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Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Generation X the start of a recession where they took our lives and gave us debt without a career or a profession and said screw you try to make a living in a world where either you were not trained or did not get into the right profession. 1995 When Clintons screwed the world by starting this bogus everyone should get a house to cllapse in 2008 under to much debt and not enough work to a communist international plan of McCain, Obama, Clinton where everyone should work to death for the dollar and communist in China. Paying 40 percent in taxes on debt which does not makes sense that the social security fund is a debt not a savings account. Imprisoning people for smoking a plant since the 70s making 20 percent of the US citizenship illegal. Not allowing kids to sell lemonade without a business permit. Telling folks PC is correct while changing people perceptions on sexuality causing more diseases, abortions, and divorces. What really gets me is the 1 trillion dollars in student loans. Slavery to an education system that fails to provide an education to people trying to just survive. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.


My reply my pledge allegiance to e-parallel-world-traveling-man-120370 answer these question below. Where is your heart.. left, left center, center, right center, right. Where is Japan? Where is New Zealand one isle or two? Abe Lincoln senator prior to president? South America is right below North America or 2400 east of south? Sun when did it turn white from yellow? How many states are in the US? 50, 51, 52, 58? When does America election happen?

My reply my pledge allegiance to the flag hand over my heart was on left side of my chest, Japan was off the coast of China. New Zealand one island above Australia. Abe Lincoln like JFK was a senator. Hillary Clinton remembers this too in CNN 2014 interview. South America was below North America not 2400 east. sun was yellow may 18, 2016 here the sun was turned white 2003 during katrina with a force field extending towards the sun which melted the north pole. 51 states of the us of a to me. Puerto Rico voted 51 in March 2016 to become 51st state. however Obama interview remembers 58 states. election date November 8 however Trump remembers November 28 to vote..

The unexpected. What is a dream. I thought it was just a thought. To find out that a dream is another reality is awkward to say the least. To realize you dream about ideological changes and personalities puts you among people that were leaders at one time makes one leery. Meaning not everyone can be special. I know this. I also know my marks on my inside of my mouth represent a specific occurance which I watched as the other me did it. I was a bit more surprised when I realized what I was seeing. Evil, my dear reader I am evil, not bragging in honestly confessing, hoping my path leads me towards Christ Jesus, and a path of salvation versus a murky hell of which I have seen. Hell is a real place smaller than I would expect however more compacted. To begin this story one reader must realize something the pattern of the galaxy of the Milky Way is much bigger and older and tells many more stories then one. That history, geographical places, and personalities change per jump that I have seen and can state for a fact the truth. The oddity is when I dream so real that my mouth feels the touch and blood of an adventure is not what I was expecting. However, I should have expected this when I awoke some 4 billion years away from my reality. I lived for 45 years on an earth at the outer edge of Sagittarius star system which can not be seen from this Orion star system. My speculation is the black hole which on my planet we did not know of has curved space enough to hide the wideth of the galaxy from those viewing it. Meaning the gravity well of the black hole is eating this solar system even as we speak at a rate so slow that thousands of years will have gone by however that will allow for those on the outer rim to have died and lived faster than those of us caught in this spirally death trap. Are we dead or at least am I dead is this purgatory for me. The dream.. if I tell it what will happen who will believe that dreams are real and symbolism is not what you would expect. I think a few will understand. At first I could not understand, I stopped dreaming for a while say past few months. Then the dream it felt real, how real, more real then me moving between planets as a soul traveling from parallel worlds where when I began JFK had 6 people in that car, Japan was off the coast of China. To be able to connect to a dream. A 1000 chances to find Jah or God however, what is not explained well by Solomon when he let slip there is nothing new under the sun .. means your soul is playing all 1000 chances at once at the same time with the same energy which is time, the only difference is the light. wild, each dream whether good or bad or evil represents something within you dealing with from one of those lives or times.. Job per the Jewish lore was the father of Abraham reborn. Could this be truth. All I can say is pay attention to your dreams.
