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Natalie Oden Actress in a film by Clinton Siegle

Natalie Oden is known for Girl Blood Sport (2019), I Solve Problems (2021) and Unmanageable (2021).


Her latest film is Dreamer with director Clinton Siegle.  Tells a  Experimental story in film about a  Dreamer. Her story about the romance of film and the challenges to get people to work together. Written as a dream sequence each scene was interpreted by actors to their own experience from rubbing shoulders with famous actors to romance of film producing and red carpet walks to the required hate love relationship of an imaginary friend that runs off to join a circus to a Ferris Wheel romance which kiss is missed or not.

Natalie Oden is a model and has been featured on several magazines and is great to work with.

Ms. Oden, What made you get into acting?


I've always loved acting since I was a child. I would watch a lot of movies and tv shows and just imagine myself being on screen, playing different types of characters.

Do you want to work on movie sets, theater, or both?
I want to work on movie sets.

Ms. Oden, you have been directed by the Mad Hatter out of Boliva, Clinton Siegle what was that like?

It was a pretty good experience. I took a lot of directions from him.

Ms. Oden, the film you were part of Easterseal 5 minute challenge.  What was thatexperience like?

Very challenging. We had to work around everything to make everything work. From the script changes to how to make everything work for filming as well as sending in our videos to editors.


What part of the film business do you like the most?

Telling stories on camera and bringing them to life.

Ms. Oden, what genre of movies do you or would you like to act in?

I don't think I have a favorite genre though I do like fantasy, horror, serious, comedy, etc.

Do you believe talent or training is important as an actor?

I believe both talent and training are important as an actor.

Do you ever get nervous?

A little bit but once's I'm go into character, my nerves go away.

What do you most enjoy about acting?

I just love playing different characters.

Ms. Oden, what is your dream acting project? With whom do you want to work with?

I'm happy to work with anyone.

Ms. Oden, what question do you wish I had asked? And what is the answer to that question?
The questions that I wished you had asked me is 
1 What do you like about acting the most? I would say is that it's very therapeutic for me. I just love to get away from the real world and be in a different universe.

2. What should every actor know? I would say is that if acting is what you want to do, go for it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.




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