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Matt Johnson Candidate Representative for Florida House District 29


Matt Johnson As a father, husband and small business owner; Matt knows all too well how intrusive government can be into the lives of the people of Volusia County. He will work to protect the rights of Floridians and put their needs first.

What inspired you to run for public office as a Libertarian candidate in Florida House District 29?

 – I’ve been involved in political activism since at least 2016. But it wasn’t until 2020 when I watched governments at all levels lose their collective minds playing king maker determining which businesses were fit to survive and which had to be locked down. I watched as they banned speech they didn’t like, strip natural rights away from people they didn’t agree with, and this past year with social media bans, politicians banning hemp derived products at the behest of large pharmaceutical medical marijuana corporations; I decided it was enough. If nobody else is going to stand up for the rights of everyone, then I will.

How do you plan to represent the diverse voices and values of your district in the state legislature? – This one is really simple. As a Libertarian, I believe in the Non Aggression Principle or the NAP as we call it. Which means that people should live their lives the way they see fit, as long as they’re not “aggressing” on others rights. I have studied the founding documents, and the essays written back and forth supporting why this Nation was created with the Constitution as it’s guide, and understand that the true nature of Government isn’t to be the Nanny for everyone, and to tell them how to live their lives and what they can and can’t do. The true purpose of the government is to protect the rights of those they “represent.” That hasn’t been the case for a long time, and I will look at every bill I write, every bill I sponsor, or vote on will be based on that philosophy.

Can you outline some specific policies or initiatives you intend to pursue if elected?

 – Certainly, some of the more important ones for me include Education Freedom, Criminal Justice Reform, Healthcare Freedom, Economic Freedom, and of course Limited Government. I know, every politician that’s ever run in the last decade or two at least, but the difference is I have actual policy plans. For example, regarding Education Freedom, it can be boiled down to Parents choice, competition and innovation, and “money follows the child” policy. I mean in a perfect world, Libertarians believe taxation is coercion, and theft, but if we are to be taxed, then it should be used in ways that benefit us, not the government. I have further policy positions broken down on my website so as to not type a novel. Mattforflhouse.com More will be added as the campaign goes along as well.

How do you envision balancing the principles of individual freedom and limited government intervention with the practical responsibilities of governing?

 – The two are not mutually exclusive. Lets take the issue of marijuana for example. This year, the issue of a constitutional amendment to legalize its possession and use will be on the ballot. It violates the rights of nobody if either you or I were to possess and even partake of a plant that has been shown to have plenty of medicinal properties. Yet the so called party of “limited government” the GOP are chomping at the bit to ensure it doesn’t end up on the ballot. It’s clear that a majority of people are in support of this, yet government wants to get in the way because it’s something they don’t agree with. One can make just laws, and repeal unjust laws, and still ensure society functions properly and without chaos.

What sets you apart from other candidates running for the same position in terms of your qualifications and vision for the district? 

– I believe the most qualified to represent the people of their district is as close as possible to the people he or she are seeking to represent. Because at the end of the day, that’s what you’re elected to do. Represent. Too many politicians like to think of themselves as our “Leaders.” I also believe the most qualified to represent the people are those who are funded and supported by the people, not huge corporations looking for favors.

How do you plan to engage with constituents throughout your campaign and, if elected, during your time in office?

 – I work in technology, so naturally I will leverage the tools I’m familiar with of course, social media, email, websites, etc. But I also am not afraid to pick up the phone and call the people and have a conversation. The same can be said in reverse, I’m not opposed to answering a call from a voter expressing their opinion or a constituent with a complaint about a vote or a bill. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve emailed, written, and called my local, state, and even federal representatives to express a concern about a bill or a vote, and have been sent directly to voicemail or received no response at all. That’s not how you represent the people, at the very least, I promise to respond to emails and return phone calls.

What strategies do you have in place to raise the necessary funds for your campaign, beyond individual contributions?

– Pure and simple elbow grease. I’ll make the phone calls, send texts, knock doors, attend events (and even host events, we’re already working on one with another candidate or two that will be on the ballot in Volusia in November.

How do you intend to collaborate with other lawmakers from different political affiliations to achieve your goals and serve the best interests of Florida House District 29? 

– Probably one of my favorite things about being a Libertarian, is the saying, “I don’t know best how to run your life, only you do.” This means we’re much more open to debate and hearing other points of view that we may not disagree with then your average Democrat or Republican. They’re used to having to “tow the party line” or lose committees or even being primaried. There are Libertarians of every sort on the left to right spectrum, so collaborating with others who may not see eye to eye is something we do on a daily basis in this party.
