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Maly Siharath Model, Author, Custom Designer and Owner of Tequila 1975

Maly Siharath,  my readers will not know you. Could you tell them a bit about yourself? Model, author, custom designer, and owner of Tequila 1975, what got you into each?


As a model, I have always been passionate about fashion and expressing myself through clothing. This led me to pursue a career in costume design, where I could use my creativity to bring characters and stories to life through their wardrobes. Additionally, I have always been fascinated by the behind-the-scenes work of productions, which drew me to become a producer. And as for owning Tequila 1975, it was a natural progression for me, as I have always loved the sense of community and celebration that comes with enjoying a good drink with friends.


Can you share with us the inspiration behind starting 1975 Tequila, and how has your journey been as its owner? (can I get a link to the brand?) 

The inspiration behind starting 1975 Tequila was to create a premium tequila. As an owner, my journey has been challenging, but incredibly rewarding. I have learned so much about the tequila industry and have been able to share my passion for this spirit with others. It has been a fulfilling experience to see 1975 Tequila grow . 

“Memoir of a Muse” sounds like a captivating read. Could you tell us what drove you to write it and the main message or themes you aimed to convey through your memoir?

My book “Memoir of a Muse,” is the culmination of my experiences working with talented photographers over the span of 20 years as a model. Through my work, I have gained a unique perspective on the art of photography and the creative process behind it. I hope to share my insights and memories with readers, and inspire others to appreciate and explore the world of fashion and photography.

Your work on “Vice Squad” seems diverse, spanning various cities. How do you approach costume design differently when working on projects set in different locations?

When working on “Vice Squad,” my approach to costume design changes depending on the location of the project. Each city has its own unique style and culture, and it is important for me to research and understand these differences in order to accurately reflect them in the costumes. For example, a project set in New York City may require a more urban and edgy look, while a project set in Los Angeles may call for a more laid-back and trendy style. I also take into consideration the time period and specific characters within each location, adjusting my designs accordingly. It is important for me to be versatile and adaptable in order to accurately capture the essence of each city in my costume designs.

Transitioning from “Vice Squad” to “Corky All Grown Up” seems like a shift in genre and format. How do you adapt your costume design approach when working on different types of projects, such as TV series versus short films?

When working on different types of projects, such as TV series versus short films, l approach costume design with a different mindset. For a TV series, I focus on creating costumes that are versatile and can be worn multiple times throughout the season. I also consider the practicality and durability of the costumes, as they will be worn repeatedly. However, for a short film, I am able to be more creative and experimental with my designs, as they do not need to withstand multiple wears. I also take into account the specific needs of the project, such as the time period, setting, and character development, to create costumes that best fit the story and bring the characters to life.

With your extensive experience in costume design, what do you believe is the most crucial aspect of bringing a character to life visually through their clothing?

As a costume designer, I believe that the most crucial aspect in bringing a character to life visually through their clothing is understanding the character’s personality, background, and motivations. It is important to consider not only the time period and setting of the story but also the character’s emotional journey and how their clothing can reflect that. Additionally, attention to detail and incorporating subtle symbolism can add depth to the character and enhance the overall storytelling. Ultimately, the goal is to create a cohesive and believable visual representation of the character that enhances the audience’s connection to the story.
As a multifaceted individual involved in both the entertainment industry and the spirits business, how do you balance your creative pursuits with the demands of running a successful brand like 1975 Tequila?

Balancing my creative pursuits with the demands of running a successful brand like 1975 Tequila is no easy feat. However, I have found that setting clear priorities and creating a schedule that allows for both my creative endeavors and business responsibilities is key. I also rely on a strong team to help me manage the day-to-day operations of the brand, allowing me to focus on my creative passions. Additionally, I make sure to take breaks and find time for self-care to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Looking ahead, what are some of your goals or aspirations for the future, both professionally and personally?

In the future, I hope to continue growing and developing in my career, taking on new challenges and responsibilities. I also aspire to maintain a healthy work-life balance, prioritizing time with loved ones and pursuing personal interests and hobbies. Ultimately, my goal is to find fulfillment and happiness in both my professional and personal life.
