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Remove the state department budget, no reason they get 29 billion dollars, and social security get shorted. Remove the budget for Afghanistan 79 billion dollars no reason the president's word of no troops, there should cost American taxpayers a dime anymore. Remove the budget for potus golf games. Why does he get a vacation and golf that cost more than an average America will make on their lifetime? Remove the budget and funding of Syria's rebels and Saudis by 5 billion - 3 billion Saudis 2 billion rebels no reason they get money and the vets which fought do not get care promised them. Place that 114 billion on the deficit which has raised this year by 538 billion. Shame is shame.

Remove the state department budget, no reason they get 29 billion dollars, and social security get shorted. Remove the budget for Afghanistan 79 billion dollars no reason the president's word of no troops, there should cost American taxpayers a dime anymore. Remove the budget for potus golf games. Why does he get a vacation and golf that cost more than an average America will make on their lifetime? Remove the budget and funding of Syria's rebels and Saudis by 5 billion - 3 billion Saudis 2 billion rebels no reason they get money and the vets which fought do not get care promised them. Place that 114 billion on the deficit which has raised this year by 538 billion. Shame is shame.

People say this is old news.. no.. the budget for 2016 is still continuing.. no one has stopped paying Saudis 2 or 3 billion a year.. Why? ask your government.

Ask for change.. be the change.. do something good.  be good, stop spending money or wasting money on Sunnis that just cost more money.

I was at the library when I bumped against a shelf. The shelf clicked and swung open. There was a dusty old room. I walked in and on a table was a book. So I picked it up. Going out of the room, I pushed the shelf back in place and sat down. The book was old. I flipped through the book, and a page fell out. It was an old MacDonald map from the 1960s with the town blocks and an x in the middle of, what was an abandoned car lot? Going there with a shovel I found a journal.