why I did not use the memory palace technique also.  Awkwardly I explained I did not have a home that I could recall where to put everything.  He provided me a question about where I liked to eat or favorite fast food place.  He then instructed me to use that place to store my ideas or a library.  Being more open to a library I used one that I knew from heart as a child.  Pink did not speak to me through the class.  At the end of the class Mr. Wizard gave me a book and informed me to memorize it by tomorrow.  And with that the class was over and time for me to nap.

“Game to start Avatar 194,065,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Zeus, Thor, Athena, Venus, Mars, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Venus of the god of war.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the god of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,065,230 points. This time the deity took out a bet against the avatar while everyone else bet for him.

I went to nap on the floor.  This time was a bit more awkward.  I awoke to find Jill embracing me with Pink holding me like a love pillow.  But I said nothing just sleeping between the warmth. 

Getting up saying nothing I exercised while the ladies relaxed a bit.  I then went to my breathing class. Pink followed me.  There the instructor gave instructions to jump into the pool with a brick and hold your breath as long as you could.  I followed the instructions.  The pool was deeper than I expected.  After seven minutes I was brought back with lips blowing into my mouth. Pink had saved me.

“Game to start Avatar 194,063,230 points include …..”  came over a broadcast.  Venus, Mars, and the Jewish deity walked towards the betting counter.  “What do you think of the odds” asked Venus of the god of war.  The Jewish deity just laughed.  “What is so funny,” asks the god of war.  The deity just smiles. “This one prayers to me,” came the reply.  

The game of the gods plays each night while the spirit is at the betting counter. Showing off the points shown as money, health, honor, fame, creativity.  Each night the gods place wagers on the humans to play out a game that is preset the night before. 

This is one of the games being played with avatar with 194,063,230 points.

The game plays on with billions upon billions of souls each night.  Sometimes memories are rewarded and other times punished.  But the real lesson is life is but a game for a moment in time.