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"Lover Haters Club" film interview


1. Christan van Slyke, what inspired you to write the script "Lover Haters Club"?

• I have always really enjoyed coming of age, teen films. I wanted to explore the genre and offer a fresh and unique take on it myself. Music is powerful and essential in teen life, well life in general. With inspiration of a popular teen icon, I integrated her music and performances into the story; with hopes of not only entertaining the viewer but inspiring them toward self reflection. Each of my stories have a message and I wanted this one to be powerful for the up and coming generations. 

2. As the writer, how does the film ”Lover Haters Club” explore the themes of relationship games and conditional love?

• Lover Haters Club explores the highs and lows of teen agnst, heartbreak, romances and teenage life in general per your typical entertaining, coming of age film. However, this one takes a bit of a unique turn when a mature group of friends have had enough of the "dating" or "were not dating" scene. They decide to take a stand and make a pact that will hopefully influence those around them toward better morals, better choices in relationships, and self value. 

3. Can you share insights into the character dynamics within the Lover Haters Club?

• There are a variety of amusing and quite relatable characters and situations in Lover Haters Club. I always try to write as such. I feel any viewer will connect and relate with most of the characters. There is a lot of hilarious, witty banter and dynamics within the main cast. I find it quite entertaining and am hopeful others will as well. 

4. Christan, what roles do the stars, Anna Stadler, Megan Reneau, Diana Noris, and Rachelle Henry, play in the film?

-Anna Stadler takes on the role of "Maisy." The voice of reason in many situations. She's also an intern at the local paper. She's the driving force in the formation of the club. 

-Rachelle Henry plays "Ivy Abernathy" A bit of an introvert, but kind and highly intelligent. She's been overlooked most of her life. Best friends with Stella & Harper since a young age. 

-Diana Noris plays "Ms. Rosenbaum" a teacher at the girls school. 

-Megan Reneau plays "Stella Beckham" the leader of all things regarding her circle, (at least that's what she'd like to be,) who thrives on perfection. Best friends with Ivy and Harper since a young age, she'd protect her friends at all cost. 

5. Anna, what is your role like in LOVER HATERS CLUB?

Maisy isn’t a main character, but she is an integral part of the storyline in that she helps put in to motion what needs to happen to bring about the club and its goals. I also really like her perspective in that she’s not afraid to call things like she sees them. I appreciate that she is a straight shooter.

6. Anna, what made you want to join the project? Tell us what you love about “LOVER HATERS CLUB.”

I have great admiration for Christan van Slyke’s writing as well as her as a person, and after reading the script, I knew that it was something that I would enjoy watching. It’s unique, in that it’s a storyline I haven’t seen done before but is relatable to anyone that’s ever been a teen, ever been in love, or ever experienced heartbreak. 

7. Anna, what are you most excited for people to see in LOVER HATERS CLUB? 

The dynamic between the main characters is an aspect that I can’t wait for people to experience. They have unlikely friendships but care sincerely about each other despite their differences. I also adore their banter back and forth and find it genuine. I won’t share a spoiler, but I’m also excited about the ending and know that viewers will enjoy those last scenes from so many angles. 

8. Christan, please tell us where we can find out more about your project and stay up to date. 

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